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Hilda: It feels so GOOD!

Me: I want that PEINOUS (lol new Robotnik fad) Hilda hammered! And I mean NAO!

Go, Smithy!

Use Sledge!

Smithy: *uses Sledge on Hilda*

It's a OHKO!

Hilda: *Dies*

Tinny, honey... What was that about?

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Hilda: I'm not alive, Forum Games is hell and Mafia is Round 4 of the 9th Circle. Welcome.

Sirius: You VS Char without any special equipment (no weapons, mobile suits, horses, spacesuits, armor or jetpacks), who wins?

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Jaffar: Not unless if you happen to be a traitor...

Hey, Lilina. Idun. I am thinking of drawing the two of you as slime girls, but I dunno whether I should draw one of you looking like her* or not. I dunno when it MIGHT get done. But... Thoughts?

*: That was one of the only references I could find. :(

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Leaf: Uhh... *hides directions to and map of my house, pictures of me with the eyes torn out, unaddressed love letter, and letter from Sety*

F-fine, just fine!

Nanna: Right...

So Leaf... You too, eh?

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Leaf: W-w-wait! It's not what you think!

Tinny: What's going on Zak dear?

Nanna: Leaf, I want an explanation too.*angry glare*

Leaf: *gulp and nervous* I need some help here! This isn't mine!

Sety, why is that letter of yours in Leaf's hand?

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Sety: It's a letter of initiation!

I mean it's an invitation to my Pokemon Black and White release party, yeah! :sweatdrop:

So Sety, tell the truth or I'll kick you in the nuts incredibly hard.

Did Leaf want to join you guys, or are you just setting him up?

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Sety: Uhmmm... *really confused*

Micaiah, somebody in another forum board requested me to draw you in chibi... Any thoughts on that?

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Nanna: I-I don't know...

Leaf: Darling...

Nanna: Oh...! Take that stupid badge off! *rips the GS badge off of Leaf's shirt and starts crying in his chest*

Me: *whispers in Leaf's ear* You know, it's a good sign that she's doing that.

Leaf: Huh?

So Tinny, honey, y evry1 b tryin 2 get wit u would you know why everyone seems to be trying to steal you from me?

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Tinny: I assigned the provoke skill to myself! But I have stillness too.....

Not sure!

Blume, what the hell do ypu see in Hilda?

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Lester: I am a gentleman... are you saying that I have no formal manners?

Geoffrey... I'm testing my new photoshop skills on you... Any thoughts?

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Geoffrey: Just please don't make me look like that guy. *points at Weegee*

So Skasaher...

This is just a formality, considering the past, and recent trends, as it seems 98% of the people I know have joined the Grl Stealrz (even girls have joined, go figure), but...

Have you rejoined them!?

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Forde: Ha! My (MS) paint skills can OWN your Photoshop skills!

So Tinny...

What do you think of those images of you being romantically involved with other people?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Tinny: Some are creepy, but some are okay... it depends on the artist...

Geoffrey, can you wait for me to upload my little art-shot of yours? My uploader's a bit of a devil...

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