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Claude!Sety: Nah, I just didn't feel like doin' it right. See ya! *goes back to own universe*

Levin!Sety: ... Damn, he's still the biggest douche ever! And you complain about me, Zak!

Me: I complain about him too.

Claude!Sety, why are you such a douche?

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Claude!Sety: Because in this universe my other me is not with Tinny. He is a shame to the other Sety's.

Sety: But I'm with a Tinny clone...

Claude!Sety: Darn it...me too...maybe that's why!

So Sir Shiharam, how is it to be back? And Corple, remember I paid you for that, thanks for the job by the way.

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Claude!Sety: You're a swordsman in par with Lakche and Shanan, not to mention that you're my best friend too.

Levin!Sety: Then why do you hate me?!

Claude!Sety: Because you're not like me! You have odd habits!

So Jill, it seems your father is back thanks to Corple's staff. What do you think of this?

Edited by Yusei Fudo
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Claduesety: You don't exist in my dimension. Or at least I just haven't met you.

Jill: *crying tears of joy and hugging Corple** Th-thank you so m-much...

Claudefee, why wouldn't your brother try? He's nice the rest of the game, that's really terrible :(

*this is supposed to be in a friendly way by the way. just to clear that up before we get into this whole thing about corple is terrible

Edited by Reinfleche
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Ranulf: Not too well so far. My face hurts from all the times I've facepalmed at his decisions, especially in cat form. I'd rather not do that again, heh.

Leaf, I'm considering starting your game for real now. Are you glad?

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Claude!Sety: There are no Grl Stealrz, it's another dimmension, universe, whatever you want to call it. There are Boy Stealrz instead.

Jill, should we tell your father about what has happened before he came back?

Edited by Yusei Fudo
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Boyd: It's still strength. Rolf basically admitted it with his growth.

Holmes, you're not an FE character, but I'm asking you anyways: How's it feel to be moving on to the second round of archer HnH?

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Holmes: It feels good.

Hans from Shining Force: There's non FE characters in it? I wasn't in it... :(

Skasaher, on my "you pwn everything" run, I'm on the last chapter. Are you ready to kick some ass and save Julia?

...As soon as you wake up? Fuggen sleep staves...

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Claude!Sety: Actually, everyone who's Grl Stealr in this universe is a Boi Stealr in mine, minus myself, of course.

Johalva: Wait, in your universe, I'm gay!?

Delmund: *munching on magic cookies* Do I make cookies as good as these? *munch*

Claude!Sety: Yes, and, here let me see one.

*eats magic cookie and gets an embarassing erection that he somehow ignores*

no, these are too good; actually, you can't cook worth a shit.

Johalva: :(

Delmund: :( *munch*

Demund, you still haven't finished those cookies?

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Delmud: Theyre good! And one of the magical temporary effects was that it made infinate cookies! Mmmmm.... cookies.

Levin!Sety, why are you nothing like your counterpart?

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Levin!Sety: I don't know, but-. ZOMG Tinny has her shoes off! *starts licking Tinny's feet*

Me: *Takes Sety off of Tinny and throws him off a cliff*

Claude!Sety: ... I'm gonna get my name changed, so that I'm not associated with him... Bye. *goes away*

Fred, care to explain what the hell you're doing?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Oscar: What do you mean? My stats are fine.

Me: Open your eyes.

Oscar: Oh yeah.

*opens eyes and looks at stats*

...Oh god...

Tinny, are you ok? Did that guy hurt you any?

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Innes: It's better then Zak's attempts to use Paint Shop Pro.

Me: Hey, at least I have a computer.

Innes: :(

So Tinny, what do you think of the new user, Fala?

(check the last page in the "claim a character" thread, you'll see who I'm talking about)

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