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Tinny: It was fine. He didn't let me play with his Wii, though.....*sigh*

Sety, since you can't steal Tinny for a while, how about pursuing some other girls, like Mikuru Asahina? She's wearing a maid outfit right now.....

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Sety: WHERE??! Where!?? Where?

Oh, Sety... Any thoughts on the HnH? I think I accidentally swooped in with my aircraft... The weather was too cloudy and I was too busy taking out that robotic beetle thingy.

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Doesn't this imply he couldn't in the first place? ;/

I know PEMN, but outside of the first two chapters I never got Azel to double with fire magic, and the other tomes went to other people. :<

Continue the above question.

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Sety is too busy tracking down Maid Mikuru to care about a Hurt 'n' Heal, so let's ask someone else a question.....

Yuno, have you considered teaching your subordinates how to do barrel rolls? It might help pegasus knights last longer in a fight.

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Yuno: I tried it once with my sisters, but Tate fell off, and she's been grumpy ever since. I didn't want Thany or anyone else to end up that way, so I just forgot about the whole barrel roll thing.

So Tinny, on Pokemon Brown, I named a Pikachu (now a Raichu) "Lil Tinny". What do you think?

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Tinny: Pokemon Brown? I didn't even know that game existed. It's not illegal, is it?

Aimee, have you ever thought of searching for guys other than Ike? Ike is just not that into you.

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Aimee: Well, I have his hot little friend Sorem!

Soren: The name is Soren.

Aimee: :/:

Kezdha, why didn't you join up with Ike?

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Marth: Yes. I have an awesome DW Dragonite. With Roost and Leftovers, it's a force to be reckon with!

Arthur, Me and Tinny are gonna... Uhh... Would you mind watching our kids for the night? I'll pay you with 50,000 of Aless's gold.

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Arthur: "I have a few objections with you using other people's gold... Surely that's a bad example to set. :(:"

Volke, are you saving up for something with all your money? :o:

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Volke: Yes. I'm saving up for a car. They were just invented, and are very expensive...

Sety, I was thinking... Maybe we could be friends again? Oh, here's your money back. *hands him 90,000 of Aless's gold*

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Sety: Well, sure, why not? But friendship is not bought.


Sety: Mmmm, no thanks, now's mine.

Ike, if you could choose a tag partner for a combination attack, who of your comrades would you choose?

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Ike: Let's say.... this mage?

Me: Wait... what?

Thany: But we're supposed to be tag-teaming with Kieran for a triangle attack!

Kieran: Yeah!

Ike: Fine... I'll choose Mia instead!

Hey Sety, any thoughts about the Robotic Beetle crashing on you?

(See Strikers 1945 III video post for details)

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Sety: Uhh... Please don't... I'm good now, I swear! *starts sweating*

Tinny, what do you think of me and Sety being friends again?

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Brom: Well, sure! I set them up in the first place!

Meg, since Zihark is Pookums, what's the rest of the Dawn Brigade's embarassing nicknames?

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Meg: Well, Micaiah ha Failcaiah...

Micaiah: :(

Meg: Nolan is Brolan...

Nolan: That's cool, not embarrassing.

Meg: Edward is Wimpy...

Edward: Aww, NOT cool!

Meg: Leonardo is Hottiehot...

Leonardo: ...

Meg: And Sothe is Sue!

Sothe: You wear a belly shirt and everyone makes fun of you...

Tinny, dear, why can't we invite Sety over for dinner, yet you want to invite Aless, who's been trying to kill me?

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"I know Aless has some good in him... But I can't same I'm as sure about Sety."

So Dew, I plan on actually making you a Thieffighter this run! Thoughts?

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Dew: Hoorah! Having pursuit is fun! While I'm at it can I sleep with Briggid?

Briggid: O_o *shoots Dew with the Ichival*

Well, looks like Dew isn't getting a promotion.

Leonardo, why so fail?

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Leonardo: Because. I'm missing an ear.

Celice: No dummy, that was Van Gogh!

Leonardo: ...Oh... Well... I... Uh... Was having a bad day, and... You know...

Tinny... Wh-why do you trust the guy who's been trying to kill me more then the guy I made amends with...?

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Tinny: BECAUSE I SAID HE'S GOOD. NOW EEEEAAAATTTTT. *Twitches then force feeds you her cooking*

Hawk, I thought you said Linda was the crazy one. Were you wrong all along?

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Hawk: Well, she and I drink a lot, so I guess that it makes her act weird and me perceive things all wrong. Now that I think about it... Linda rocks!

Linda: *Hugs Hawk* I love you Zak!

Hawk: ...Except for that, she's awesome.


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"Mm... Nah. That would make me use way too much gold repairing Holsety. I need this money for when I inevitably backstab you, in case I need to be revived."

So, Azel

you're gonna get windsword and give your groths and stuff to patty for rangethiefery

yes or no

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