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Mafia Live


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As the name suggests, this will be a mafia game played with constant attendance from start to finish. The game will likely take around 30-40 minutes to play, but I'd make sure you'll be free for at least an hour if you want to play

Because of the nature of the game, I need to set a fixed date and time and we need a medium to play on. I'm thinking of having the game on Saturday 12th (a week today), starting around 8pm GMT (for reference, I believe that's 9pm in the UK, 4pm on the east coast of the USA and 1pm on the west coast - but correct me if I'm wrong). However, if people would like to suggest better times for them, I'll try and make it work. Post here or PM me when you can play - in GMT, please. There's a very good chance this will completely fall through, but we can try, right?

As for mediums to play on, the three I can think of that would work are the SF chat, EpicMafia (Passworded game), and MSN. All have their advantages and disadvantages. SF chat we can all access and it works fine, but it's not a private chat. EpicMafia is almost ideal, and I can play too, but it needs you to make an account (that doesn't take long, though). MSN (Windows Live Messenger, if you must) is also very good, but it requires everyone having it and giving me their email addresses. Suggestions for others would also work.

The setup we will use will be:

3 Townies

2 Cops

2 Mafia


I Eat Tables




General Spoon


Edited by I Eat Tables
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What Core said. I've no particular problem with 4:00 PM, but I can't really say that I'll be able to be there the entire time or anything with 100% certainty.

As for the methods of doing it, I would exclude the SF chat as an option entirely and would probably prefer something like MSN, but I don't mind EpicMafia one bit, either.

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Epicmafia would probably be the easiest, It moderates itself practically. Also, If we do it on Epicmafia, a better time estimate would probably be 20-30 minutes, IMO.

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I want to join, but I might be busy...

also, my sister's birthday's on the 12th

But I'll join the next one you host?

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Anyways, this would probably be more town sided if it was night start, more mafia sided if it was day start. I don't think there should be whispers allowed either.

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Yeah. After N1 it's 6 players, 4-2 to town. Cop probably claims, people talk, and then you no lynch. Next day, cop hopefully has 2 reports and it's 3-2. But if the maf is clever, they're likely to claim cop too, so nobody is completely sure.

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I wouldn't expect most people from SF to fakeclaim cop if they were mafia. I expect this game would be very straightforward if we have inexperienced mafia.

Edited by Core
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