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Games Consoles Tier List


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Not so much now, but the main point was it started at such a ludicrous price tag that it was nothing but "eye candy". The thing is also hoarded with glitches and bugs that haven't been completely resolved. XBox360 is also guilty of this, but PS3 has had riskier situations than 360's; another reason for the shitty thing to drop.

The Wii also can play games that were of the classic era, mostly bragging of having more backward compatibility, per se, than the other 3 systems. I'll grant you Wii was made more for casual players and games like Brawl suck total ass, but let's keep in mind that we get gems like Super Mario Bros., SMRPG, and even Sega classics. The old games is the biggest reason why I thought the Wii was an awesome investment. Most of the games are also < or equal to $10; a price you cannot beat for games nowadays.

Can't argue with that.

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We should also take into consideration the durability and customer service of the consoles. I read an article about it once. It said the wii had the best customer service, and seemed to have the least problems, The PS2 and Xbox had similar customer service woes, but the Xbox360 was less durable (more chance for fatal glitches in the system(lol red ring).)

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It's very funny. I remember reading about a durability contest between the PS2, the XBox, and the Gamecube with the Gamecube coming out on top. Now if only the system were much better...

lol red ring

The Red Ring costs you a new system. PS3's issues could nearly cost your identity.

Edited by Colonel M
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I haven't heard of anything like that from the PS3.

Perhaps there wasn't. I thought there was something going around one time. Oh well, the news fucks up everything so I blame them.

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All I'm going to say is: Playstation Move and Project Natal. If the PS3 and Xbox 360 are really better than the Wii, why are they trying to emulate it?

We should also take into consideration the durability and customer service of the consoles. I read an article about it once. It said the wii had the best customer service, and seemed to have the least problems, The PS2 and Xbox had similar customer service woes, but the Xbox360 was less durable (more chance for fatal glitches in the system(lol red ring).)

I remember reading about how the Wii was originally targeted to be the size of two DVD cases until they realised it was impossible to keep it durable (plus, they'd need a disk drive with a lid instead of slot-loaded.)

Edited by Anouleth
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All I'm going to say is: Playstation Move and Project Natal. If the PS3 and Xbox 360 are really better than the Wii, why are they trying to emulate it?

Every system plays "copycat" to some extent. Wii brings in Miis, XBox360 one ups it.

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Not so much now, but the main point was it started at such a ludicrous price tag that it was nothing but "eye candy". The thing is also hoarded with glitches and bugs that weren't resolved prior to its release. XBox360 is also guilty of this, but PS3 has had riskier situations than 360's; another reason for the shitty thing to drop.

The Wii also can play games that were of the classic era, mostly bragging of having more backward compatibility, per se, than the other 3 systems. I'll grant you Wii was made more for casual players and games like Brawl suck total ass, but let's keep in mind that we get gems like Super Mario Bros., SMRPG, and even Sega classics. The old games is the biggest reason why I thought the Wii was an awesome investment. Most of the games are also < or equal to $10; a price you cannot beat for games nowadays.

You must be joking. Read one of posts my, bro. There is NO logical reason for the PS3 to move down. I haven't had one single bug, and I have one of the OLDEST PS3's to date. So, what are you talking about? I'd rather have a bug than a 42% chance of my console flat-lining. That's pretty much resolved for some people, but not all.

You are arguing for the Wii to be higher? Higher? It's a piece of shit. I haven't touched it in months WITH emulation. The games are boring (except Fire Emblem, Mario Galaxy, and Brawl, ironically), unresponsive, and just too damn tedious to play. MOVE will be the same way. Possibly NATAL as well, but that still has a chance. A controller beats motion controls. Always.

The PS3 and Xbox360 are practically the same, except for exclusives. There is no reasoning for putting one below the other. The Wii sucks, and isn't even in their league.

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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You are arguing for the Wii to be higher? Higher? It's a piece of shit. I haven't touched it in months WITH emulation. The games are boring (except Fire Emblem, Mario Galaxy, and Brawl, ironically), unresponsive, and just too damn tedious to play. MOVE will be the same way. Possibly NATAL as well, but that still has a chance. A controller beats motion controls. Always.

So, because of Personal experience, Wii shouldn't move. GOTCHA! While we're at it, the PS3 shocked me, it should be in shit tier since it causes physical pain to play!

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You must be joking. Read one of posts my, bro. There is NO logical reason for the PS3 to move down. I haven't had one single bug, and I have one of the OLDEST PS3's to date. So, what are you talking about? I'd rather have a bug than a 42% chance of my console flat-lining. That's pretty much resolved for some people, but not all.

Of course not all consoles are going to crash. Just like a PS3 not always crashing, neither do XBox360s. In fact, they resolved the red light for the most part while PS3 has continued to have many glitches that should've been resolved.

This being one of the biggest ones.

A glitch. In 2009. The Red Ring errors mainly linked back to XBox360's early consoles. The "Yellow Light", though very rare in its existence, has also been known to flat line a couple of PS3s until a solution was made for it.

You are arguing for the Wii to be higher? Higher? It's a piece of shit. I haven't touched it in months WITH emulation. The games are boring (except Fire Emblem, Mario Galaxy, and Brawl, ironically), unresponsive, and just too damn tedious to play. MOVE will be the same way. Possibly NATAL as well, but that still has a chance. A controller beats motion controls. Always.

Sorry, but I'm arguing the PS3 down. Being comparable, aka the same tier as the PS2 and XBox360, is the biggest joke I've every... EVER heard of. The PS3 is much like the Wii; gimmicky features in exchange for losing something valuable (Hardcore gamers for the Wii, backward compatibility for PS3). Not even all of the Wii games use the Motion Controls anyway. I also don't find mine that unresponsive either, and I've had mine for more than a year.

The PS3 and Xbox360 are practically the same, except for exclusives. There is no reasoning for putting one below the other. The Wii sucks, and isn't even in their league.

No, no, and hell no. The XBox is far, FAR better than the PS3. XBox not only has better exclusives in most cases, it also has backward compatibility, which IMO puts far greater weight than the Blu-Ray's benefit. They are not that comparable at all.

And like I said with the Wii, you cannot beat < $10 for emulating an old classic. Many times I would be more compelled to play the Wii solely because of that than the PS3's missing... everything. XBox360 still reigns, but Wii also appealed to the Casual Players, which thus spiked its sales through the roof. PS2 and PS3 alone are not even in the same league. When Wii came out, it surpassed XBox360's sales, which was even out longer. To show, as of December 31st, 2009, Wii still trumps the # of sales throughout the US in comparison to the XBox360 and PS3.

Wii - 27.2 Million

XBox360 - 18.6 Million

PS3 - 11.1 Million

It's sad when PS3 has less than half of Wii's total sales. Wii almost beats 360 and PS3 sales combined as well; a testament to how appealing to the casual gamers has payed off in the end. Wii also has double of # of consoles shipped around worldwide to PS3's:

Wii - 70.93 Million

360 - 40.2 Million

PS3 - 35.7 Million

I will admit; Wii is not something that is so appealing that it is "the most revolutionary and greatest system of all time", but comparing PS3 to the XBox360, or even to the Wii in some areas, is a complete and utter joke in all cases. When Wii, which you argue as the worst console, shit stomps PS3, you know that even calling the PS3 better is slim. Also for fail rates for the Wii:

"In the September 2009 issue of Game Informer magazine, survey results were published in which among nearly 5000 readers who responded, 54.2% of those who owned an Xbox 360 had experienced a console failure for that system, compared with 10.6% for PlayStation 3, and 6.8% for Wii"

"In August 2009, warranty provider SquareTrade published console failure rate estimates, in which the proportion of its customers reporting a system failure in the first two years is 23.7% for Xbox 360, 10.0% for PlayStation 3, and 2.7% for Wii."

Even when 1/10 of your systems have a failure rate it's pretty bleak. You can easily tell Wii took more time to tank out most of the glitches and bugs within their hardware, which means Wii has more reliability overall.

Edited by Colonel M
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So, because of Personal experience, Wii shouldn't move. GOTCHA! While we're at it, the PS3 shocked me, it should be in shit tier since it causes physical pain to play!

I'm not the only one to believe this.

You want facts:

It's weak with a weak processor. It's easily hackable. Is completely out-shined in terms of features compared to the PS3 and Xbox. The Wii shop is almost unbearably slow, and online is shitty at best. Friendcodes. Comes with a controller that needs batteries constantly. Promised precision such as the Wii Motion+ at launch, but didn't deliver until years later. Classic Wii Controllers are $20. Nunchuks are $20. Wiimotes are $40! All are priced way too high. The Wii itself is only worth about $100 (Wii Sports = 50 plus Wii Sports Resort = 50). WiiWare is pretty boring (there is some good stuff). Shit games are produced (just like the DS), while AAA titles are scarce. Uses an Opera Browser. No hard drive (why should I have to buy my own?). Gamecube games have more replayability, and are more fun to play. Is a Gamecube 1.5.

Of course not all consoles are going to crash. Just like a PS3 not always crashing, neither do XBox360s. In fact, they resolved the red light for the most part while PS3 has continued to have many glitches that should've been resolved.

This being one of the biggest ones.


That will only happen once every four years.

Sorry, but I'm arguing the PS3 down. Being comparable, aka the same tier as the PS2 and XBox360, is the biggest joke I've every... EVER heard of. The PS3 is much like the Wii; gimmicky features in exchange for losing something valuable (Hardcore gamers for the Wii, backward compatibility for PS3). Not even all of the Wii games use the Motion Controls anyway. I also don't find mine that unresponsive either, and I've had mine for more than a year.

And the Xbox has what that the PS3 doesn't...?
No, no, and hell no. The XBox is far, FAR better than the PS3. XBox not only has better exclusives in most cases, it also has backward compatibility, which IMO puts far greater weight than the Blu-Ray's benefit. They are not that comparable at all.
You are...stating opinions that have no merit. MGS 4, and GoW III beat ANYTHING that Xbox will ever offer. OMGanotherFPSOMG

Not comparable? You're high, aren't you? Backwards compatibility is not a MUST for a next gen console. It is something the developers do to be kind (which Sony clearly is not).

Wii was a piece of garbage for casual gamers. It printed money. It was fucking cake for the programmers and builders of the Wii to make, therefore it had less bugs.

Gimme a break. You don't seriously believe this, do you? You aren't arguing this...are you?

You've got to be kidding me if you think backwards compatibility and "better" exclusives warrants a better system. That feature is a PRO, not a CON. Exclusive games are subjective.

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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It's easily hackable

What isn't?

Is completely out-shined in terms of features compared to the PS3 and Xbox.

Virtual Console vs. Blu-Ray. I think I know what wins this.

The Wii shop is almost unbearably slow, and online is shitty at best.

Wii Shop isn't that horrendously slow, and if you are using it for Online You Are Doing It Wrong.<tm>


They're such a hassle, right?

Comes with a controller that needs batteries constantly.

Rechargable batteries, or even rechargable battery packs are available.

Promised precision such as the Wii Motion+ at launch, but didn't deliver until years later.

Perfection takes time, which I'd rather have then rushed things such as the 360 was.

Classic Wii Controllers are $20. Nunchuks are $20. Wiimotes are $40! All are priced way too high

This is one of the few things I agree with you on.

The Wii itself is only worth about $100 (Wii Sports = 50 plus Wii Sports Resort = 50)

Guess the PS3 is like pocket change.

WiiWare is pretty boring (there is some good stuff)


Shit games are produced (just like the DS), while AAA titles are scarce.

Which is a case for all systems (there is always a shitty game on a console). The DS is also one of the most highly sold systems in the world due to its portability.

No hard drive (why should I have to buy my own?).

It actually has a hard drive, and why would I even need one in the first place?

Gamecube games have more replayability, and are more fun to play.

Some, yes, though others are very repetitive in the same nature. Game Cube only takes a small portion of my argument with the Wii anyway. The Virtual Console takes up much more of it.

Is a Gamecube 1.5.

If that's the case, the PS3 looks like a PS1.5 since it can't even live to a shadow of PS2.


That will only happen once every four years.

Oh, so now you're telling me this glitch will continue on? This is very reassuring for a system for me to buy.

And the Xbox has what that the PS3 doesn't...?

Play the opposite card. What does the PS3 have that it can hold to the XBox360? Suddenly OMFG wow better graphics for an extra $50?

You are...stating opinions that have no merit. MGS 4, and GoW III beat ANYTHING that Xbox will ever offer. OMGanotherFPSOMG

So you're only able to name two to XBox360's multiple that have received high ratings. Just another Sony hope-er.


Gimme a break. You don't seriously believe this, do you? You aren't arguing this...are you?

Oh, I sure am. I don't know what exactly you are arguing, but I know what I am. It appealed to the casual gamers and many of them gave back positive ratings. The only casual shitty game that was printed, according to most casual gamers, was Wii Music.

You've got to be kidding me if you think backwards compatibility and "better" exclusives warrants a better system. That feature is a PRO, not a CON. Exclusive games are subjective.

A pro that PS3 does not have.

Edited by Colonel M
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This was a failed attempt by Geo brah. No more Linux = no more access to the system.
Virtual Console vs. Blu-Ray. I think I know what wins this.
Emulator = No need for the Virtual Console. Thus, BluRay wins. I'm sure you have a computer. ;)
Wii Shop isn't that horrendously slow, and if you are using it for Online You Are Doing It Wrong.<tm>
So because I don't use it for online, means it doesn't matter? lol
They're such a hassle, right?

Yes. A very annoying one, at that.
Rechargable batteries, or even rechargable battery packs are available.
But not included like they should be. Which was my point, in case you hadn't noticed.
Perfection takes time, which I'd rather have then rushed things such as the 360 was.
You're arguing the Wii is perfect? LOL.
This is one of the few things I agree with you on.
Sweet. :D I bet few actually disagree, though.
Guess the PS3 is like pocket change.
It costs more to make it than the amount it sells for.
Not quite. "Pretty boring" doesn't refer to all games offered in the shop. "A" for effort though.
Which is a case for all systems (there is always a shitty game on a console). The DS is also one of the most highly sold systems in the world due to its portability.

Not as much as the Wii and DS have. They print money from stupid consumers. You and I both know it.
It actually has a hard drive, and why would I even need one in the first place?
NAND memory /=/ a real hard drive. Read up on it. It only is made to attempt to emulate it.
If that's the case, the PS3 looks like a PS1.5 since it can't even live to a shadow of PS2.

Not quite. It's up to the developers on this one. They may have thought this was an easy access way into the system or something.

Oh, so now you're telling me this glitch will continue on? This is very reassuring for a system for me to buy.

It is a minor glitch, contrary to what you believe. The PS3 may be dying by then too, by the way. Four years is a pretty damn long time on top of three years (for a gaming console, I mean).
Play the opposite card. What does the PS3 have that it can hold to the XBox360? Suddenly OMFG wow better graphics for an extra $50?
Extra fifty? Where'd that come from? They're both $299 if you wanna get the most amount of gigs possible. Nothing, which is why they're basically the same.
So you're only able to name two to XBox360's multiple that have received high ratings. Just another Sony hope-er.
Do you want me to state all of them? You didn't state any at all, ironically.
Oh, I sure am. I don't know what exactly you are arguing, but I know what I am. It appealed to the casual gamers and many of them gave back positive ratings. The only casual shitty game that was printed, according to most casual gamers, was Wii Music.
Poor attempt. Utterly atrocious. Casual gamers are easy targets.
A pro that PS3 does not have.
Which does not hinder it as a console, yes. Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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What exactly is this list looking for? I mean, NES and SNES being so low is a travesty. Does it have to have pretty graphics? You might as well put them in reverse chronological order of release. That's not a tier list. That's a chronology. Aside from a few switches, that's practically what you have here.

Oh, and where is Genesis? Mega drive isn't Genesis, right?

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You are...stating opinions that have no merit. MGS 4, and GoW III beat ANYTHING that Xbox will ever offer. OMGanotherFPSOMG

I lol'd. Quite literally too.

You are also stating an opinion which, incidentially, also has no merit based on the fact that I can easily determine that you are an MGS fanboy. So obviously, "MGS 4 [will] beat ANYTHING that Xbox will ever offer".

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What exactly is this list looking for? I mean, NES and SNES being so low is a travesty. Does it have to have pretty graphics? You might as well put them in reverse chronological order of release. That's not a tier list. That's a chronology. Aside from a few switches, that's practically what you have here.

Oh, and where is Genesis? Mega drive isn't Genesis, right?

Mega Drive is "Genesis", yes. By the sounds of things, you would like to see it higher.

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What exactly is this list looking for? I mean, NES and SNES being so low is a travesty. Does it have to have pretty graphics? You might as well put them in reverse chronological order of release. That's not a tier list. That's a chronology. Aside from a few switches, that's practically what you have here.

Yeah, I was kinda expecting that to happen eventually if the criteria ain't gonna change.

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Yes, the SNES and the Megadrive are the two systems that I highly put my thoughts on. Much more than the Gen 7 consoles to date.

Well, time to waste some responses. Though I think I covered enough for it to go down.

This was a failed attempt by Geo brah. No more Linux = no more access to the system.

Supposedly, this wasn't a failed attempt, and even the point of it being a major threat of having your identity taken away takes away points from it being a reliable system in general. Every system is hackable; even Macs. People who write viruses and such just don't put in much time for Macs because of the # of people who have Windows in comparison to Macs.

Emulator = No need for the Virtual Console. Thus, BluRay wins. I'm sure you have a computer.

Emulators are also illegal, so the Virtual Console still stands tall.

So because I don't use it for online, means it doesn't matter? lol

The PS3 being partially a computer barely matters. It can't do other functions that most computers can. In fact, PC > PS2 please.

It costs more to make it than the amount it sells for.

Which is sad indeed because Sony was losing mega bucks on the PS3s for a while.

Not as much as the Wii and DS have. They print money from stupid consumers. You and I both know it.

I do not see them as "shitty" and "stupid consumers fall for it". Most consumers at least do a little research behind their games before purchase, which is why most of the "shitty games", such as Wii Music, is really irrelevant. I admit to enjoying things like Wii Sports because it's something different in general. Nintendo also has had a decent amount of First Party games, and even have other great games that are coming out (Metroid: Other M). I admit in comparison that some of the games can be lackluster to others, but I assure you: I'm not attracted to FPS games whatsoever. They make me sick just playing. I enjoy 2D much more than 3D, and while the Wii is a 3-D system, it still has some games that coincide with 2D elements.

Also the DS prints money for it being a portable console. PSP must be also a gimmick if the DS is supposedly a gimmick. The only advantage PSP had over the DS was, temporarily, an Internet Browser and being able to emulate games. The latter was the only reason why I considered a PSP at one point, and that's about it.

The point is that the any system imitating a computer is pointless to me. It's a gaming console. I don't want an inferior PC.

Not quite. It's up to the developers on this one. They may have thought this was an easy access way into the system or something.

That's a counter? "It's up to the developers?" If it was up to the developers, Wii would've been one of Nintendo's best systems to date if it wasn't for the NES and SNES having their epic eras (and the SNES had a huge epic era, to add). No, it is entirely up to the consumer to decide if the system is good or not. The developers have no say in the matter.

Do you want me to state all of them? You didn't state any at all, ironically.

Sure. Can we start with NATTO or w/e it's called?

Poor attempt. Utterly atrocious. Casual gamers are easy targets.

I'm sorry to say this, but casual gamers are the best targets in general. They also have little to complain with video games as well. Most hardcore gamers can rip even into the best of games created. Not all Casual gamers are stupid either. Many of them obviously chose the Wii for a reason. The sales show that. I'm probably more or less a "casual" than a "hardcore" if you consider hardcore being people who play FPS like crazy and what not.

Which does not hinder it as a console, yes.

Which then I can safely say that the Wii not imitating a poor computer doesn't hinder it either.

Edited by Colonel M
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Emulators are also illegal, so the Virtual Console still stands tall.

ROM images are illegal, not emulators. And despite that, no one (at least to my knowledge) has ever been arrested or sued solely for having ROMs.

Edit: Until companies get up off their lazy asses and start cracking down on ROMs, the PC is still preferred over VC for playing games from older consoles.

Edited by Black Soldier
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ROM images are illegal, not emulators. And despite that, no one (at least to my knowledge) has ever been arrested or sued solely for having ROMs.

Edit: Until companies get up off their lazy asses and start cracking down on ROMs, the PC is still preferred over VC for playing games from older consoles.

You are not going to have an emulator without ROM images. Though I guess it is true that there have not been many cases of a person being arrested for them. Then again, I was sort of in the light that it was "safe" if the company did not make the game anymore (though then again with the Virtual Console dunno).

Most of the games I own anyway. Only FE6 wasn't and SFCD, both are very rare and haven't been made for years (especially SFCD).

Edited by Colonel M
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N64 needs to be above the GameCube, which should be much lower.

Gamecube had Eternal Darkness. I'm happy with where it is. I suppose there are a bunch of games on N64, but I still adore the Gamecube. But considering snes, nes, and genesis should probably all be in awesome tier or at least top tier, I'm not too concerned about anything on the list.

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Also on the GC are Mario Sunshine and Twilight Princess.

Eh, Twilight princess is average at best. Piss easy difficulty, eye straining graphics at times (the twilight sections... ugh) and perhaps the most tedious start to a game EVER. I'd pass if I went back and got the chance.

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