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Sain: I'd rather die than not see a beauty for such a prolonged time!

Shanan, Ayra, Skasaher, you will also be featured in version 2.0 of my Swordie sig. How do you feel about that?

Holyn, I might put you in too if I have room.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Everyone except Holyn: Awesome! We want to be in there too! We can overkill too!

Holyn: I feel a bit anxious to see if you will place me in there, but don't worry if you gan't. I'll be fine.

So Hector, what did you meant when you said to Nergal you would cut down your ties with him?

Edited by Light Lord
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@ Luminescent Blade

Shanan: We'd love to be in your sig, but you can't be Seth's fangirl any more. There is not room enough for the both of us.

Okay, this first part was ninja'd, but let's see how you respond.

@ Light Lord

Hector: I meant that I would kick his ass. You know that sometimes I speak without thinking!

Pent, do you know that Sain was hitting on your wife during a support conversation?

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Pent: I knew, and I served him some Fimbulvetr afterwards and locked him out of his tent to freeze for the night. >:}

Not be Seth's fangirl, that's impossible!

Shanan, can I still be Seth's fangirl if I put you in the center instead of Lakche?

Also, Holyn, due to the symmetry of my design, you're getting a definite placement. :D

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Shanan: I do not care if Lakche is in the center. It is hard for me to put my mind at ease when you are always thinking about this "Seth" though.....Did he not wed Princess Eirika of Renais? Paladins will only sweep you off your feet just to break your heart. That is a proverbial saying of Isaac.

Holyn: Don't listen to him, LB. Shanan hasn't been himself since he recently broke Balmung and doesn't have the money to repair it. I would like to meet this "Seth" guy in a battle, though.....Just to test his strength.

Hey, Micaiah, since you're a lot older than Sothe, could you be considered a cougar?

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Ilyana: You're saying I can only pick one?!

Abel, Sain, are you two related?

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Sain: -too busy chasing skirts to hear what you said-

Abel: You're telling me that I'm related to that idiot? Even though Cain may be a bit rash sometimes, but he's nowhere as bad as this...*shakes his head in disapproval*

Forde, Haar, how does sleeping in battle feel?

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Hector: I-i-i saw things...and also smelled something horible...I needed a psychologist to forget that and now you made me remember it!

Roy, if your mother is really a manakete (similar to laguz) does it mean you're a Branded?

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Zephiel: Humans are still humans. Even I doubt if I should still be around when manaketes come back.

Black Knight, who is the responsible of your armor's and Ashnard's one blessing?

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Marth: Hector's Great Lord, but with a horse, so I get movement and Hector powers at the same time!

I'd use Ephraim's, but he can only use lances and I can't use those...

Eirika, if you had a secondary weapon, what would it be?

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"I'd learn to use lances from my brother!"

Hey Faval, why does Patty steal even though you tell her it gets you in trouble?

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Patty: Hey big bro, look what I've got! *shows 4000 gold she stole from a boss*

*boss stares angrily at them, readying his weapon*

Faval: I'd wish I knew. Patty, get out of the way, I will take down that guy.

Hey Ike and Marth, how does it feel to fight the best fighters/heroes/villains of Nintendo?

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