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Marcus: Major Jeigan blood! It makes you awesome. Seth has Major Jeigan too. Jeigan only has Minor Jeigan, that's why he fails.

Tinny, I don't mind what it is either way. But Sety, why do you want to teach my prospective son magic?

Just promise me you won't teach him to be a Grl Stealr.

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Haar: *snores* Wha? Oh that? It's an injury that I suffered in my years in Begnion. Wouldn't you wear an eyepatch if you had one yourself?

Hey Zelgius. What would be your reaction if you met someone like the woman in this picture?


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Zelgius: :wtf: :P :angry::awesome::wub:

Something like that.

Tinny, I'm gonna go get you that Pikachu, but if it breaks my Fire Emblem figures, my (shiny :awesome: ) Rayquaza is gonna get 50 EXP, and their'll be a huge hole in our house. Am I clear?

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Zelgius: Fine.

*rushes Light*


Oh crap, I left my weapon back at the-! I'll be back! *runs off*

Uhh... Sure, Tinny! *takes everstone from Pikachu-Colored Pichu.*

Fa, why is it that when you use the Fire Dragonstone, you become a floating dragon head?

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Kieran: Woah, you picture goodz. What's that red stuff?

Tinny: The poor thing! He must be suffering brain damage... Eeek, I think I got blood on me!

Kieran, why do you and Spykor have axes in your heads?

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Kieran: We PWNED lots of Bandits, Zerkers and Warrior... Two of them got their Silver Axes on our craniums!

Me: Transfuse?

Sooo... Tinny, ready for the medical operation in removing axes?

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Tinny: Uhh... Uhh... *shivers*


Corple: *pants* Yeah?

Me: *Points at Spykor and Kieran*

Corple: Is that all? Heh, the game Operation is harder then this! *saves them*

So Tinny, sorry I haven't been spending much time with you lately, with my mom dragging me out of my room every 5 minutes. Is there any way I can make it up to you?

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Corple: Well, I'll give it a shot... Wait where's my valkyrie staff?

Sety: Oh, I'm Claude's son this playthrough.

Corple: ¬_¬ Well you try then.

Sety: k. *effortlessly revives Shiharam* There you go! ^_^

Corple: wat.

Briggid, you were second to cap in the Archers HnH! Are you glad?

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Niime: Canas burned through all the Luna tomes on the continent. He was foolish to waste such a powerful tome!

Eveyl, you were already in the Swordsmasters HnH. You came in 6th, and Mareeta came in 2nd. Is that a satisfying enough end?

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Claude!Corple: *sigh* I dont get paid enough for this. *revives to full self*

Levin!Sety: Lawl, I failed.

Claude!Sety: Hey!

Leen, why don't you reclass to cleric and try using the Valkyrie Staff?

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Leen: *angrily* Because that's Corple's job! I'm a dancer, not a healer!

Sety, did you get RMG screwed? Cuz like it's really hard to fail with Vakyrie staff and you were most definitely Claude!sety.

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