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Thany: OF COURSE DEARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!1exclamationpoint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Shinon, what do you use to smash your head against when someone makes a statement that is stupid as hell?

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Roy: A spot in the new SSB game, considering one of the women I support with is Thany, and Frost would shoot me dead if I took her.

Sety, I have gotten 9 magic jars. I can AND will summon the epic fire dragon from Golden Axe.

Do you still want to fight?

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Sedgar: Neither, I get no lines!

Sety, you must DIE!

*summons GA dragon*


Sety: Is this the limit of my power...?

...How sad!...


Me: Yay! *starts playing the Final Fantasy victory theme, which cuts off*


Me: Tinny, he was trying to steal you from me.

Tinny: And...?

Me: He had a knife to my throat and his foot to my nuts.

Tinny: Do you do that to all your friends?

Me: No. And he's not my friend!

Tinny: Riiight...

Me: Tinny, do you want me to do?

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Tinny: Give him a proper burial, you dolt! Oh, and you are definitely sleeping on the couch tonight!

Hey Vika, how about I take you to that new restaurant that's just opened?

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Sedgar: Neither, I get no lines!

Not true, you have your death quote in FE11.

Tinny: You have to learn that there are consequences to misusing the Golden Axe Dragon, so even if you bring Sety back you still have to sleep on the couch tonight.

Marcus, in a character rating topic you were declared to be the best character in FE7. Your thoughts?

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Marcus: Great, now I can compete with Seth for the title of Best Jeigan!

Seth: No you can't.

Me: Ok then.

*revives Sety*

S: Whoa... What happened? Oh, Zak. You'll never-

Me: Yeah yeah

*shoves Sety in the direction of his house*


T: *hugs me*

Good hubby. I promise the next time I make you sleep on the couch, you can cuddle with my Sety doll.

Me: *eyeroll*

T: *Giggles*

Seth, how is it having your name have 3 letters in common with a Grl Stealr's?

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Seth: *steals Tinny* Pretty nice, actually.

Tinny: Yay! We're riding off into the sunset! I could never be rescued like this in FE4!

To any Greil Mercenary (except Mia), do you think that all the fanboys drooling over Mia is justified?

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Ike: It's warranted.

Me: Haha. Nice joke Seth.

*Takes Tinny back and runs back home*

Seth: Damn he can run!

Alvis, why did you give Sigurd a Silver sword at the start of FE4 if you planned to kill him later?

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Alvis: It was all a part of my carefully calculated plan.....I wanted Sigurd to die a glorious death at Barhara, not die in the boonies of Verdane. That way the citizens would be afraid to rebel against me.

Micaiah, a lot of people have weighed in on Sothe's belly shirt, but I want to know, what do YOU think of it?

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"Of course. If they let me into that fighting game, Smash Bros, I would be above Meta Knight! But Marth would raise above me for being able to beat me. :("

So so so Briggid, do you think count as a Princess for the Best and Worst of the Series? :D

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Briggid: I should. I mean, Faris from Final Fantasy V was, and what she went through was similar (princess who gets lost and becomes a pirate leader. Faris didn't get overthrown though.)

Jeigan, how is the infamy?

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Jeigan: Though others may come after me, I, Jeigan, shall forever be remembered in the history of Altea and the world of FIRE EMBLEM. I'm proud of my service to Prince Marth.

Sedgar, if you did have lines in FE 11 other than your death quote, what would you say and when would you say it?

On a side note, Medeus being above Meta Knight? At least the Shadow Dragon isn't lacking for confidence, he is one tough SOB.

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