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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Harken: I thought he was hitting on Isadora!

Ohhh Jill!!!! I have called Tate and Juno, they'll help you out with the wedding dress and the accessories! *Points at Tate and Juno, apparently Juno's waving her hands* Another thing... some great guests such as Athos, Seth, Sigurd and Percival are coming to your wedding too! Any thoughts??

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Navarre, FE7 Karel, and Rutger: Nao u dye! *attack, but Spykor has a swordslayer and pwns them easily*

FE6 Karel: And that, Fir, is why you never attack before knowing what your opponent is capable of.

Fir: Thanks, uncle!

>suggesting Rutger would be hit by a Swordslayer, causing massive lulz

Tinny "Maybe I don't feel like apologizing! You're being so mean Zak, you should apologize first :("

Dice, how did you get to be an enemy in the arena twice?

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Dice: I have a common name in FE. I guess I could be an enemy though, I go to arena's a lot.

Lyn, I think Imma try my hand at a SNES style sprite of you. Thoughts/Questions/Comments?

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"I-it wasn't on purpose! I don't even really remember it... some guy just held up a staff, and now you're being mean! ;_;"

Dice, you have the exact same stats twice in the arena for FE4. How did you manage to do that?

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Dice: I actually don't know. I don't age any, either. ZOMG, I must have Minor Murdoch blood!!! :awesome:

Oh, that's what happened Tinny? Crap, I'm so sorry...

Speaking of characters with the same name, Geese, in FE4, Ch 5, there's a General named Geese in the arena. What do you think of him?

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Ike: Youll have to create a Lets ask Touhou characters thread for that.

srsly, do it as a joke XD

...I'll make it.

Geese: Well, he as my name. I like him.

Yo, Sophia, why do you get some hate?

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Sophia: It's because I start at level one. Nino is worse though. She doesn't even get an arena to abuse, but everyone loves her.

Tinny, I just realized what you meant earlier, and I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?

And afterwords, I have to pwn Gheb.

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Boyd: Fuck yeah! I'll do that now! Maybe then I can beat ERL and win Mist!

*2 hours later*

Announcer: In the Blue Corner, Boyd!!!


And in the Red Corner, El Rey León!

*crowd cheers*

Boyd: Oh fu- *gets pwnt*

Thank you Tinny.

So Sigurd, doesn't it bother you any that your father gave you the Tyrfing when it's broken?

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FE 1/11 Cast: Becaus we don't have anything interesting to do or say.

Jake: You've got a problem with that kiddo!?

Sheeda: Wait, but I get to have Marth, that's something!

Abel: Well, I do find love in the end, even if for a brief time.

Tiki: Why is Griff-Griff saying such things?

Hey Astrid, have you thought of starting a new FE archetype for the mounted knights?

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Astrid: I can't.. theyre already set

Igrene: did he turn gay?

Way to stay in character. Stop trolling.

Igrene, do you want to know what happened?

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Gheb: Frostbite kicked me in the butt and now it hurts! Plus, he exposed me to that cursed Serra!

*random voice in Serenes Forest* Hey Oliver! Are you aware that Thany's magnificent husband is now bent on killing and ripping your face off, cause one of your men, a mage to be specific killed off Kieran?

He's planning it on his first playthrough! *Insert thunder from the sky with a menacing laugh*

(Check my new thread in General FE for the reference)

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Oliver: Hah! His bwauty has no match to mine! He stands no chance!

Well Igrene...[spoiler=serious spoiler]Ashtol is your husband. He lied to you. He had the scar on his leg, Wendy noticed it in her B support with him.

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Rody: Well yes I do, but shes so stubborn. Like a female version of Luke :/

But shes just got this.. thing about her..

Igrene, do you want to beat him up together? :awesome:

And if I'm being insensitive Im sorry. I mean, he must have a reason.

Edited by Spykor
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Oliver: Hah! His beauty has no match to mine! He stands no chance!


Random Voice: Well... you will be doomed Oliver to a torture for souls who tarnished themselves! *launches lightning bolt at Oliver hitting him hard*

Igrene: I... *sobs and cries*

So... Thany, in case of any HnH's... would you like to join me in attacking the enemies? We'll be a team!

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