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Keiran: Sur-

Me: OHOHO *steals*

Keiran: Hey!

Me: Hey, Im the resident axe addict! I have to have a prf weapon... right?

Keiran: ...Frosty, can you get me another weapon?

Beck, why horseman?

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Seth: Yes, but why not just give every weapon to me as a Prf? Except your Calculus Sword of Course. And the various Axes Spy stole. And Frostbites Tomes.

Ayra, why are you annoying to recruit?

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Yeah no shit Ayra, except you kept going up to Sigurd and having him kill you.


Seth: sorry, my blood isn't Odo, it's Major!Hezul, Minor!Noba.

Eirika, Ephraim, what's your guys holdu blood?

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Just what level is Sigurd?

I'm surprised that Sigurd hasn't been Meteor'd yet.


Eiri and Eph: Major Renais. *ahem* Baldo. It's the blue hair, man.

Lakche: I'm inserting you into FE8 as a Wyvern Knight with S Swords (after I make the animation) and raising that speed cap back to 30. Y/N?

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He was 12(99) IIRC.

Lakche: Do I keep my Balmung?

Shiida, Marth, if what Eri and Eph just said was true would you both have Baldo blood and be committing incest?

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No wonder. Sigurd is overleveled. Ayra is only level 7.

Shiida: But I'm not of the Protagonist royal house! So I'm good. Only the protagonist blue-hairs have that.

Lakche: I'm going to see if Balmung could be accessible to you, Shanan, and your brother, Lakche. If not, you still have that PRF Hero Sword I'm going to give you. With +50 Crit. Yes?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Lute; Maybe I shouldn't ask for this, but I need a new magic tome that can help me avoid even more. If you can't, maybe preparing dinner tomorrow.

Hmmm, a lance that boosts resistance for you Jill, do you mind if it comes from my fanfic? I have been working in one that might prove useful.

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Lute: Lusciously Roasted Turkey! It's for how godly my prowess is!

Kieran... err... HERE! How about my Frigid Crasher? *Gives a large pole-axe embedded in the power of ice*

Jill... There's a spear called "Holy Lance" rigged in my stash.... *Opens stash to reveal a bright white spear in light, the Holy Lance*

Hmm... Thany, here's my Christmas gift for you! Do you like it? *Gives a magnifique trident* It's called the Tidal Spear!

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@Lumi: Ethlin has Baldo IIRC.

Thany: Why is it always spears? :/ Killing isn't my only interest! Can I have a dress?

Arden, if you wanted to not be slow why wouldn't you just reclass?

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Here's PART 2 of your GIFTS! Thany! *Presses a large switch containing magnificent dresses, a lovely tiara, a circlet, a sapphire-lined mirror and a bunch of pretty stuff*

Arden: I like to play slow-paced action...

Kieran... *sniff* How's your new icy axe treating you? I'll be buying more staves as usual... Lucky for me I had tons of funds... since I don't want any ugly stuff to happen again since the holidays are closing in....

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Tinny: I thought he was nice but he looked like he had crack and heroin when he had gone obsessed over me... :<

Kieran?? NO STAVES?!?!?! NOOOO!!!!! *Readies Transfuse scroll*

So.... Titania, I fear you're going to be a hazard in my crazed healing chain... Any thoughts that I'll start to play "disturbing"?? *Zable Fahr, God-beast of Darkness, Gorva and Shade, the Ghosts of Darkness appears behind me*

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Lugh: No, Im the good twin as composed to his evilness.

Hector, do you have Major!Neir or Minor!Neir if Uther inhereted major?

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Hector: If such thing existed here, I would have Minor as far as I know. Either way, I don't need that Swanchika if I have my Armads with me!

So Sety, what do you think of Xane wandering around stealing staves, girls and whatever impersonating you?

Edited by Light Lord
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Sety: Only I can do those things... Except stealing girls, I don't do that anymore please don't pwn me Zak! :sweatdrop:

But yeah, Xane is as good as dead!

Tinny, sweetie, how do you attack with magic tomes? Do you rip a page out and eat it, or what?

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Tinny: Well, you read out of them. Unfortunately, they're written in invisible ink, so you have to use lemon juice to read it, which disintegrates the page afterwards...

Lute: So, I was going to make you turkey dinner for your birthday coming up next week, but I was wondering if you could tell me what you might want for a gift?

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Arthur: Hmm... I don't remember being dead. Could you remind me when I supposedly died?

Lute: It turns out that a pegasus costs 50,000 gold and I don't have the money... Could you possibly settle for this massive compendium on the subject?

*Drops 30 pound, 3000 page book*

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... Whoops.

"Of course!

... Could you help me carry it?"

Levin, nice subtle cameo in FE11/12 with the magic sword. But why a sword? Wouldn't it be cooler to make a cameo as, like, a villager?

Edited by Luka Megurine
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