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While lower Fenrir? I thought you liked guitar strings or debating prowess.

I like guitar strings. I also like post quality. And debating prowess? Not really, and I don't believe he's exactly that brilliant in that category either.

There is no reason to have him over Blasied, Luminescent Blade, and everyone else he currently tops. Again, one slot above XxWolfxX.

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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Oh yes there is. He has better avaiblity than them. Especially outside of FftF. 8]

Okay, Rhaan.......

In the same way that Wil has better availability than Pent.

Bottom of High-Mid, currently. You spelt it with three As in the OP :P

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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In the same way that Wil has better availability than Pent.

Bottom of High-Mid, currently. You spelt it with three As in the OP :P

In the same way Dorcas has better avaibility than Raven actually.

Lumi doesn't post much outside of Forum Games. 8[

And Blasied HARDLY even comes to Oujay's. You know this to be truth. ;~;

What the fuck I'm not at the bottom anymore? Fuck this.

F*ck you.

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While lower Fenrir? I thought you liked guitar strings or debating prowess.

Do you even know what "prowess" means?

Post quality is overrated. Just look at Hika & RP.

You're putting Hika and RP in the same category now...

And somehow you think Hika's post quality was low? Are you trying to be wrong or do you really believe all this?

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I have no availability

You are like FE10 Ilyana. You have excellent avaibility, but almost no pint to that when your contributions are hardly existent.

I demand to be raised to the level of my canon pairing.


Do you even know what "prowess" means?

You're putting Hika and RP in the same category now...

And somehow you think Hika's post quality was low? Are you trying to be wrong or do you really believe all this?

Have you even seen him at the FE10 boards?

I know, that was a mistake of mine. I meant that post-quality doesn't matter, most of the time. RP has excellent post-quality, but that doesn't stop him from being low as he is.

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You are like FE10 Ilyana. You have excellent avaibility, but almost no pint to that when your contributions are hardly existent.

I hasnt played that damn game. Must be like every other FE game, suckish

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I hasnt played that damn game. Must be like every other FE game, suckish

Your loss.

It means you're there and somewhat useful for the first part of the game, but become a total failure later on. You're also good for ferrying items.

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