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"This means war." *critHolsety's you*

Levin, how did you really survive the battle of Barharra? :o:

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Tinny: It's cool until you realize that there are so many creeps who wanna bang you (you not included)

Hey King Azmur, what's it like knowing that Langobart and Reptor were your son's true murderers and played you for a fool?

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Tiki: It's because of the varying stones.

Hey, any of the Ilians and Kieran... am I fitting for the airforce for this?




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"No matter how many times you ask me, the answer's not going to change, you know. Do you want it to change or something...?"

So, Athena! In my female-only Shadow Dragon playthrough, you're probably MVP. Thoughts?

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Sety: Mmmm, I woud rather choose...Archsage! Maybe doing so, I will be able to defeat you finally!

Arthur: You would rather need to be in Tellius or Elibe to do so.

Sety: *facepalm* I guess I'd rather stay as a Sage, thanks.

Hey Ike, what's the worst that can happen while trying to learn using Aether?

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Ike: You could hurt someone if you're careless. Have you ever wanted to know why Haar has an eyepatch?

Sety and Aless, really, how do you plan to make things work if you actually manage to steal Tinny from me? There's two of you and only one of her!

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Sety: Well, I have Holsety and can defeat Aless easily!

Aless: +10 RES.

Sety: :/:

Darros, I promoted ypu in Chapter 7. Thoughts?

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Tinny: It was really great dear! I loved the fireworks pretty much too, but the best was spending it with you.

So Zelgius, which of the following techniques do you think is the best: Great Aether or Eclipse?

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Zelgius: *ahem* Eclipse, but I blame Nihil for ruining it! *angry face*

So, Levin... heard of my air-tastic shows coming up?

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Levin: No. But I'll definitely be there to see it.

Tinny, dear, could you please do something to help cheer me up? My mom's been giving me a really hard time lately...

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Tinny: Well, I need to cheer up to. You never let me play with your Wii.....Hey, I know! We can play with your Wii.....together.

Ike, you and your group seem pretty close. Have any of you guys ever tried performing stuff like Unison Attacks or Triple Techs?

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Ike: No, actually. Great idea though, I'm gonna try it out! Thanks!

Tinny, dear... *strokes her face*

We can't play the Wii, remember? It's in my parents' room. Would playing the PS2 work for you?

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Tinny: We can use my Wii! *takes you to Freege*

Shinon, how does it feel that you're going to support with Lyre?

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Shinon: Whaddya mean I gotta pair with that furball?

*Lyre claws Shinon across the face*

Shinon: OUCH! Son of a--

That's their "C Support" conversation.

Pirate characters, have you thought of becoming Air Pirates, like those in Skies of Arcadia?

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Geese: I tried that once. It didn't work out so well.

Sety, do you want to come play Wii with Tinny and me? Because you're an awesome guy except for the fact that you're a GS and I much prefer your company then that of my "friend"

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Sety: Well, since I have 200 something days until I start stealing again... sure! :D:

Azel, I made all weapons 0 weight in the Troll hack. You can actually double now! Thoughts?

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Azel: *Doubles everything*

Azel: Hey, I'm gonna be as strong as my brother Alvis!

Alvis: No, my dear Azel. You will die at the Battle of Barhara!

Azel: That's not fair.....

Jill, how did you go from maining lances to maining axes in RD?

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Jill: My lance broke, so I picked up an axe, and... There ya go!

Tinny, do you think you may want to take the kids and go spend the night at your brothers? My parents are probably going to start arguing in the middle of the night and wake the kids up...

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Azel, I made all weapons 0 weight in the Troll hack. You can actually double now!

Doesn't this imply he couldn't in the first place? ;/

Tinny: "S-sure. I don't like it when they argue...

Why not buy your own house already though? You have enough gold!"



How useful do you think stealing actual items would be as a P Phase action

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Dew: Well, thinking it I could steal potions, guards, bracelets, bands, not equipped weapons that I can carry. That would be cool here in Jugdral, why am I only stealing money? Can anyone teach me how to steal weapons?

Volke: 10000 gold is my usual fee, but for you, it will be 100000.

Bastian, do you know why Volke charges everyone for any little thing such a giant fee?

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