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"Always have a backup plan regardless of how sure you are, preferably one that involves swarming in with an awesome squad of mercenaries to save the day. They usually don't mess up unless they're controlled by enemies."

Blue Knights, are you disappointed that you were just referred to as "Yellow Knights"?

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Noah: Uhh....I'm not a Yellow Knight.

Fiona: I'm not affiliated with the Green or Red Knights, so no I'm not disappointed.

Isadora: Hah, I'm much better than Lowen.

Alec and Sain, why were you fighting over Florina a little while ago? Don't you know that Florina is afraid of men? Your fighting just made it worse!

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Alec: Shes hawt though!



Sety, I heard you have a new spell, genderbender. Please don't screw everyone over with it..

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Johan: It's thornless.....

Grl Stealrz.... do you like frogs? If yes, then I'll turn you all into mindless frogs!! If no... I'll turn you all into insects to squash! *insert evil laughter and thunder here*

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Asvel: *has X-ray vision goggles* I see... OMGWTF! Heart-shaped boxers!

Lance... Meet my new summon, Gildervine.... *Shows a huge bulbous monster plant with a fang-lined flower for a head and is GLARING at Lance* Any thoughts?

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Lance: Uh,Alan? A little help here?

Alan: Sh-shit! There's no way I'm fighting that thing!

Roy: Don't worry, I'll take it out with the Sword of Seals! Eyaaaaaahhhh! (Roy swings the Sword of Seals, burning up Gildervine)

Sain, how can Florina be yours if you can't even have a support conversation with her? And what would the lady Lyndis say?

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Sain: Uhh.... I'll simply "take" her out.... then I'll hit on her... *raepface* WAIT?! Lady Lyndis! She'll kill me!! *cries*

Ohh... whatever... I can still summon the giant plant again, anyways.... (lol Seiken Densetsu, IMA PLAYIN' EET NAO)

Okay.... Uhmm... Zelgius do you work at Burger King? :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

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Zelgius: No, I work at the Begnion Central Army now. But back then.....

Manager: Zelgius, quit slacking off and get back to work!

Zelgius: What you just saw was me when I was younger, when I had aspirations to become a soldier. That's so I wouldn't have to keep working at Burger King.

Florina, between Kent and Sain which one do you like better?

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Florina: Kent... cause.. he's nicer and less creepier than.... *sees Sain* Ahhh... *runs*

Ohhh... Kieran... you said you wanted to try your new axe techniques, huh? Show me what you got!

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Thany: Yay! Sure!!!

Tinny: What about the Christmas Party?

Thany: Frostie is moving it before New Year for sheer awesomeness!

Tinny: Really?!?

Thany: Yup! He has to buy those nuclear missiles with fireworks on them!

Tinny: Awesome! We'll come! Oh gosh... Never been to Talrega! How about you?

Thany: Haven't gone to Talrega, Frostie dearie has managed to reached there though to look for a Master Crown... *blush*

Not... bad... Kieran, now just to make the practice a bit challenging.... *Casts Blink on self creating Mirror Images of self and of course, calls Gildervine*

Hmmm.... Tormod why so tiny and plucky?

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Greil Mercenaries: Uhh... party?

Tormod wants to play huh? *Brings out summons and crazy magic*

So... Lance, how does it feel that my "Monster Plant" is enjoying you???

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Lance: Noo, I'm the coolest green knight ever!!!

Alec: Well excuuuuuuse me!

Abel: Jerk.

Oscar: If I could see you, I'd kick your ass.

Sain: I'm coming for you Lance, right after I flirt. So Tinny, wanna go out?

Tinny: I'm married.

Sain: Ah, so sorry to have bothered you.

*Sain is no longer a Grl Stealr!!!*

Sain, how is it not being a GS anymore?

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Sain: Good, I guess? Off to hunt down single virgins! *runs*

*evily cackles* My dearie, that's what you get for getting killed at low hit rates and consistently not growing STR for me.... *Insert Gildervine roaring evily in a way it's cackling too*

Abel... do you like my new "toy" err... I meant pet? *Insert Gildervine, the giant monster plant sniffing him here*

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Sain: Oh... I forgot! *dashes to horse*

Abel... Gildervine likes your smell, what perfume did you just used? Ohh... and Corple, get over here and help out Lance! *Unsummons Gildervine* I'll save the evil plant for later, thank you....

Edited by Frostbite
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Tinny: It was me, the robot is busy by giving Sety a confusion... tee hee...

Lance, remember to cooperate with your growths in my playthroughs and don't get yourself killed with those hit rates, so I can be more merciful to you next time... this is an order from the Chief Guardian of Pallies!

Okay, back to stuff.... Abel, did you just brought scented candles here?

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Abel: Yes. I've done my research. The scent these candles let out is a repellent to the monster plant.

Thank you Tinny, just making sure. *hugs*

Glen, Cormag, why don't you guys have shiny charizards?

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Both: Screw them, we're sexy badasses!

Cormag: Glen, you died earlier!


Uhh... Abel... Gildervine likes scented stuff.... -_-'

Serra, Clarine and L'Arachel, say hi to Kieran and Marcia... You two... say hi to Serra, Clarine and L'Arachel! Any thoughts on each other?

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Kieran: Can I shove them off the balcony?

L'Arachel: But I'm Frost's friend.

Serra: Ahh! Erk haaaaaaaaaaalp!!!

Clarine: *rides away*

Marcia: Wow, these guys are weird...

Sety, why is Kai obsessed with the notion that I can't beat you, even though I have on numerous occasions?

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