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Thany: If doing so will make it run better, then by all means!

Radney, I'm sorry I have to ask this of you, but, well... You're the only person I feel comfortable asking.

May I please cry on your shoulder for a little bit? Tinny's leaving me, and unlike the other 9-something times, this time, I don't think she's gonna be coming back...

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Radney: *sigh* Men... I really don't get them. Why don't you actually try and win her heart back instead of moping around about it?

So, Sephiran, you're all magical and stuff, want to climb the tower of Druaga with me, Boyd, and Shanan? We can't see the ghosts.

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Sephiran: I wouldn't mind going alongside you. I shall silence these restless souls.

So... Grl Stealrz, I got this device called the Psychic Dominator... Want me to try it on you all?

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Sety: I left the GSs.

Aless: Actually, things have taken quite a turn. Zak is paying me to steal Tinny. I don't know what the hell he's thinking, but if it's by the guy who bests me at everything, it must be at least decent.

Radney, I am trying to get her back. It's not going so hot. Do you have any good ideas as to how I should go about that?

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Radney: Take this thing... I know it's weird, but it's some mind control thingy that your weird sage friend threw out randomly when he was in a RAGE!

So... Lance, are you pointy? NewYearsEmoticon.gif

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Celice: Uh... sure. *wispers "I'll kill him now while he's getting used to riding a horse." *

Fala: I dare you to try anything on Zak if you do I'll roast you alive.

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Fala: Try and stop me.

Hey, Fala, Neir, Dain and Tordo, are you rolling in your graves after the horrendous crimes committed by some of your descendants during the events of FE4?

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Neir: A little, yes.

Dain: Everything Trabent did, he did for his people.

Tordo: Lol Ishtar.

Fala: He's a Grl Stealr... Alvis is a Grl Stealr... Oh... Oh God...

So Delmud, I'm sorry. Tinny's new husband *coughcough* won't share any of the tasty magical cookies that Tinny makes. Here's the only cookies I have left... *hands him a plate with only 4 cookies* Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? Perhaps I could get you a new addiction?

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Delmud: I'm on weed, crack, meth and every drug under the sun. Wait, how did I even manage to say that clearly?

So Dain, what's it like knowing that even Trabant's own people hate his guts, that he held hostage a 3-year old girl to force her father to drop the Gaebolg, and kidnapped her after killing her father in cold blood just so she could use the Gaebolg for him?

Edited by Chiki's Pet Pikachu
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Dain: Well, if you focus on what he's done, and not why he did those things, then he's a mega doucheface. Even more so then Alvis.

Fala: Haha, your decendent's a bigger as then mine is!

Dain: :( ...

Sety, what do you think of that guy coming in out of nowhere and literally stealing Tinny from me?

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Sety: I wanna fucking kill him too!

Hey, Dain, Sety, Fala, Tordo, Ulir, and Neir, what's it like knowing that some of your descendants fought for the evil god you tried to vanquish oh-so long ago? Oh, and Narga, isn't it incredibly ironic that one of your descendants hosted your archenemy?

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Dain: "It's not the what, it's the why."

Sety: "Do you think this is a newsflash to me? I'm aware that one of my descendants was saved in order to combat the great evil."

Ulir: "I'm aware as well. We aren't ignorant of these events, even long after our own days..."

Tordo: "The path one takes can be harsh. I do not condone the acts of Blume or Ishtar, but I acknowledge that they had their own reasons."

Fala: "My descendant's goal was noble. The side effect of it was most unfortunate, but sometimes that just can't be helped."

Neir: "In times of war, sometimes the side that is truly noble is difficult to decide. I would have rather that my descendants picked Lord Celice's cause, but I do not hate them for their own choices."

Narga: "Quite. And yet, it pleases me to know the righteous prevailed in the end. But it is only a matter of time before another Holy War. The world is destined to repeat the cycle of light and dark for eternity."

so Julius

why do you change your skills between Ch 10 and Endgame

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Julius: I felt bored, so I picked up a new skill. The one with the eyeball-thing. It's so awesome looking!

Hey generic Mage Fighter(M), why do you look so much like Rick Astley?

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Nolan: Sure, no problem! Just tell me where you need me!

Hey Tinny, how was last night with your... New... Husband...*coughcough*?

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Tinny: ...? What new husband? I don't remember...

Pat: WTF? Uh, Tinny are you OK? Zak and I can take you to Hawk and Corple if you don't remember...

Hawk, How do I kill a Gs?

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Hawk: Well, you have to stab him or her with a wood pike, maybe a crucifix and some holy water.

Me:...but isn't that for a vampire?

Hawk: Vampires are GS. But seriously, maybe with an ultimate technique or a Mastery Skill. Theiir humans after all, unlike vampires.

Hey Mia, do you think you could spar with me a moment with sword techniques?

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Ike: WTF,Soren! Did you open the portal to the abridged universe again?

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Raven: I left to go to a far off island. Priscilla... I don't know...

Hey Sety, due to some technicalities, Tinny is still technically meh grl. The other guy's gonna be sore as hell when he finds out. You'll help me through that, right?

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