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Johalva: What? *goes Grl Stealing Fir*

Fir: Aiyeeeee!! *critblicks Johalva*

Johalva: FFFFF...FUCK.....

So.... Kieran, why so pwnsome as a wrecking ball? Oh and that Winter's Edge is 2-range like those Light Brands, except more deadly....

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Johalva:If you mean that as the moonwalk, then yes :D .

Kieran: Becaus I am me! That's enough already, but I need to beat Oscar next time!*goes training more*

Seth, what would it be to appear in a X-fic with Eirika and a few Castlevania characters?*insert explanation of what's Castlevania*

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Seth: How delightful to be with new faces! Isn't it, milady?

Eirika: I guess so....

Ohhh... Roshea and Roger, I guess you two are next to complete my deck of skittle art... Any thoughts?

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Roy: She's still dealing with the stress of being one of my grls instead of my only grl.

Leaf, if I don't get a new comp, which I might not, I have to say goodbye to your game. Thoughts?

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Leaf: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! Now my game will never get finished! And it's not like Zak's helping!

Me: I have IRL stuff and at least 5 other games I'm working on.

Leaf: You know what? Fuck you, I'm stealing Tinny!

*Leaf has joined the Grl Stealrz*

Me: What'll Nanna think?

Leaf: ... You're right. Sorry.

*Leaf has left the Grl Stealrz.*

Sophia, why so slow?

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"... I don't recall knowing anyone named Leaf, sadly."

Briggid, Psych made you a Dracoknight, replaced Ichival with Gungnir, and made you male in his hack! What do you think of this D:

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Jarod: Not the group. Just arhat stupid silver haired blech!

Wow Psych, really? :facepalm:

Fine Lachesis, will you go look for Cuan's son?

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Lachesis: Maybe. I need to find my own kids first.

Me: *Holding a cookie jar, with Delmund standing next to me, pigging out on cookies*

Here's one.

Lachesis: :wtf:

Tinny, baby, can you please make me a cake with tons of frosting?

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Tinny: Do you mean an ice-cream cake? Yeah of course Zaky, it will be fun and tasty for both of us!

Lekain, would you wish to have a rematch against Micaiah and Sanaki? You'll be following someone's orders.

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Lekain: Yes, and I'll make them bathe in my RADIANCE! TAHAHAHAHA!

Micaiah: *Rexaura crit*

Sanaki: *Flare + Rexflame*

Lekain: FFFFFUUU----

So... Sety, I heard you have the brainwash spell... Any thoughts? And please don't screw anyone with it!

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Sety: I do? Sweet! Oh Tinny!

Tinny: Yes?

Sety: *Wiggles fingers* You will take your clothes off.

Tinny: ... Excuse me? :wtf:

Sety: You will take your clothes off!

Tinny: No! *slaps Sety's face*

Sety: Ahahah-! I don't understand, why isn't it working!?

Zak: Psst! I got her a necklace that protects her from mind control.

Sety: Son of a...

Skasaher, why so :newyears: ?

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Skasaher: Because my mother is a great swordfighter and my father was an incredible soldier, it's in our genes.

Sety, have you tried using The Force Influence? By the way, it doesn't work on anyone.

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Sety: Obviously not, if it doesn't work. But this brainwash spell works!

..Hey Ike!! Get your mercenaries! *uses brainwash to make him and the GMs all grl stealerz, except Gatrie because he fails at getting girls in the first place*

Gatrie, why so :awesome: ?

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Boyd: Now, I'm now twice the stealer! Tinny!!!

Me: *bonks Boyd over the head with a staff and he faints*


Boyd: Ungh, what happened?

Me: You tried to steal Tinny..

Boyd: Why would I do that? >_<

Me: I think he's fixed.

Original Grl Stealers (minus Delmud because he was reduced to a cookie craver), what do you think of your new companions?

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Sety: Sweet!

Johalva: Hell yeah!

Ray: Heh, Ike.

Ginger @ school: Yeah! Whoot! Lets go get some girls!

GSs: *stares, and then beats him up*

Sety: Wait, where's Faval?

Faval: Fucking Damnit, I only pretended to be one so you guys would stop calling me gay for not trying to fuck somebody else's girlfriend! Fucking losers. *walks away*

GSs: :(

Aless: Wait, is it too late to join?

Sety: Nope.

Delmund: Lawl, I can't believe I used to be one. *munch*

Sety, are you bipolar? One day, you're a GS, but not the next.

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