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Navarre: I have no feelings, and how would I go about doing that anyway?

Hey, Ross, it's me, the tactician! I made you a pirate!! And accidentally had your father killed.... oh, and you're being supported with Lute. How do those three things make you feel?

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Feena: I feel broken now....

Now.... Syrene... Despite of your mediocre growths... you ended up capping up some STR, SPD and RES... and some good SKL and LCK.... how does it feel? I paired you with Kyle cause both of you PWN in my latest walkthrough....

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"I feel great! Hey, Seth, I've got something I wanna show you and your 'superiority over all prepromotes not named Sigurd' ... *takes out Vidofnir*

Hey Yune! How does it feel to beat Ashera?

Edited by Lightning
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Kieran:*dead thanks to the axe in his head*

Nergal, who would win a fight between the most dangerous magical bosses in the entire FE series: you, Gharnef, Yurius/Julius, Veld, Manfroy, or Sephiran? Be honest, you planned to gain power when most of them were about to destroy the world.

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"I have to say Julius would come out on top in that fight. He was possessed by a dark god, and I'm afraid no amount of quintescence can match that."

Julius, would you have done what you did had you not been possessed by Loputouso?

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Unbrainwashed!Julius: Of course not! Why would I? I was too weak to fight his control...

"I feel great! Hey, Seth, I've got something I wanna show you and your 'superiority over all prepromotes not named Sigurd' ... *takes out Vidofnir*

Seth: Commander Syrene, I do not wish to fight, but... if you insist...-takes out the forged Brave Lance LB made him when he was called to Akaneia and shows his shiny capped STR, SPD, DEF, and 18 RES from his last runthrough of Magvel with Eirika-

Celice, why did your parents give you a girl's name?

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Celice: I-It's not a girl's name! You're just not pronouncing it right! It's proncounced "Kay-lack"! See? A "k" sound totally masculine! "Kay-lack"!

Caellach: Did somebody call me?

Celice: >__>

LackcheMU: How do you feel that, even though LB created you, I technically own you (look at me claims)? :awesome:

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Seth: One step ahead of you. I'm already there.

EDIT (bad computer)

FE 11 replacements, how does it feel you lost your jobs in FE 12 because gaiden chapters do not require genocide and the Casual mode is up?

Edited by Light Lord
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"We're pretty fine with it. But we'd like to know where this "Intelligent Systems" is based. We have, er, business with them.

Hey Manfroy? Why are you such a jackass?

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