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Briggid: Do you mean Leptor? He keeps activating greatshield because he's like everybody else with it; a greatsh-*censored*.

Hey Glen, how come your Charizard isn't shiny?

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"Because I couldn't hurt Leaf or Marita! Even under mind control, I kept the sense to do that. Why did you even make me a Dark Warlord at all? Jerk."

Evyel, I still havent played. See: assholes on youtube/ FE5 Boss stat page.

Glen: Because I don't RNG abuse like you :<

Nanna, how does it feel to be canonical, unlike some other FE4 kids who might of never existed? Dont you love FE5?

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"I let Felgus keep it."

^FE5 canon isn't FE4 canon, otherwise Sety would always have Holsety in FE4.

Faval, you're canon no matter what they say! ... faval? where did you go

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Faval: Huh? Sorry, I was busy apologizing to Zak. I accidently shot him a little harder then I wanted to. His leg looks terrible...

So Tinny, are you sure you don't remember that thing you did that one night?

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^^It is in existance though, isn't it?

Tinny: Did you date rape drug me? D:<

Eyvel, are you still pissed at me? I never made you a Dark Warlord. You should go to the boss stats page 8D.

To help: I saw you OHKO Funf non-critical with a Thunder Sword 8D

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Eyvel: YES... now go leave me alone! *critblicks you with Thunder sword*

Say... Kieran, which I should reclass into? A Mage Knight or a... Druid?? O_o

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Leaf: *smoking pot* Huh?

Tinny: Did you date rape drug me? D:<

Of course not. You did... Something that was... Wonderful. The lights were out, so I couldn't really see...

Do you understand now, sweetie?

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Tinny: Ohh... I get you now... *blushies*

Kieran: Go reclass into a dancer. I heard theyre cool.

NOT FUNNY!! Dammit! >:(

Now seriously, Kieran, what shall I reclass into, so I can heal you more efficiently? Mage Knight or Druid! And the hell! DON'T SAY DANCER! I just recovered from all my Transfuse seizure syndrome!

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Hawk: NO... but I can do this! FALCON PUNCH! *falcon punches you with 105% crit*

Kieran: Mage knight then. It's still knightly.

Okay then! *reclasses into a Mage Knight* OMG! I got a White steed! (I find brown steeds for Mage Knights kinda bland to my tastes)

L'Arachel! I just reclassed into a Mage Knight... Can I go mortyslaying with you??

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Larachel: You mean Promote, right?

What about Thany? Won't she get Jealous?

Hawk: NO... but I can do this! FALCON PUNCH! *falcon punches you with 105% crit*

Me: *Survives and counters with Zantetsuken*

So Thany, are you jealous of L'Arachel and Frostbite?

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Thany: Not really.... Well he needs to train to become a better Mage Knight... I'm talking to my sisters right now... I'm also asking him to buy me a Flame lance....

Now.... Fa... does your sneezing really kill the enemy??

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Thany: Well, I can't since they are only friends. Frostbite gave me a ring remember?

He will keep his promise.

Fa: fa is strong dragon! And I'm cute, that's why!

Hey L'Arachel, how did you get in this situation?

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Well... he barged right out of nowhere and wanted to optimize his skills... speaking of that... *Zaps a revenant and watches Frostbite capsize a Bael in ice*

Juno... Tate... any thoughts on Thany? >.>

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Yuno: It's so sweet that she finally found someone that can take care of her. Our little siter is growing.

Tate: Well, she found a nice guy. I just hope he's not as that famous Sety, or he will get the beaten of his life.

Thany *hugs Frostbite happily*

Gant, do you mind answering my previous question: what happened to you after the war, did you go back with Celdia?

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Gant: Yes... and we lived happily together!

Celdia: *enters angrily* What did you do to our money? *chokes Gant*

Gant: Ackk... ack.... can't breathe!

Celdia: You pilfering dolt! *shakes Gant like hell*

(lol randomness)

Valtome, have you imagined yourself wearing a ballerina costume? *snickers together with Thany who is smugging and smirking*

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Corple: 540,000 times... Got killed by stuff that goes angry at him and recently... He got punched brutally by a girl!

Tate: GET THE HELL OFF ME! YOU GIRL STEALER!! *punches Sety mercilessly and hits him with a brick in the face*

Thany!! I got your Flame lance and bought you an Icebrand too! Any thoughts? I even brought you a new shiny armor and your wedding dress too! *shows first the armor and then the wedding dress*

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