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Jill: It's okay, we still have the bishop!

Yodel: I see there are problems?

Jill: Yes, father Yodel...

Yodel: I'll be still waiting... and the Elimine clergy will arrive here as well to witness the ceremony!

Jill: Really??

L'Arachel.... Can you grant me your divine righteousness? I desperately need it!

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Tinny: Uhmm... Sure!

L'Arachel.... Thank you! *Glows brightly to turn into the Guardian of Pallies*

Errmm.... Ephraim are you aware Johalva is grl stealing Tana from you? And Johan is drooling over her pictures as if he was a dog!

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Ephraim: Wait, what do you mean? Tana is with BLS, And Johan... Johan is in my bathroom with pics of Lakche.

Johan, why aren't you using your own bathroom?

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Johan: *baaaawing* Because they won't leave Britney me alooooooooone!!!

Jagen, how's it feel to be RNG blessed? The only cav that outdid you was Cain.

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Jagen: Nice... eh?

Hey Kieran! I has a new pair of summons NOW! *Summons Fiegmund, the Water God-beast and Leviathan, the Tidal Lord* Any thoughts?

( *cough*Seiken Densetsu 3*cough* )

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Sety: Uh...... she stole my stolen staff?

Jagen, rank your subordinates on a scale from 1-10 (I believe that's Cain, Abel, Frey, Gordin, and Draug)

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Jagen: Everyone's a 10, except for Gaggles who's a 2.5 to me...

Kieran... I found a Leviathan magicite a while ago! So... speaking of summons, don't you just love it when I finish off an enemy with a barrage of spells? *Glares at victims*

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Tinny: Sety had Ninian use all her Dancer Rings on Sety and Bowser stole the Star Rod for him!! But don't hurt Sety, he's possessed again ;_;

Jagen, what's unforgivable to do in a war?

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Jagen: Kill the innoccents, there's no forgiveness for tactics that involve putting citizens in danger.

Sorry Jill, but tomorrow's the big day, Zak, Frost, and the others are all invited to it :)

Hey Ishtar or Ishtore, who of you thinks of Tinny as a family member rather than a soldier?

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Tinny: He'll go GRL STEALRZ again! *sniff*

Say... Kieran, Jill and Titania and all the other redheads/carrotheads/pinkheads, the HnH is a war between all of you! Any thoughts? *Is summoning Zable Fahr, the God-Beast of Darkness just to test*

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Yodel: Very well then! *the Elimine clergy is also assisting the ceremony*

*moments later*

Yodel: Will you take this man as your loving husband?

Jill: I do!

Yodel: As for you, fine gentleman... take this woman as your loving wife?

Light Lord: I do!

Yodel: May the light of the heavens bless you all, for I pronounce you husband and wife! *The Holy Maiden is raised and glows brightly*

*Insert crowd applause here*

Thany: How adorable! *Watches LL and Jill kiss*

Frostbite: This is an event we need to witness... my dear...

Thany: Oh you! *hugs*

Marcia: CRACKERS! *blushes*

So... Marcia got anything planned after witnessing the wedding led by Yodel?

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Marcia: Yeah! I want to marry Kieran!

Kieran: Uhh... *Runs to a time machine, goes to the past, and shoves himself off a balcony*

Marcia: Wha-?

So Sety, you're back to being a Grl Stealr, huh?

*Holds Tinny close*

What's Linda gonna think?

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Tinny: It's so wonderful! Ever since Zakie taught me the joys of arena abuse, I've been here all day!

Faval, as it turns out, you never actually were a GS. I'm sorry.


Would a shiny Squirtle make amends?

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Sanaki: I wanted to be like Eliwood and have a weapon that's too heavy for me.

Tinny, should I reclass to Hero?

Then I could use Knight Guy's axe!

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Tinny: No! Reclass to Magic Seal and Shut up tranformed Xane!

Second Gen Grl Stealers and Neo Stealers, are your subs stealers too?

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Grl Stealrz: YES

Neo Grl Stealrz: Ehhh... *scratches heads*

Me: GET THE FUCK OUT! *Casts Ultima*

All Grl Stealrz: OHSHI--- *Kaboom*

Kieran... Do you like this Ice Cracker? *Shows an Icy and Mega-Sharp Axe*

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