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World War 3


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Let us go back to the year of 1945, late July if you will. World War II is close to over. The Allied troops have forced Germany and Italy to surrender. Adolf Hitler has shot himself while Benito Mussolini has been hanged. Japan still bravely fights on, even after losing Burma and Borneo. America is still reeling from the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, forcing Vice President Harry S. Truman into the limelight. He gives the US Army permission to use the two atomic bombs Little Boy and Fat Man against Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But something goes terribly wrong. Instead of flattening the two cities (and avoiding millions of Japanese and American casaulties), the bombs wipe out most of the world's population, including all existing governments. Mankind loses parts of history and is sent back into the dark ages. Survivors of this catastrophe have been somehow scattered over the entire world. Every person that exists can now talk in the same language. Was this an act of God, a small reversal of the Tower of Babel? Nobody will ever know.

From these ashes, mankind tries to rebuild itself. But it will be to no avail. A war like no other will engulf this barren soil until only one nation exists. O the irony that the end of one war that involved the entire world should start another one. And so, World War 3 begins!

World Map (updated every three real days):


Current Nations:

Ho Chi Minh City - Silas - Life (Seven Nation Army)

McMurdo Station - Kingdom of the Holy Grail - General Spoon (Minnesota Vikings)

Cape Town - Melodia - Snowy_One (Ember)

Canberra - The Empire of Hilarious Accents - Ninji (English Rejects)

Cairo - Forbidden Asylum - Core (Desert Rangers)

Abidjan - Greater Mustela - Furetchen Arrowroot (The 62nd Disenfranchised)

Toronto - ? - WoMC (Hasn't posted yet)

St. Petersburg - The Motherland - Pheonix (The Spetznaz Brigade)

Bogota - Kingdom of Light - Ulki (Enlightenment)

Los Angeles - Hubris - Pride (The Band of Hawk)

Dublin - Lalaland - Lightning (Leprechaun Squad)

Berlin - Republic of Arya - Ether (Schleifung Rückkehr zur Gnade)

This map is just a reference point of how all the nations are expanding. I do not know that there is an army in Beijing until I find out from scouts, for example.

Please read these rules (may be editted except for those that specifically claim that they won't be):

1) BE REALISTIC. If you have a powerful enough army, you can destroy another army easily! If you attack with a nuclear attack, methinks the enemy will die!

2) You may start out with up to 250 troops, and further advance to, but not surpass an army limit of 7,500. Armies may only be recruited through a realistic way.

3) One day in-game is 6 hours out-of-game.

4) You are allowed to gain 50 units every 2 game days (100 every real day). However, you do not have to post every game day. If you do not post, you may make up all the troops that would have arrived between your latest log and the current one. Therefore, if you do not make a log for 48 hours, you are allowed to gain 200 units in your next log. However, if you make a log but do not add troops to it, that is too bad. Try to keep your troops within the general alignment of your army, e.g. an army based on feudal Japan won't have American style snipers.

5) You may only control up to three (3) Generals, starting with only one. A General is a person that you create and roleplay within logbook updates. (S)He should be a fictional (imaginary) person and is not forced to rule an area since real life emulates it (a Japanese person may rule in South America, for example).

5a) You may only gain one general every two real weeks. You army must also have above 2,500 soldiers to gain a second General and above 5,000 for the third.

5b) If you have gained your generals in a legal fashion, then you need not get rid of them, even if losses in battle or some other situation reduce your troop amount to below the amount necessary to originally gain that general.

5c) Creative choices for generals are encouraged. However, any sign of giving “godly” powers to a general will be seen as an invitation to the War Mod allowing him to take away the god-general AND one other general of the War Mod’s choice. If your idea of a new general is questionable, please consult the War Mod before deciding.

6) Your base is located in the city of your choosing. You also control a bit of the surrounding area and previous borders from today's world map will be ignored. Your territory will be colour-coded and the capital city will appear on Day 1 of your logs. If you construct a fort (which may turn into a city), that will be added to the map too.

7) Battles are not timed, but turn based. You make an action, and wait for a response. In an attack or defending situation, the war moderator will determine casualties. Numbers will be realistic, e.g. 500 samurais could destroy a fort that has only 50 GSG-9 members with little to no casualties. If you wish to attack another army (as in your units are in the right area), PM me and I'll explain what will happen at that point.

7a) In the event that someone who is attacked does not respond within seventy-two hours, that person automatically loses the battle. The attacker, in turn, suffers minimal casualties. Once again, PM me to respond.

8) Timing will be used for building structures, researching technologies, and other appropriate events such as rituals or sending letters. When any of these are completed, send me a PM stating what they do and how they can be destroyed. That then becomes out-of-game knowledge until figured out in-game by another player.

8a) Four 'projects' are allowed to be going on at any one time. Projects include anything timed based upon rule 8. This number can be altered by random events, very large scale projects, and ongoing wars.

8b) Since I will have access to project info, it's very easy for me to cheat. So as much as I'd like to say that I'll go by the honour code, it's not enough. I'm currently trying to figure out a safeguard to keep me from cheating so if anyone has an idea, please post it here.

8c) Completing a project requires soldiers. The more soldiers you lend the the task, the faster the project goes. That being said, I really don't have to explain why having soldiers doing projects are bad for defenses.

8d) Be reasonable with the time that you give a project. If you research how to make ships, don't give it a two day time limit. You don't have to go with 100 days either but something like 14 days with a lot of soldiers is pretty reasonable.

9) Read ALL posts that you haven't yet before posting, so you know what is happening. Anything I've posted is especially important to read since I may post again with special events that are happening.

10) Post in a logbook format. Say what you did that day. For battles, you may make several posts a day saying what you did in battle.

11) If you are banned from the game, any continued posts other than those contesting the ban except when noted otherwise will be reported to the mods here.

12) Having multiple armies under multiple accounts will result in an automatic ban. NO EXCEPTIONS. In other words, if you have multiple accounts, they must all be in charge of the same army and you must also inform us. That being said, multiple accounts is already enough to have you perma-banned from SF so... yeah.

13) Respect the war moderators (Life and Phoenix). They exercise arbitrary power, and may state exceptions to the rules if the situation is appropriate.

14) War moderators can play in the game, however, their actions are subject to the jurisdiction of the other war moderators. War moderators cannot be allies in the game, and if their rulings appear biased, a vote can be taken according to rule 15 to either remove them from being a war moderator or a player.

15) If a war mod is found incompetent/unfair, a vote will be taken by users that meet these requirements:

15a) Have participated in at least one game of Mafia here.

15b) Have at least 1 unit.

15c) Have not previously been declared banned or defeated by the war mod.

15d) A two thirds majority vote is required to oust a war mod.

The war mod will be stripped of his powers, and a replacement will be found immediately in accordance to rule 16.

15e) The other war mod must agree to the ousting of the first one.

16) In the event that a War Mod is ousted and a replacement cannot immediately be found, the position will be temporarily filled by the person who held the job prior to the incompetent/unfair Moderator.

17) No War Mod may make any changes to Rules 15, 16, and/or 17 unless his changes are approved by an official vote.

18) Random Events are as the name suggests: things that the War Moderator makes happen randomly to either players or locations. There is no set pattern to them, and they may or may not be beneficial.

18a) If a War Moderator seems to be favoring or harming a certain player or group of players deliberately through the use of Random Events, the action can be revoked by a three-fourths majority of the players.

19) You must post everything you're working on in your logs. Every single little detail.

20) When you post in your log, it is not public knowledge. When you send a letter, it cannot be intercepted easily. Point is, just because someone has it in their logs for all to see, it doesn't mean that you can act as though your character knows it. For example, if someone is plotting to betray you behind your back, you can't act as though you know it.

20a) This rule has a three strike warning system to it. The first time a person disobeys this rule, they lose the ability to recruit soldiers for a full day (4 in-game days) and all of their projects have an extra in-game day extension. The second time this rule is broken, the army will lose 25% of its soldiers and all projects will have a week long in-game extension. The third time this happens, you're outta here. In the case of War Mods, they lose their War Mod position permanently as part of the second strike.

21) No arguing. Whatever the War-mod says, goes. If you're absolutely sure that the War Mod is screwing you, refer to rule 15.

22) To sign up, contact me with the name of the city (must exist on a proper map) that you want as your base. Once I give you the go ahead, you may post your first day of logs.

23) If you don't like your starting area on the map (the land I give you, to be exact), deal with it. You're still gonna conquer everything.

24) To win, you must be the last army standing. Simple as that.

25) Declaring alliances and war: Self explanatory. If you want to go to war with someone, it's probably best if there's a reason for it in your logs which involves attacking. If you want to make an alliance with someone, don't just declare an alliance. Send a letter with gifts and wait for a response. It's how they did it in the olden days.

26) PMs are forbidden but not needed anyway. Since everything is done out in the open, it's not hard to figure out who's going to team up with whom.

27) Weapons start out primitive (swords, axes, lances, bows... the usual). The longer the game goes, the more time you'll have to research gunpowder and create real arms. However, weapons that were created after WW2 are out (and story wise, there's a reason for it). You cannot go start researching gunpowder until your army has hit the 6,000 threshold mark. Also, guns will be stronger than primitive weapons but not by much (there's a reason why the African Zande warriors were feared).

28) In case you didn't realize from the flavour post, people aren't stupid. They've just lost a great deal amount of technology from years past. They understand how to survive, mine and build stuff. They just don't know how to build specific things (which is where researching comes in).

29) In the ensuing blast, the world's terrain got altered a bit. As in Antarctica started growing plants and warming up, deserts got a bit cooler and start to enjoy rain and other places got a bit fucked up. My point is that the actual terrain now doesn't have too much on an impact on where your base is. Terrain will only play a big factor in battles and most of that will be man-made stuff (forts and defense lines and whatnots) if you guys are smart about living.

30) Have fun. And if I missed something or you're not sure about something, ask here or PM me about it.

This is a basic starting log layout.

If there are any questions, ask, and ye shall receive.

Army Name:




Country (country must be new, cannot have something like Canada or Russia):




Total of 0/7500




Also, take a look at this tech tree that Spoon gave me.


This goes to rule 28 when I said that people aren't stupid. They don't know yet how to create weapons or modes of transportation however they understand how to write and communicate. I don't think you need to be a genius to figure out what's allowed and what's not but ask me if you have any questions. And don't follow this tech tree religiously, I'm just using it to prove a point.

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Day 1

Army Name: Seven Nation Army

General: Ru'ach Hazak

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: Ho Chi Minh City

Country: Silas

War: None

Alliances: None


100 Commandos - At base

50 Commandos - Looking for mines

50 Commandos - Scouting

Total of 200/7500




Send soldiers out to look for possible mines - 5 days - 50 Commandos

Send scouts out to check out any possible armies in the area - 7 days - 50 Commandos


Ru'ach Hazak: One minute I'm fighting for a chance for a country and the next... BOOM! Suddenly, me and 200 of my men ended up in the middle of this thick overgrown forest. I've decided to make the best of it rather than look for where Palestine was. I set up camp on the edge of an ocean and sent soldiers out to scout and find mines. We need to make weapons ASAP so hopefully, they are successful.

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Since you know I expressed interest in this, I'd just like to say, I've decided not to play. The main reason being that I'm not a huge fan on highly RP things - when it sounded more like Risk, I was more interested :P. Still, I'm almost certain to watch the topic and see what's going on.

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Fayt, read the rules. You're supposed to PM me with the base of your choice before doing anything.

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Fayt, read the rules. You're supposed to PM me with the base of your choice before doing anything.

In all honesty, it's not like it wasn't a massive wall of text to read, and massive wall of text = tendency to gloss over the details.

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And that led to the breaking of no less than 5 rules? I can get one but not 5. 5 tells me that you didn't read at all.

EDIT: I know I seem like the big bad boss but if you do something like this, shit is going to get out of hand really quickly.

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And that led to the breaking of no less than 5 rules? I can get one but not 5. 5 tells me that you didn't read at all.

EDIT: I know I seem like the big bad boss but if you do something like this, shit is going to get out of hand really quickly.

So I'll go ahead and withdraw.

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So I'll go ahead and withdraw.

You can still play, just talk to me in PM. I sent you something there. If you have questions, ask me.

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Not that I'm in this game, (I wish I was, I didn't see it until now.) but I have to say I love this for using Civilization 4's tech tree, that thing is ridiculous. :lol:

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Army Name: Minnesota Vikings

General: The Dread Pirate Roberts

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: McMurdo Station

Country: Kingdom of the Holy Grail

War: None

Alliances: None


25 Vikings - At Base

75 Vikings - Looking for Cows

50 Vikings - Looking for Mines

50 Vikings - Spreading out on their own and conquering the surrounding territory

50 Vikings - Looking for a source of Wood

Total of 250/7500




Send warriors out to find cows that were mutated by the atomic blast so that they travel as fast as horses - 4 days - 75 Vikings

Send warriors out to look for possible mines - 5 days - 50 Vikings

Send warriors out to spread out and conquer the surrounding territory - 5 days - 50 Vikings

Send warriors out to locate a source of wood - 4 days - 50 Vikings


The Dread Pirate Roberts: Its quite cold today like usual. Sent some of my men to locate a mode of transportation, some more to locate a source of wood, some more to locate mines, and some more out to conquer the area. Kept a few of them here with me at base camp. We are having penguin for dinner again. Need to stop writing now and put my gloves back on before my fingers freeze. Hope to locate gloves I can write with while I wear them soon.

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I win.

Army Name: English Rejects

General: Zombie Steve Irwin

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: Canberra

Country: The Empire of Hilarious Accents

War: None

Alliances: None


50 Mutant Kangaroos - Finding Wood

100 Mutant Kangaroos - Claiming Nearby Territories

25 Mutant Kangaroos - Hunting for any Poisonous Animals

25 Mutant Kangaroos - At Base

50 Mutant Kangaroos - Searching for Mines

Total of 250/7500




Searching for a source of wood - 50 Mutant Kangaroos - 5 days

Claiming nearby territories - 100 Mutant Kangaroos - 3 days

Hunting for poisonous animals - 25 Mutant Kangaroos - 2 days

Searching for mines - 50 Mutant Kangaroos - 5 days


Zombie Steve Irwin: Crikey! It looks like I've been turned into a mutant zombie by this blast. Oh well, best get conquering. The kangaroos nearby, having also been mutated by the blast, have become super intelligent and have taught themselves to read, write, and speak English. They've decided to join me in my quest for world domination and, after a suspensful game of rock-paper-scissors, I ended up in charge. So, I sent those nasty blighters to go find some mines for us to claim, some wood to make so weapons and other assorted items, and sent told them to grab any poisonous animals they find so we can weaponize 'em. I've also sent 2/5ths of my troops out to squash anyone else who might be out there and to help expand the empire. That's about it for this entry, as I have to go wrestle a croc for dinner.

Edit: Also, I apologize to Australians everywhere.


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You do realise that that is actually moderatly simalar to the The Stand right? Only instead of ww2 and an atomic bomb casuing it, the events are caused by a suerflu invented for warfare purposes.

Also, A.) the scenario would be near impossible unless there was a uranium vein on that island that spred throughout the earths crust and B.) The survivors of such a bomb would eventually die of the fallout.

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Damn you ninji.

Army Name: The Band of Hawk

General: Shahryar


Base: Los Angeles

Country: Hubris

War: None

Alliances: None


80 soldiers - At base

50 soldiers - Looking for mines

70 soldiers - Scouting and expanding territory

50 soldiers - Looking for food

Total of 250/7500

Arms: None


Send troops to look for mines - 5 days

Send troops to take local territory - 4 days

Send troops to look for food, especially from the ruins of the LA zoo - 5 days


Shahryar: There is no time to be concerned about how we got to the point we are. I don't understand, and I don't want to. For now, my men are expanding our range and salvaging what we can from the ruins of the area. Most of the buildings were utterly destroyed, so we can't use them as raw materials. WE MUST SOLDIER ON.

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Army Name: Leprechaun Squad

General: Greg O'Donald

Messenger(Optional): Clint

Base: Dublin

Country: Lalaland

War: None

Alliances: None


50 Survivors- At base

50 Leprechauns- Looking for better weapons

50 Leprechauns- Making wood into rafts for rivers, etc.

50 Leprechauns- Scouting the area

50 Leprechauns- Getting more wood

Total of 250/7500


50 pieces of wood


Search for new weapons- 7 days

Making wood into rafts for traveling rivers, etc.- 3 days (this is being done at the base though so eh)

Scouting the area- 5 days

Getting more wood- 3 days


G.O.D (Yes i did give him those initials on purpose :awesome: so uh yeah): Top o' the mornin'. It's been a rather bizarre twist of events over these last few days. First off there was a mighty big blast caused pretty recently, and not many people survived. Here I've gathered a team o' survivors and several o' the leprechauns to unite the land we once lived in. We must do what we can to survive, eh?

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Army Name: Enlightenment



Base: Bogota

Country: Kingdom of Light

War: None

Alliances: None


60 (need something here...)- At base

40 - looking for resources (mines and wood mostly).

100 - expanding Territory

50 - Researching edible plants.

Total of 250/7500




Expanding territories - 4 days

Reasearching edible plants - 5 days

Looking for Resources - 4 days


??? - How i got here and who i am i do not know. All i remember is being hit in the head that knocked me out. One thing is clear though. We have to do what we can to survive.

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I don't understand the point of the tech tree at all.

Army Name: Desert Rangers

General: Akhom


Base: Cairo

Country: Forbidden Asylum

War: None

Alliances: None


70 rangers-at base

80 rangers-expanding territory

30 rangers-researching metals

40 rangers-looking for food

30 rangers-looking for mines

Total of 250/7500




Expanding territories - 4 days

Reasearching metals - 6 days

Looking for food - 3 days

Looking for mines-5 days


I am here, in this forsaken desert. I do not know why or how. I do know that we'll be needing to fight soon though.

We are hungry, we need food and water. Today I sent out some men looking for food. We are weaponless, and so we need weapons. I have men researching metals and men looking for mines. We also need more land. I sent out men to scout the area in the arabian peninsula. If everything is clear, I plan to build forts to the north and to the south of the Caspian Sea.

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Army Name: Remanants

General: Eric Red


Base: Beijing

Country: Rising Ashes

War: None

Alliances: None


50 Remenants-at base

50 Remenants-expanding territory

50 rangers-attempting to create the wheel

50 rangers-hunting for food

50 rangers-looking for mines

Total of 250/7500




Expanding territories - 5 days

Learning to create the wheel - 3 days

Hunting for food - 2 days

Looking for mines-5 days


We found our country in ruins and the most of our people dead. However, we won't give up. It seems the fundementals that built our race have been taken down and the fight for survival begins. The buildings no longer flick with life, nor stand there. All around us is rubble. We need to reconstruct the blocks that made our nation great. The wheel is important to transportation and should help us in our quest to survive. We need material so our men must hunt for mines and food. We want to expand quickly to avoid being eaten by the great darkness that now surrounds us. Humanity has turned the clock back, it's time to push forward and undo the scars on Earth.

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These are a bunch of disenfranchised Allied troops that were holding the African front pre-apocalypse. And Ninji? Apology accepted, that was great.

Army Name: The 62nd Disenfranchised

General: Jack 'Jackal' Pendragon

Messenger(Optional): Harry

Base: Abidjan

Country: Greater Mustela

War: None

Alliances: None


50 Redshirts- Staying in the base

100 Redshirts- Moving out and expanding territory

20 Redshirts- Researching Horse-riding

40 Redshirts- Scouting for food

40 Redshirts- Scouting for mines

Total of 250/7500




Expanding territories - 5 days

Finding live horses somehow - 6 days

Looking for food - 5 days

Looking for mines-5 days


Captain Jackal Pendragon here...well, I guess I'm the closest thing we have to a commander now. Used to be that I envied the troops sent to Italy to take the fight to Mussolini. Well, now they're all dead, and we only got decimated. Well, more like halved. Goddamn American accuracy.

Anyways, all our guns and equipment got powdered, so we're mostly busy just getting things together. On the off-chance anyone else survived, well, the boys I sent out there are prob'ly gonna crush 'em. Ain't the brightest lads out there, but what can you do? Also, a couple of the lads say they can break horses. That sounds great. If, like, we can GET horses. Which might be hard. So I sent a couple morons out there to look for carcasses. I mean, a herd of miracle horses.

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And Ninji? Apology accepted, that was great.

I had no idea what you were talking about, and then I checked your location.

don't kill me when i run out of stereotypes, please

Edit: Er, REMEMBERED your location


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Army Name: Schleifung Rückkehr zur Gnade (Razing return to grace)

General: Leina Keirich

Messenger(Optional): Saff Zaira

Base: Berlin

Country: Republic of Arya

War: None

Alliances: None


75 Waffen SS - Begin preparing local mines

75 Waffen SS - Begin Fortifying city of Berlin

50 Waffen SS - Begin hunting for resources and prey animals

50 Waffen SS - Scout surrounding area for survivors and armed colonies

Total of 250/7500




Send Soldiers to prepare local mines for use - 75 Waffen SS - 7 Days

Have soldiers reinforce defensive perimeters around the remaining Structure of Berlin - 75 Waffen SS - 10 Days

Have Soldiers begin hunting for resources and animals to hunt - 50 Waffen SS - 3 Days

Have Soldiers scout local area for any potential disturbances - 50 Waffen SS - 5 Days


Leina Keirich: The catastrophe wiped out most of the forces in the former capitol...It seems my contingent is all that is readily active to get moving,although the prospects of potential recruits are good,the surrounding area seems to be only damaged lightly. Most important thing to start off with for the healthy is getting our mines working again, and to protect the city,those walls will save us someday,I am nearly certain of it.

The remaining men were sent to look for munitions,resources,food...whatever they can find,and to make sure that no hostiles are in the area.

It seems I was decided to be the leader of our remaining people.The Republic of Arya...it sounds with the majesty and grace of the Aryans that the former Fuhrer wished so much to resemble...I was praised often,my eyes an azure blue,and my hair a soft,pleasant blonde...not too bright,yet not too dull...I was said to be a perfect representation of a perfect world...wiping out those who are different is not in my agenda,moreso to spread throughout the remaining populace...I do not care about Aryan dominance,so much as that we are allowed to thrive.Still,my men may not accept it...but I have no objections so far,which is a good sign,at the very least.

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Suddenly, I want to wipe out Ether right away (I'm not a fan of the Waffen SS for a good reason).

Also guys, post the day that you are on. Since you can make up for lost days (every real day = 4 in game days currently), don't worry about missing days. Also, the first reinforcements come on Day 3, just so you know.

One last note: Once you finish a project, create another category called "Completed projects" and put it there. Eventually this list will become really long but I personally want you to have it so I can make sure that you aren't skipping steps (building something without researching it first).

Day 2

Army Name: Seven Nation Army

General: Ru'ach Hazak

Messenger(Optional): None

Base: Ho Chi Minh City

Country: Silas

War: None

Alliances: None


75 Commandos - At base

50 Commandos - Looking for mines

50 Commandos - Scouting

25 Commandos - Researching Small Boats

Total of 200/7500




Send soldiers out to look for possible mines - 4 days - 50 Commandos

Send scouts out to check out any possible armies in the area - 6 days - 50 Commandos

Research small boats - 5 days - 25 Commandos


Ru'ach Hazak: Today, I took a long look out at the sea and noticed some islands to the south-east. Maybe these islands are unpopulated? It would be a great idea if I could take control of them... if I could cross the sea, that is. Hopefully, a small vessel of some sort should do. I should let the engineers come up with such a craft in that case. Aside from that, I am currently waiting for my men to return.

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I had no idea what you were talking about, and then I checked your location.

don't kill me when i run out of stereotypes, please

Edit: Er, REMEMBERED your location


If you run out of stereotypes, this may help.

And I doubt my disenfranchised Allied troops will be too thrilled with the Republic of Arya, either...

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