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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Valter: Because my face is full of AIDS.

Medeus: Yeah. I wanted to be the star, but they picked that pansy Marth instead. WTF!?

Johan, when you're in bed with someone, do you imagine they're Lakche?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Cool, double posted haha. Answering:

Midia: He suddenly arrived as a mercenary to ask for work, he turned out to be one of our greatest heroes and we fell in love during our work. More or less two years before Gharnef and Medeus attacked, before Camus met Princess Nyna.

Jill, which classs do you think fits me the most: swordmaster, wyvern lord, or hero?

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Est: Hmm... Celice! It's easy to steal from a girl who can't counter attack! Yeah!


Oifey: Enemy sighted overhead, Celice.

Celice: Tell the ballisticians to fire at will, captain.

Oifey: Yes sir.

Rutger, I'm sorry for calling you a jerk. Do you forgive me?

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Rutger: Hmppp... *glares at you evily*

Johan.... Johalva? *Sees them with Thany* What are you doing with her?? And if you intent on stealing her.... YOU HAVE TWO SECONDS TO LEAVE!!!! *Hands are glowing to cast an Ultima spell, Thany runs and hides*

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Johan: You think you're a match for us?! Don't make me laugh!

Johalva: I'll show you the true power of an axe fighter!

*a huge explosion is heard even in Tellius*

Thany: Thanks Forstibite darling, those guys were trying to take me away from you *hugs Frostbite*

Johan and Johalva, you've had your butts kicked time after time for trying to steal other people girls. Will you two ever stop?

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Johalva: It's not our fault! We would only have to worry about stealing from each other if that damn Shanan didn't take Lakche!

Johan: For now, we're likely to have to do this forever...

Eveyl, how good would you have been if you joined in FE4 2nd gen?

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Eveyl: Way past BROKEN... My dearie! Now... let me be a bit more motherly to you now!

Ohh.... Serra! What can you say about the grl stealrz??

<< YAY for Ice X Wind, +1.5 ATK, +1.5 DEF, +7.5 CRIT, +15 CRIT EVA, +7.5 AVO, +15 ACC... I guess I had a crappy math again... XP >>

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Serra: Well, they are not worthy to be good choices since they are going everywhere to try to get girls.

*somehow discovers both Johan and Johalva are the last heirs of Dozel*

Serra: Oh Johan, let me be the one to heal your heart!

Jill, I wanted to ask you this for some time *kneels and searchs for something in pockets*, would you marry me *shows ring*?

Edited by Light Lord
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Jill: Why yes!!

Haar: Wait... aren't you??

Jill: You're not in my age gap!

Haar: *silenc'd*

So, Jill when will you plan the wedding? *Thany looks at her happily*

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Jill: I would like it to be by December, and Light Lord agrees. We're still thinking of the exact date.

We'll spread invitations when we get everything ready *starts asking Thany what to do for the wedding*

So Ashnard, I heard you like Mudkips as you like power. Is that true?

Edited by Light Lord
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Roy: ......... Why are you going by stupid steroetypes?

Johalva, how's it feel that Serra picked Johan over you?

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Johalva: She what?

Fine. I'm just gonna go make out with Tinny some more.

*Goes up to Zak's door, which has a picture of Johalva and Faval crossed out*

As if I'm gonna let a fucking door stop me!

*kicks door down*

That was e-

Knight Guy: What the HELL are you doing here!?

Johalva: Uhhh... *runs home*

So FE6 Bartre, are you trying to beat Moulder in the Best Stache Contest?

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Bartre: no (yes)

Nyna, do you like seeing your loved ones die? (in some cases "die" and in others "loved ones")

Edited by Griffen78
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Hardin: thanks nyna for not including me in your morning.

Kieran: um..maybe kinda...no

Nyna will you marry me and break my heart so I go sadistic and crazy like hardin did? are you THAT in love with camus?


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Nyna: Sure.

Frey, why do you win so much?

...I won't except that answer.

Frey: there is no winning in war boy, battles are won not wars. Wars are mearly complete'd

someone else try the Nyna question.

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Nyna: I am grateful for the help Hardin gave me in those dire times, but I can't help but feel Camus and I could have...Artemis' curse has done enough. I'm sorry, but I won't marry you.

Jill, where would you like to have our wedding party: Talrega, Begnion, or another place?

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