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Grigas: No. Im too busy using my Pachyderm to an advantage in FE11 H2 against Wyatt. :> I will weeeeeen.

Guy, I heard you wanna be a Shy Guy. Confirm?

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Jill: Sure! I'd love to-

Haar: WRARRH!!

Sety: Stop that.

Haar: STFU you don't lead us anymore!

Sety: *Readys Holsety*

Haar: ...K bye. *Runs*

Jill: ...So yeah, I'd love to go with you!

So Tinny, what do you think of the AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd)?

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Tinny: He scares me.... T_T

Thany, any thoughts on the new grl stealrz? We'll have to be on full guard or else what can I say to your sisters! *worried look*

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Thany: D= Theyre led by Gheb, so we also have to avoid raep!!! *cries*

Yuno: Ha, Ive been married for quite a while. They wont get me! *goes off with lolZealot*

Tate: Ohshi-

Kieran, whats your plan to steal Tinny?

Edited by Spykor
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Kieran: This! I've got my hands on a swordslayer. You're dead Zak!

Me: ...Knight Guy, can I borrow your axe for a minute?

Kieran: ...Oh yeah, heroes can use axes. Crap... Bye! *runs off*

So Kieran, I don't understand. How are you a Grl Stealr?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Kieran: Gheb tricked me into this... now Frostbite might go out and use the Hypnotize staff!

Now... Now... Tate... There's always Klein to come along... *Calls Klein* and Thany... don't worry... I have a moveset of nasty magics at hand... they do not know they're facing one of the ace-ranked sages here....

Roy? Are you aware of the grl stealrz' existence? They might go out and take Lilina and RAEP her!

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Tinny: it looks creepy but powerful! I bet it could slice those Grl Stealrz easily!

Now... Kieran! I know you became a Grl Stealr and I am disappointed with it! I even invited you as one of the Best Men for my wedding and then this? Can you really explain why did you go with that yucky Gheb?

And don't anger me.... or else I will really really use this! *Thany hides behind Frostbite while conjuring a Hypnotism spell with his dreaded Mindstaff*

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Homer: of course, Duh.... D'oh...

Kieran, have you checked the surprise box that I gave you weeks ago? It has a freaking swordslayer at the secret compartment! Now kindly leave the GS now or I'll shove my hypnotic spells at you! Oh... and Marcia's waiting for you!

Ohh... Noah, Geoffrey and Pent! Are you all aware that the grl stealrz are out to steal and RAEP your precious women? *Fir, Elincia and Louise are all shocked and are talking to each other nervously*

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Noah: Oh no!

Fir: Don't worry, I can handle myself.

Geoffrey: I can beat them.

Pent: I'm considered the best mage in FE7. There's no worry from me.

So Blume. You may be able to use Torhammer, but can you use Raigeki?

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Blume: No.... *gets Bolting'd by Tinny*

Tinny: Oops... sorry!

Shin, Rath, Seth, Gerik and Innes! Have you received news about the grl stealrz led by Gheb?? *Sue, Lyn, Eirika, Marisa, Tethys and L'Arachel all do crazy talks after hearing the word... "Gheb"*

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Shin: Crap.

Rath: The Grl Stealrz. Yeah. Um, excuse me. *runs off*

Seth: There's no worry. Lumi has helped me achieve god status.

Gerik: It's fine. I'm of the hero class. I'm sure Zak and Sedgar demonstrated what were capable of.

Innes: Hmph. There's nothing to worry about. Gheb said L'Arachel's fugly and that he'd never raep her.

Hey Sedgar and Radd, how does it feel to be the only two people I trust enough to let them use my Vorpal Sword?

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Sety: We got it all planned!

Linda: Sety! We have to buy our wedding clothes!

Ephraim, Rutger, Bartre and Hector, are you already aware that GHEB might RAEP Tana, Clarine, Karla and Florina??

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Ephraim: Then he will die.

Rutger: ...


Hector: Florina? Who cares, I need to get Lyn back from Rath! *Runs to pwn Rath*

So Bramsel, it seems your Son has turned. Are you still with us?

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Bramsel: The kid needs to lay off the fats. I'd better teach him a lesson.

Briggid, what would happen if you regained your memories before the end of FE4?

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Briggid: I'd go to pwn Julius. But then I'd remember that my son has Ichival, so I'd just grab some ice cream and watch the fight on youtube.

So Skasaher, Julia, what are you dressing up as for Halloween?

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