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Seth: being naked was fun I really liked being a General, milady.

Keiran, Gheb is in the hospital, dying. He told me to relay to you he wanted you to carry on his tradition. If you say no, he has a bounty on your head :>

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Kieran: No. The only people who'd want to kill me would be the Grl Stealrz. I'll be fine, I have a Knight Guy approved axe.

Sety, do you take Linda to be your wife, to have and to hold, until death do you part?

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Sety: Sure. Hopefully she understands Im not filth :3

*tons of people go to kill Keiran, whoever is successful gets 3737285069271850605826262749606821 Dollars and 33 Cents.*

Sucks to be you, eh Keiran?

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"Are you kidding? This is great for my axe practice!" *kills them all*

Hey Eveyl, do you think CA would trust you with the Vorpal Sword if you had moar availability?

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I wouldn't think so, especially since I'm pretty much destined for one girl only (Lakche).

Paola and Fury: How are people supposed to tell the two of you apart? I mean, you two look exactly the same and I can't find any differences between you two.

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Fury: It's really easy to know, just rely where you see any of us.

Paola: Fury is in Jugdral, while I stick around Archanea, Akanea and Macedon.

Hey Kieran, it appears Captain Falcon and Samus Aran are also in the search of your bounty, your thoughts?

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Kieran: What? *jumps at CF* Watashi wa shinen! Shinen zu!

Captain Falcon: Farukon, PUNCH!!!

Ryu Suzaku: Captain Falcon!

CF: YES! *runs off*

Delmund: Hey, that's kind of cool when it happens to somebody else!

... Hey Corple, can you bring Kieran back?

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Corple: *sigh* Let me get the Valkyrie then.

*uses Valkyrie staff on Kieran*

Kieran: Yeah, I'm back already!

Corple *runs off*

Samus Aran: Kieran, Captain Falcon failed at defeating you, I'm next then. I'll get the bounty on your head!

Gheb: Yeeeeesssss!

Kieran, how will you get out of this one?

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Kieran: Easy. I summon Ridley, in attack mode! Then I activate radiation, neutralizing you suit! Ridley, attack directly! Lazah of doom!

So Ray, you're a Grl Stealr too. Watch'a gonna do about it?

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Ray: WHAAAAAT?! Who said so? I hate those guys, they stole Sofia from me! The Neo Grl Stealrz will pay!

*returning with Kieran and Samus Aran*

Samus: Very well, I have seen your intentions. I think Gheb needs to fall along with the Neo Grl Stealrz, may I join you in this mission?

So Gheb, now that Samus joined Kieran and most characters are in the run to get you, what are you going to do?

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Gheb: Uhhh.... *runs*

*Appears in a TV screen* Guess what... Gheb.... we have joined the coalition to exterminate you! My dear Thany and I decided to... obliterate you! *Has an Ultima tome in hand and Thany has Rex Hasta in hand* Any last thoughts? Grl stealr?

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Gheb: Well, the only thing I can say is that even if you were to defeat me, I'll come back...or someone will take my place. Now...face the wrath of Reclassed Berserker Gheb?!*Garm in hands*

Leaf, Roy, Marth, will you join Zak's and Frost's coallition to throw down the Grl Stealrz once and for all? Sign me in too by the way.

Edited by Light Lord
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Roy: Sure, you can join in, Light Lord!

Leaf: Ohohoho! *cracks knuckles*

Marth: This is fabulous! *bishie sparkles*


Geoffrey: They have gone too far!

Eliwood: I'll have to join in as well...

Klein: They messed with my Tate!

Merric: They RAEPED Elice! *pout*

Noah: Here goes nothing!

Kieran: They played rough with MARCIA! They deserve to DIE! *angry*

Rutger: Hmmpp.....

Ephraim: All right men! Let's get ready for this!

Now... Gheb... Any thoughts that your grl stealr minions are gonna be TOASTED for good? *Does a Kefka laugh + Valtome laugh*

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Gheb: Im pissed off at that dirty traitor Merric! You were the one who raeped Elice! You were the Grl Stealerz!

Merric, why the sudden flip?

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Malliesia: Nope.

So Ray, what do you mean you aren't a Grl Stealr? Remember last year?

Me: Sophia, you are an amazing woman. Will you ma-

Ray: Hey Sophie bitch, watcha doin with a shmuck like this? You should come over to my place! Then we can do the ritual of love!

Sophia: O-ok. Bye, Zak...

Ray: See ya, dipshit! *leaves*

Me: :wtf: fffuukk. (In my writing, the double k represents a k spoken harder then usual.

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Ashnard: No, I only teach the strong. Gheb isnt fit for berserkerdom. I did however join the Neo Grl Stealers, along with Sain, after his Girl Wooers failed, Seth, and Eliwood.

Elifail, why did you join the Neo Stealerz?

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