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Nanna: I'm not a swordmaster or a hot guy. I wish I could be as awesome as my boyfriend.

Leaf, why can't you become a Master Knight in Thracia 776?


Oops! I was ninja'd.

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^^ Dice: As many as the number of axes I have.

^Leaf: Because they didn't have enough horses so I didn't get one.

Leaf, how is it like to suddenly switch to using tomes all of a sudden? I gave you Tornado, since the only other person who can use it is Sety and he already has Holsety.

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Sigurd: I'd shove a book of Norse Mythology down their throat and demand a re-translation.

Tinny, how does it feel to be able to Wrath-Ambush Oneshot those armors in Hannibal's army with Thoron? Your Mag was surprisingly high considering that Lex was your father.

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Alec: Nope. I stole the turban off of Hardin.

Yurius, Lakche and her army is approaching you. She has Balmung, and is shouting something about getting back for you getting Nihil and disabling her skills. How do you feel about this?

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"I'm not too happy about it... but with the Lopt tome, I refuse to just give up!"

Briggid, are you proud of your son when he ORKO'd Julius in my first run even though I had to restart about 20 times to proc all the crits and Charges he needed to win?

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Briggid: -tears of joy- I'm so proud of him!

Yurius, you have approximately 0% chance of hitting her. Ishtar tried to resist and was practically Lunacrit'd walked through. If you give up now, we may spare you and just burn the tome. Do you still plan to continue?

^(fact. did the calculations.)

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Lex: Sad. But it's ok, I got Tiltyu, lololol-oh shi-! Here comes Enjolras! Ahh! *gets wtfpwnt*

based off your current playthrough

Arthur, Oifey kinda took Phee. Would that make him one of THOOOSE?

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Arthur: I'm still not over it, yes... I can't help but glare at him at times.

Holyn, Ayra, are you proud of your daughter for



Lakche could've ORKO'd him if she proc'd another Continue, though...

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Julian: Hell no. Hes a coward, and he hates me! He couldn't even wake Lena from Gharnef's rapist trance!

Abel, whats it like being a mage? Think you can impress Est more this way?

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Abel: No, I think that i should be a swordmaster to impress the ladies.

Alvis, how do you feel about the Genealogy of Fala patch being unfinished?

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Abel, I want my lance back, dammit. I think it's more impressive if you just hand me a Javelin and let me solo a who battalion of Paladins.

Alvis: Quite annoyed. After getting killed a million time by Sigurd's son and now the Issacian brat, I deserve some glory too!

Shanan, are you going to make Lakche your top general now that you have Issac back? Seeing her performance in the last war and all...

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Gary: As if I would ever be related to a loser like Leaf! Leaf, I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle! Charizard, go!

Leaf: Mareeta, I choose you! (And no, I'm not related to Gary.)

Mareeta: I'm NOT a Pokemon, Leaf. Don't treat me like one.

Ilyana, do you think that you could beat Yoshi and Kirby in an eating contest?

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Ilyana: Hungry... *Eats Yoshi and Kirby* There. Better. Oh, and I won.

Lakche, you just killed Alvis and is leading the army towards Yurius as Celice is trying to get your brother's girlfriend Yuria back. Anything you have to say before the battle?

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Lakche: Yurius will go down!

Oh Abel, you'll go Levin SM after 20/20 and some spirit dust!

Gazzak, have you ever thought of joining Marth? I want moar pirates

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Gazzak: Well, quite a few of us bosses have thought of joining Marth, but we can't move, so why would he want us? And kid, if you want moar pirates, use the reclass system. Arrrrr!

Gomer, who the heck is the "Shanty Pete" you refer to in your battle quote?

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Gomer: Arr, he be the pirate god!

Gazzak, I can only get 3 pirates without hacking, one uses the Aum staff.

Cain, is being a SM awesome?

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