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Kieran: Kinda, only because Zak is unable to for the time being.

Thany: Yay, thank you!

Tinny, sweetie, I'm so sorry about the HnH. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Sety: Fine....

Merlinus!!! Aimeee!! Lalabel! Do you have some Fortify and Physic staves? I'll want a Nosferatu also! OR ELSE I'LL DO THIS! *Points at Kieran and a ton of others and dares to performs a tranfuse spell*

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Tinny: Sawing Hilda in half.... *vengeful grin*

Ohhh... Lilina, Thany and Kieran!! Looky at my Animated Birthday Card! Too bad the grl stealrz were peeking.... :unsure:


Recall, our party with the other dudes at the Interdimensional Hall? Wasn't it great?

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Lilina: Yeah. It was fun.

Thany: I loved it.

Kieran: It would have been perfect, except the GSs kept crashing it...

Alright Tinny, I'll try to do it for your birthday.

Grl Stealrz, why were you crashing Frostbite's birthday party?

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Grl Stealrz: ... Please stop ruining our lives with this Grl Stealrz bullshit, dammit. We were at a completely unrelated party nearby and now you hurl wild accusations at us? The hell is your problem?

Hey Fa! Why does your dragonstone have so few uses?

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Fa: Uhh...

*cuts back to Fa when she was REALLY young and had just been given her dragon stone*

Fa: Yay! Tweazure!

*throws it up in the air, but fails to catch it, and it hits the ground and cracks*

Fa: Oopsie.

So Faval, how's Ishtar doing for you?

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"She's actually really nice! :D She can be scary sometimes though. Maybe that's why Julius liked her?"

So Faval, what happened to the kids after the war? Did you help them out?

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Faval: They're all grown-up bad-asses and PWNT shit to no END! Speaking of that... I can still PWN shit as always!

Now... back to my issues, Alan, Kieran, Kyle and Noah? Have you ever thought that I'm starting to get confused to heal which one of you first?!? If things get out of control... I'll have to use my newly-learned Soul Spiral, the grand form of Transfuse and leaves the person in 1 freaking HP left!

Speaking of that... I had to bring Oscar in my Emergency Healing Room.... :(

Edited by Frostbite
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Kyle: Heal me first because Spy likes me!

Noah: Heal me because Im tanky to start with!

Kieran: Heal me so I can beat my enemy Oscar!

Alan: I got nothing. Like the color red?

Celice, I saw a vid on youtube of you talking to your parents ghosts. Then it said "Life recieved". Hows it feel to have a life? :D

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Celice: Don't make fun of me or my parents!! *Sheathes out Tyrfing*

GAH! YOU FOUR JUST CONFUSE ME! Now I can't decide!

Thany... shall I go "desperate" on these four knights that are now confusing me? They better not make me use the Soul Spiral spell!

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Because you drew me that way! plus you're beautiful

Johalva, I meant OHKO'd because you were at 33 HP. And you were on a mountain and he still had 100 hit. What happened D:

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Celice: Don't make fun of me or my parents!! *Sheathes out Tyrfing*

Celice, I didnt make fun of your parents. Sigurd and Diadora are awesome. Ill probably like you too when I manage to get to your story.

Raven: If raw fish counts as cooking...

Sigurd, what do you think your localized name would be if you got hit by the localization team?

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Sigurd: It did. They called me Zigludo.

... I'm glad nobody went along with it.

Trabent, thank you for pwning Johalva, and I'm sorry for all the bad thoughts I've had about you. How can I ever repay you?

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Hey that's not funny, it made me restart the whole chapter D:!

"Money. Lots and lots of money will produce results."

wtf Trabant why did you kill Johalva? :(

Edited by Luka Megurine
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Trabent: He tried to f*** Altenna. Only meh boi Arion can tap that!

Arion: Thanks dad!

(Sorry I upset you.)

So Altenna, why do you have a shiny dragonite, unlike Trabent and Arion's shiny charizard?

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Tinny: Yes... and I got Sir Frost on the phone line, he said He'll call the Ilian pegasus knights to be the guards... Any grl stealrz in the wedding premises will be triangle attack'd....

So.... Thany... Shall I relax and... put down my staff for the meanwhile?

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