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Hector: No, I-. *sigh* Nevermind, IS really dropped the ball with this...

So Tinny, sugar, I'm doing a subs run, where there's absolutely no worrying about you getting stoled. Your thoughts?

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Tinny: What about cousin Linda though? I mean, yay me, but I don't want her stolen either!

Hey Zak, you using the patch or doing it yourself?

Linda, why so H4X for a sub?

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Linda: Because I have the skill 1337.

Tinny: It's Elite...

Patch? I was using a save I got offline.

Don't worry Tinny, I was gonna pair Linda with Hawk.

Hawk, your thoughts?

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Kent: Because the Rath thing was a one night stand... at least that's what she told me.

Hector: ....I got nothing. *goes off to find Florina*

Sain: I cannot support with my lovely lady. I have better girls to ...ahem... do the do with.

Lester, why can't you inherit Jungby?

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Lester: Because the Grl Stealrz are already too powerful. Do you really want Zak to lose that badly?

Me: ...Because we all know how successful your endeavors have been.

Lester: :angry:

Alvis: Go fork yourself.

Grl Stealrz, why so phail at girl stealing?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Grl Stealrz: Wait... we ROCK!

Me: Not gonna happen! *Readies Tsunami*

Grl Stealrz: FFFUUU~ *gets drowned*

Me: Easy as pie! *Gets 121,414 EXP*

Heather, do you laugh when you eat salad? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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We slept together this night? I could swear it was sylvia.

Nailah when laguz tribes were given areas of speciality and cats got their, speed, lions their strenght and tigers their... bulk?, Did wolf tribe perhaps choose hottness because when I compare you and that team Jacob servant of yours to Lethe and mordy I just. . . Damn girl!

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Nailah: Our stats are balanced, like a Brawl match on Final Destination with no items and everyone playing as Fox.


Where are you hiding your drugs...?

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"This is my favorite beorc invention! They call it a gun. *points it at you*"

Crossbow manufacturers of RD! Why don't your products have higher might?!

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Crossbow makers: We figured all that any extra punch would be too much for the user to handle. You know. Just to be on the safe side. What's the matter? Not satisfied with how we do our work?

Lilina, what would be your thoughts if I happened to draw you as how I'd picture you if you came from the same ethnic background as the girl in this picture?


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Sety: Have you not figured it out by now? It is a benefit of being a descendant of Holsety. You, crashman_alpha, shall never reach my status! I will find a way to take Tinny from you.....

Marth, which of these two lines would you most likely say:

"I can't wait to shoot down some dracoknights!"


"Oh boy, I'm so hungry, I could eat a Manakete!"

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Marth: The first one. You know, it sure is boring around here. *Turns to Shiida* How 'bout a kiss? For luck!

Shiida: You've got to be kidding!

Wait, Sety, I thought you weren't a Grl Stealr anymore!

Aless! Manfloy! What did you do!?

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Aless: Nothing.

Manfroy: Everything.

Sety: Hee hee hee.

Yuria, why no love growths? I don't want to rely on the +5 adjacent bonus to find you a lover.

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Julia: Trust me, if I could take some of Tinny's love growth, I would...

Tinny, baby, why such ridiculously high love growths? You might as well wear a crop top that has "Stl meh" written on the front.

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Tinny: Well, it's those ridiculously high love growths that caused me to fall in love with you, my dear.

Sety: Tinny! I'm here to steal you at last!

Tinny: Sety, stop it! You know I'm with crashman_alpha.....

Sety: Leave that loser and come with me.

Tinny: No! ELTHUNDER!!!!!!

To any Cavalier/Paladin, have you considered trading up to a Yoshi? You wouldn't have to do so much work, you could just let the Yoshi eat your enemies.....

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Eirika: I like crossovers, they are interesting and let you meet new people.

Ike: As long as we stay in character it should be fine.

Nergal: Don't think about it! We always end up suffering if there's no new enemy OC!

Hey Jill, do you think I should join crashman_alpha and stop the GS once and for all?

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