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Is using him hindering you that much? I'd prefer him over Leonardo, Nolan and Meg anyday simply because his defense is much more helpful.

Problem is, by the time he arrives, Nolan might have at least the same Def, either that, or he has HP to back up, he's a pretty good tank. Aran isn't at all tanky when he arrives.

I recruited him, then came a Myrmidon and critikilled him. Game over.

Then I just didn't bother and killed him for Exp, like I did last time.

Nolan's a better tank than Aran. Especially if you give him the Dracoshield(Although some will argue Micaiah is a better choice for it, and I tend to give her the shield as well as it prevents her from getting 1RKO'd by half the map, meaning you could be a little more flexible with her placements) and then by giving him an Energy Drop he becomes an offensive beast.

Aran's okay, his only issue is getting crit-blicked, if you want though you could toss him an Ashera Icon, that's assuming you're still using him by the time you reach 1-8 in HM.

Nolan doesn't need it, it's only valueble for 3-6. He tanks pretty well even though he gets doubled alot in 1-2.

So yeah, Micaiah's the best candidate.

The Energy Drop on Nolan saves him from getting doubled.

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Problem is, by the time he arrives, Nolan might have at least the same Def, either that, or he has HP to back up, he's a pretty good tank. Aran isn't at all tanky when he arrives.

I recruited him, then came a Myrmidon and critikilled him. Game over.

Then I just didn't bother and killed him for Exp, like I did last time.

not that I actually support Aran or anything, but lots of units can get crit-killed by myrms in part 1. Many units face crit from them, which is obviously a problem when most are 3HKOd. Even if you are 4HKOd, myrm + anything can potentially kill all but sothe, early on. It's actually one of the things I like about Jill. Woman starts with 14 luck and the max crit a myrm can have is 15 (and by then Jill should have at least 15). At least, I think they don't have any +crit weapons in part 1. Even if there are, it's probably only like one or two myrms.

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Yeah, I think the high-level myrmidon near the end of 1-6-1 has a Killing Edge, and so does one a few floors up in 1-E, but that's all I can remember. They're uncommon, at least.

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not that I actually support Aran or anything, but lots of units can get crit-killed by myrms in part 1. Many units face crit from them, which is obviously a problem when most are 3HKOd. Even if you are 4HKOd, myrm + anything can potentially kill all but sothe, early on. It's actually one of the things I like about Jill. Woman starts with 14 luck and the max crit a myrm can have is 15 (and by then Jill should have at least 15). At least, I think they don't have any +crit weapons in part 1. Even if there are, it's probably only like one or two myrms.

With the ton of Luck most of the DB grows that isn't even a problem, especially when they usually come as reinforcements and aren't that common.

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With the ton of Luck most of the DB grows that isn't even a problem, especially when they usually come as reinforcements and aren't that common.

They grow into it, sure. But myrms have a fair amount of crit. Even Edward and Nolan (two units that easily cap lck in tier 3) can be criticaled for a long time. 13 crit in 1-7. What level would you say Nolan is on HM there? He faces crit up to level 19. And is 4HKOd. And doubled up to level 15. Ed hits 13 luck at level 14. Maybe he's safe. Maybe.

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They grow into it, sure. But myrms have a fair amount of crit. Even Edward and Nolan (two units that easily cap lck in tier 3) can be criticaled for a long time. 13 crit in 1-7. What level would you say Nolan is on HM there? He faces crit up to level 19. And is 4HKOd. And doubled up to level 15. Ed hits 13 luck at level 14. Maybe he's safe. Maybe.

It would be pretty dumb to not level up either of them. Without favoritism, I have a lvl 15 Nolan by 1-5, he isn't facing danger, it's not like they even have 5% Crit. on him. You're going to have him at a decent level by then, a slught danger is 10%~ crit.

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It would be pretty dumb to not level up either of them. Without favoritism, I have a lvl 15 Nolan by 1-5, he isn't facing danger, it's not like they even have 5% Crit. on him. You're going to have him at a decent level by then, a slught danger is 10%~ crit.

Danger is 1% crit. They face more than that, though, at times.

Also, level 15 Nolan by 1-5 in HM? Really? Do you mean "end of" or "start of"? It's still only 10 or 11, which is still 1 or 2 % crit. Aran only faces 5% crit in 1-3. If you are calling "slight danger" 10%, then what is with your complaints about Aran? If 10% is slight, I'd have to assume 5% is almost negligible.

And who said you aren't leveling them? I was even talking about Nolan at level 19. Doesn't seem to me like I'm not leveling him.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Danger is 1% crit. They face more than that, though, at times.

Okay...that's just being too paranoid over getting critikilled.

Also, level 15 Nolan by 1-5 in HM? Really? Do you mean "end of" or "start of"? It's still only 10 or 11, which is still 1 or 2 % crit. Aran only faces 5% crit in 1-3. If you are calling "slight danger" 10%, then what is with your complaints about Aran? If 10% is slight, I'd have to assume 5% is almost negligible.

I had him at lvl 15 by the start of 1-5.

Now, my only complaint over Aran would be his mediocrity when it comes to pot-shotting, even Ilyana does a better job. But that was just me, no complaining in general, I know how decent he could be. I just got unfortunate with him and decided to never bother recruiting him again.

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Okay...that's just being too paranoid over getting critikilled.

If your only choices face crit, then sure, 1% is fine. If you have multiple other options that don't risk a reset? Why attack a myrm with Aran when you can let sothe do it?

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Aran is pretty filler but so is Meg though, although I happen to like both :)

I really like Aran for his walling capability for part 3 since I mainly use Nolan, Volug, Zihark and Aran as walls because I always give Sothe a boot; although this one time I cannot.

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If your only choices face crit, then sure, 1% is fine. If you have multiple other options that don't risk a reset? Why attack a myrm with Aran when you can let sothe do it?

Go 2-range then, it's pretty amazing now that there is no weapon triangle.

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Go 2-range then, it's pretty amazing now that there is no weapon triangle.

Actually, for Aran you'd be better off if there was weapon triangle. Note, though, that 1-2 range physical weapons tend to have terrible hit and in part 1 you can forge 1 range weapons.

Aran with forged iron lance (max hit): 110 hit weapon + base hit.

Aran with javelin: 65 hit weapon + base hit.

A difference of 45 hit.

Myrms in 1-5 have 33, 37, 37 avo. Aran at, let's give him level 10, has ~35 base hit. Hence, 100 hit with javelin and 145 hit with iron lance. Even at worst, he gets nearly 100 hit against a neutral bio myrm. 98 hit, when converted to true hit, is over 99.9%. With a javelin he's pulling 63 hit. 83 hit at best bio if the enemy is at worst. And in the above case where he got 99.9% at worst against a neutral bio myrm? Well, 53 hit with the javelin converts to 56.29% hit. Really really bad.

I tend to stick to Leo/Ilyana/sothe against the things since I can forge their 2 range weapons or don't even need to go two range. Also, Volug and Jill when they appear, though Volug will eventually face crit.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Um...but why are you so paranoid over getting critikilled? Volug, with his 13 base is facing 2% critical against a myrmidon with maxed Skill.

You could use someone else to 1-2 range an enemy, and then make Aran get the kill.

Edited by Soul
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Um...but why are you so paranoid over getting critikilled? Volug, with his 13 base is facing 2% critical against a myrmidon with maxed Skill.

You could use someone else to 1-2 range an enemy, and then make Aran get the kill.

He's getting so paranoid because the option exists. If you have a 1% chance of being critkilled, then you better worry about, as the RNG might pull up a 1, and boom, you're dead. You may think "Pah! 1% won't happen when I attack!" but it might. That's why Narga's getting uppity about it is because it's a valid response.

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That's it? With that excuse, then you might as well just abuse so your characters all get Luck, because you're going to face alot of those in Part 4. Narga, you shouldn't even worry for such unlike things to happen. This isn't FE6.

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That's it? With that excuse, then you might as well just abuse so your characters all get Luck, because you're going to face alot of those in Part 4. Narga, you shouldn't even worry for such unlike things to happen. This isn't FE6.

No thats not true. It DOES happen, albeit very very rarely. My own units have critted with a 2, a 3, and even a 1. It happens. I do remember one time Volug got crit by a dude with like 2 crit.

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You are just getting unlucky. That sort of thinking is impractical, because it happens very, very, very rarely.

0% chance of getting killed > 1% chance of getting killed. I say this as a victim of seeing my own unit critkilled (and it was Aran himself). If the consequence wasn't so bad we'd likely pay it no mind, but what happens here is just about the worst possible thing that can happen in a game of Fire Emblem.

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0% chance of getting killed > 1% chance of getting killed. I say this as a victim of seeing my own unit critkilled (and it was Aran himself). If the consequence wasn't so bad we'd likely pay it no mind, but what happens here is just about the worst possible thing that can happen in a game of Fire Emblem.

Basically. I mean, with dodging you can generally get down to numbers like 1 in 10000 chance of death. Units that are 3HKOd and face under 20 in listed hit tend to get really really low when you account for true hit. But crit just gets rid of you. Many of the units I worry about are facing like 80 hit and 2% crit or something. Like, 1 in 60 or something depending on how much 80 is for true hit.

When you have the option to be safe it makes those that aren't inferior. And yes, Aran can finish myrms off. Especially with that forge I said gets him 100% hit for almost all bio combinations. If you get the enemy down low enough, then you don't have to worry about crit. However, it's guys like Ilyana/Leo/sothe/Micaiah/Jill doing the weakening because they either go from two range or don't face crit. Or it's guys like Gatrie that take like 4 from a normal attack and 12 from a crit. Oh well? But guys that are 3 or 4 HKOd have serious trouble. Either they get taken down by crit + other enemy or simply crit.

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Generally by the end of Part 1, I've BEXPed Volug one or two levels, so he doesn't face any crit from Myrms.

But in general, I don't have much trouble with low crit rates. Unless it's FEDS - I was playing the other day and Jeigan got crit by the boss of Chapter 2. Jeigan's 1 Luck is painful when you have to rely on him so much in earlygame.

Edited by Slowking
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Generally by the end of Part 1, I've BEXPed Volug one or two levels, so he doesn't face any crit from Myrms.

But in general, I don't have much trouble with low crit rates. Unless it's FEDS - I was playing the other day and Jeigan got crit by the boss of Chapter 2. Jeigan's 1 Luck is painful when you have to rely on him so much in earlygame.

His 1 Luck is there to remind you not to play the game.

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Aran is my third-favorite character in this game~ (As opposed to Ike and Haar)

Actually, he's pretty invaluable in the DB's Part 3 chapters if you can get his speed up so he doesn't get doubled by Tigers.

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Aran is my third-favorite character in this game~ (As opposed to Ike and Haar)

Actually, he's pretty invaluable in the DB's Part 3 chapters if you can get his speed up so he doesn't get doubled by Tigers.

he isn't really,he's helpful but the chapters are very doable and your still able to be effecient without him...I'll take Nolan who gets tarvos and has better 3rd tier caps.

Edited by King Soren
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