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Tinny: Of course.... *blush*

*somewhere far away*

Me: Ohohoho! I'll launch this nuke, and Abel's gonna push up daisies soon!

Computer: Nuclear Missile Launched... destination, Altea.... designating target... Abel!

Me: *evil laugh*

Uhhm.... Cain, how does it feel that I use you over Abel?

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Cain: It's great!

... I'm not gonna die, am I?


Tinny, thank you... *hugs for about 10 minutes*

Sety, sorry for getting your hopes up like that...

Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

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Sety: Can you PWN...... Manfroy for me? Make it brutal and his death has to involve paperclips!

Awww... Oh well I still have my cushiony pillow on the couch anyways....

Cain, you're spared from my grudge bomb....

*Pwns a ton of enemies within a few seconds with all sorts of crazy magic* Seth, is this already OVERKILL level? *Continues to dive in a large crowd of foes who are PWNT crazily with magic*

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Seth: Im afraid that your availability isn't as great as mine, so that'd make you more of a Gotoh overkill.

Gotoh, why did IS nerf you to oblivion in FEDS?

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Kieran: Gah, Oscar, what happened to your eyes?! You dastardly sneak, you're trying to confuse me so I let my guard down!

Able: Cain, why are you suddenly so irritating? I'm getting pissed off just looking at you.

Both: ... I don't get it...

Hey Cord, are you bored?

EDIT: I'm kinda shocked; I started this topic a while ago, forgot it for a bit, and wow... now it's 175 pages long.

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Tinny: Cause my pigtails have h4x LCK powers!

^^ Artur: Well.... I... Uhmm.... Because I can promote to Sage? *sweatdrop*

*Shoves Cain and Oscar towards Kieran and Abel* How does it feel that the four of you are now having a major confusion?

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Abel: Hey, another green knight! It's cool to meet another one like me.

Oscar: Sure, it's cool.

Kieran: Hah! Another red knight. Time to test my real skill again!

Cain: Heh, it looks funny.

Titania, I want a chance to test it. Any jobs for me at the moment?

Edited by Light Lord
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Lyre: Because she just happens to have so-called "battle experience" from fighting this "Mad King's War". What makes Lethe so special anyway?!

Sue, what's been bothering me for some time is this: Why do you have a Wind affinity? You seem more like the one to have either a Dark affinity or an Ice affinity.

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Johalva: I'm not fail! Watch me steal Tinny! YAAAH!

Me: *lightly flicks Johalva in the nose*

Johalva: FFFFFFFFF-! *falls to the floor in pain*

Oifey, can you train me to be an Oifey-type Jeigan?

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Briggid: Why yes! I look pretty sexy in it!

Adean: *pout*

Other Boys: *nosebleed*

Kieran, I'm getting FE12 soon... I'm bringing you to Akaneia for advanced axe training and aerial combat on wyverns... and yes, you can shove off enemies off cliffs or balconies! Any thoughts?

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Kieran: Heh, that would be cool Frost, but can I keep my axe? I must have my axe with me at all times.

Me: How did you get it? Can I get one too :awesome: ?

Titania, can I create a Greil Mercenaries division in Daein, please :) ?

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Tinny: Yes, it was really scrumptious...

Yes, Kieran... you can keep your axes!

Uhmm.... Adean, jealous of Briggid now? And Kieran, I'm going to use my Blood Barrier now... Any thoughts?

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Adean: A little. I still have Midayle, though. Isn't that right? Midayle?

Midayle: Wow, you sure are dressed differently, Adean!

Briggid: For the last time, I'M NOT ADEAN!

Kieran: Wait, is casting that gonna kill you?

Sety, what do you think of the sprite I did of you?

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Sety: COOL!

Let me say, I'll take the damage inflicted on you... when I use my Blood Barrier... So for short I'll get damaged instead of you...

Adean, why so pretty?

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