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"Haha! It must be some sort of compliment where they come from!" *turns around and takes out a Death Note, writes "anyone who ever called me Eliwuss"*

Briggid, how do you have the same hairstyle as your sister if you haven't seen her since you were an infant?

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Briggid: Even when separated at birth, we still have the same hair style.

Marth, what do you think of all the Yaoi fangirls that pair you to the likes of Roy, Ike, and Link?

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Soren: What's a nazi? If it was an insult, this is my answer. *Grabs Rexcalibur and casts it* It's my brand a Spirit Charm.

FE womanizers, would you be able to make Heather get interested in any of you (without she paying attention to your pockets)?

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"... Okay, that's the final straw with these weird questions for me! Commence KiERANRAGE!" *throws Tomahawk at your face*

*Tomahawk misses* That's the power of 30 LCK and 26 SPD! Boy! *Casts Fimbulvetr at Kieran!*


Saul: Stealing is a sin... she's better off with me!

Sain: NO! I saw her first!

Levin: You chaps are lame! She's better with me!

Gatrie: Perhaps I can tame the pretty damsel...

*Insert them all fighting here*

Hey L'Arachel, how was your date with Kieran, and can you calm him down with your "Divinity"?? *Points at a ragey Kieran who's still constantly attacking me, while I evade his attacks with unfitting music*

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L'Arachel: Ohh, the love of the gossip! It went really good, we took a ride on our horses and then raced towards my castle in Rausten, he ended up serving an entire week as my personal guard. On the topic, Kieran, you should stop attacking people that ask you things about us dear! Apologize at him right now!

Kieran: WHAT?!...I'm sorry.

Fir, how does it feel everyone believes your deceased mother is Mia's real rival? I think you'd do a better job.

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Fir: Because I wear too much blue. Only my jacket is white. The only color clothes mother used to wear are white.

Catria, why are you not gaining defense? It makes me sad. And Navarre will have to take your place as my secondary tank if it keeps up.

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Catria: Oh sure! I could really use some growths!

Hey Tana, how does it feel to be around next to... Tate, Farina and Tanith? Is it good or not?

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Levin: I'll end up pursuing more women than dead bodies of enemies....

Now... L'Arachel, what is your reaction upon Alan's presence? *Insert Alan and Kieran glaring at each other for being similar in appearance*

And a special follow-up question, will you dare take down Marcia with your divinity??

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*Tomahawk misses* That's the power of 30 LCK and 26 SPD! Boy! *Casts Fimbulvetr at Kieran!*

*tanks the Fimbulvetr like a pro, and recovers the HP with Imbue* Have at you! *swings with the 110 hit axe, Sol activates*

"Well, I think she can be nice when she's not bothering me... which isn't often, but when she's being nice I appreciated it."

Briggid, why did you start using swords when you lost your memories?

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L'Arachel: Why do ask these questions? You know the only person I'm interested in pursuing is Prince Ephraim and maybe Lady Eirika >_>


*tanks the Fimbulvetr like a pro, and recovers the HP with Imbue* Have at you! *swings with the 110 hit axe, Sol activates*

*L'Arachel appears*

L'Arachel: Have I told you to stop attacking people who ask questions about us? I mean... it's such an honor to see us have so many supporters!

Briggid, why did you start using swords when you lost your memories?

Briggid: Ehh... I can't recall... *scratches head out of Amnesia*

Hey Geoffrey and Elincia!!! Does it feel like a mirror when you both look at Seth and Eirika?? I mean... take a look... A princess... err.. queen and her beloved knight... get the logic?? *Introduces Seth and Eirika at them*

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*each pair stares at the other one*

Geoffrey: Milday...do you see what I see?

Elincia: Yes, I do Geoffrey. It's like...

Both at the same time:...looking at a mirror!

Seth: Milady, do we have something on our face?

Eirika: I don't think so, my dear. Maybe they felt identified with us.

Hey Lakche, I've being practicing the swordplay and I think I got the hang of it now, can we be friends now?

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No. I don't want to quote Shiva, but I don't play with my sword. (I hope it actually is Shiva. Haven't played FE5 in a while.)

Sigurd, why didn't you run when that giant meteor appeared over your head?

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Sigurd: Because I did not realize that my +20 Resistance bonus suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. If my Res didn't suddenly decrease to 10 without my knowledge, I could've easily taken that. FFFFF-----

Lakche, how are you enjoying Akaneia? And would you like a Brave Sword forge or a Master Sword forge?

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Florina: I-I-I-It-t-It's not what you t-t-think!!! *cowers in fear*

Hey Marcia, did ya hear about L'Arachel having a date with Kieran?? So what can you say about it??

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Marcia: WHAT!? *Goes in Marcia rage*

Yeah! That's right baby! It's true!

Roy, is it true that Ike beat you up just so he could get in Brawl?

Roy: It's... It's.... TRUE! *sobs and yells* Daddy!!!! Ike beaten me up so he can get in Brawl!

Eliwood: He did what?!?! *lands a critical blow with a lance on Ike* That's what you get for beating up my son!

Ike: *dead*

Hey Kieran! Marcia and L'Arachel are both fighting to the death just to have a date with you! What's your reaction to this? *Points at Marcia (Falconknight) and L'Arachel (Valkyrie) who are both knocking each other with attacks*

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