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Beowulf: I don't really care what you and others think. I lead my life after all.

Jake, if you're now a Warrior, how did you end turning into a pirate when traveling to Elibe and change drastically?

Edited by Light Lord
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Jake: I'm in disguise. I'm trying to get away from that wretched An---

Anna: Oh, Jake! I've found you at last!

Jake: Blast!

Anna: Let's settle down in Port Badon together!

Jake: Nooooo!

Fargus: Looks like the wench has got a hold of ye!

Gatrie, have you ever thought about putting the moves on Titania?

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Not really, I'd rather go after girls who look like they're easier to win over.

Rudolf: After Alm defeated you, did you somehow miraculously survive and end up somewhere else, like Camus and Briggid did? I'm hoping so, since you're a rather cool villain.

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Black Knight: I worked at a McDonalds.

Norne, hows it feel to be the first woman in Marths woman liberation army?

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Serra: I'm Serra, and, er, your queen has ordered you to protect me.

Geoffery: The queen said so? Very well, Sir Geofferey at your service!

Serra: I could get used to this...

Briggid, are you in any way related to Jeorge?

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I killed their former owners and stole the weapons from them, of course.

Celice, how do you manage to look so feminine, to the point where the only man who looks more girly than you is Lucius? (not that I'm insulting you or Lucius for your feminine appearance)

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Celice: Because... well, I wanted to emulate Shanan, so I grew out my hair, but I guess it doesn't work so well for me. I got Tyrfing to make up for it, though. 8D

Lucius: I think you're very manly despite appearances. Your thoughts?

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Raven: Hmm, she's cute; but right now my sister needs me to take care of her while she returns to Etruria.

Maybe when I fininsh my contract, I'll return with her.

Cornelius, are you proud your son not only defeated Medeus, but also freed his siter and found a girlfriend?

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I've always been worried about him being too soft, but I'm really impressed he turned that into strength. My son defeating Medeus and his forces twice, proved to me how much better of a king he is than I or any of my forefathers were. I regret my wife and I not surviving and witnessing his victory, but I'm relieved that his sister is still around to watch over him. And as for his wife Caeda, I don't think there's a woman out there more worthy of Marth.

Fury, Fee, and Femina, would you consider yourselves to be the pegasus trio of FE 4, even though only one of you are playable at a time?

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Fee: No, IS was creative this time around and made the Pegasus Trio evil in this game. They are Meng, Bleg, and Maybell. They even have a Triangle Attack that must be avoided.

Celice: When taking on Alvis did you say, "Hello. My name is Celice of Chalphy. You killed my father. Prepare to die."?

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Celice: Yes, I did. But IS wanted to avoid copyright infringement so they didn't put it in the game. ;~;

Seth, despite being the godliest unit/person/sexy man ever, some noobs seem to be under the delusion that you suck. What do you think of this?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Hey LB I know hes wtfpwn now

Seth: Oifeys like myself are related to Jagens, and they assume Im old and sickly, though I am clearly not.

Marth, why don't you get a horse?

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Marth: Because I'm afraid of them. :( Yet I don't mind riding Sheeda's pegasus with her. Go figure.

Celice, why do you look and act 15 even though you're most likely 19/20?

Edited by El Rey León
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Celice: Because Daddy broke me! :(

Sigurd, why and how did you stop your child from growing over the age of 15?

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Oifey: .........*embarrassed* Yeah... but my awesome archetype makes up for it!

Hardin, hows it feel to be MVP of mt first logged run?

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