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SF User Tier List

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What am I doing placed under no-names like Lightbrand99, Popo, and Interceptor?

Really this "tier list" of yours could use quite a bit of work.

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I heavily endorse this tier list. Also I endorse my Troll Tier list that is attached. Although Lyle is probably too high on Soul's. I mean, it's lawl dyke...

Also, D Hero and SeverIan up on Soul's list. D Hero for being hilarious, and SeverIan, yeah, I shouldn't even have to say it...

Edited by Dark Elves Suck
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*Is still being ignored.*

Jag vill känna känslan av att få gå under,

Höra världens svanesång

Se hur jorden manglas utav blixt och dunder

Götterdämmerung undergång

Elden bränner, blodet flyter branden ryker

Alla ni skall dö idag

Elden bränner, bloder flyter, domedagen ryter

Alla nu skall dö idag

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Je ne parle pas toujours ce que vous venez d'envoyer dès maintenant mais je pense que la société suédoise. Je ne sais pas im parle couramment le français mais pas en suédois.

Am i right?

Edited by Kai
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Je ne parle pas toujours ce que vous venez d'envoyer dès maintenant mais je pense que la société suédoise. Je ne sais pas im parle couramment le français mais pas en suédois.

Am i right?

Something like... I don't always come to watch but now I think of the Swedish society. And then something like...I don't speak french as well as I speak Swedish?

I'm trying not to use a translator on the net cuz I figure it's worth trying to exercise my french muscles.

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You used a translator

They always mess up what you want to say

I said that i think that what Griuff typed was Swedish and that i dont know how to speak Swedish but know fluent french

Edited by Kai
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You used translator

They always mess up what you want to say

I said that i think that what Griuff typed was Swedish and that i dont know how to speak Swedish but know fluent french

In language, it's very rare for people to identify when one person tries to move from one language to another as "using a translator". In fact your use of "you used translator" is the first time I've seen someone do such a thing. It would be more correct and more understandable to say I "attempted to translate" or something like that.

Sorry for being anal, don't hate.

Edited by SeverIan
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