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Cain, it's great! Did I gain natural resistance too?

Kieran: Eh, maybe. I'm cool enough without them though.

Me: Kieran, maybe we can get you contacts?

Corple, if you Valkyried Claude would you keep the Valkyrie staff or have to give it to him?

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Corple: Perhaps... keep it, he's my dad right?

Contact lenses it is, then! *Calls an optometrist*

Abel, how does it feel that I treat you like a voodoo doll in Shadow Dragon? *is holding a voodoo doll*

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Kieran: Axe skillz. U want it!? It's your's my friend, as long as you have enough rupees.

You don't need to give me any, just have enough.

*Rescues Est*

You realize Lumi will flip when she sees this, right?

Tinny, I got you on the line up! Any thoughts?

*Puts on heavy boots so I won't get knocked down.*

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Sety: Uhmm... Ilyana? *confused*

Let's see, why I started feeling a bit "eh" on you Abel, well... You crashed into my video making studio... wrecking up shit... and made a joke about me wearing a cleric's veil so I can heal better? It's not funny....

To any of the Cains, how does it feel that I might draw you all on the opening of March?

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Kieran: The first step is lifting one. If you can't do that, go home.

Aww Sety, I'm sorry, you don't win the grand prize vacation, but tell him what he did win!

Voice: A football!

Mario: It's a stone.

Abel, why did you crash into Frost's video studio, wreaking shit, and make an unfunny joke about him wearing the cleric's veil he's wearing so he can heal better? That's just not nice.

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Abel: Cause I thought he might laugh at the joke? Oh, and Manfroy blackmailed me... He also told me to torture that red-head friend of his... and brain-troll him while he's asleep, so he'll be getting insomnia....

*insert Shade, the ghost of darkness entering here*

Shade: You know... you can convince him to trust you again.... but it will be a long and hard road....

Abel: Oh...

Shade: Pick your poison, convince him again or be tortured for eternity by his mad magics!

Now... Kieran, feeling better with your new contact lenses? I hope it serves you well...

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Kieran: Yeah, now I can teach my young friend how to use an axe without accidentally crating him in the face!

Me: ... 0_o

So I can lift axes with up to 8 weight so far with no AS loss. Kieran, what next?

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Kieran: How about you try to swing it about....

Me: Ehh... This training dummy for instance? *retreats*

Kieran: LIKE THIS! *Charges at the Training dummy, hard!*

Now.... Abel, any thoughts on the ghost's little trial on you?

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Jill: I don't know... their like PWNING their opponents... I feel a bit... uhmm... Ehehe... *can't answer because of the duelists being utter PWNAGE*

Me: Abel... You still have a long way to go.... *evil eyes and leaves*

Shade: *facepalm* Then this is your path then...

Abel: Say... is there a way for him to pipe down his anger...

Shade: Master Frost... apparently he's not the easy-to-convince type... He needs to see you're worthy again...

Abel: Then how?

Shade: Come with me... You will face trials of endurance that is to come!

Abel: I see... wait... Can you tell me what are the things he finds pleasing?

Shade: Come with me... I will tell you... and I heard about the joke... I am not happy about it....

Lucius... I feel grudgeful... can you help me out?

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"... Can you give me a break? I only visited your house to return your bike. You did get the note I left you about it, right?"

Leo, why didn't you share your secrets of 1-5 range to your Radiant Dawn counterparts? Or all other archers, for that matter?

(Leo is an archer from FE2, not Leonardo XD)

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Leo: Because I'm locked to Valencia bows, which break outside of Valencia.

Oscar, how do you cook with closed eyes?

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Tinny: *let's see* ....*casts stone and turns you to stone* Honey, I can use rock type powers! Honey? HONEY?!?

*charges at training dummy and slices its head off*

What's next Kieran?

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Kieran: Soup. Get me LOTS of soup. And soap to clean off the soup.

*casts soften on self*

That's not what I meant by Brock powers, Tinny.

Skasaher, to what degree do you hate those enemy sleep staffers?

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Est: Are you coming on to me, because that's the WORST pickup line I've ever heard. It's worse then-

Me: *Whispers in her ear*

Est: You mean that's not what he meant? Uh oh. *runs*

Leaf, what's it like knowing you get to arena abuse in FE5, while your cousin Celice can't?

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Leaf: It's awesome because then I can roflstomp early, knowing that he can't.

Allright Kieran, here's 100 cans of soup. But why do I need them?

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KIeran: Uhmm...

Oscar: I thought you two are... exhausted from training?

Me: *facepalm* Oh LOOK A BANDIT!

Kieran: Where?!!! *charges off and kills a random bandit*

Me: That's fast...

Est... I'll enjoy doing my voodoo shit on you!

Rutger and all the Navarre archetypes, why so... glary?

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