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Sigurd: Y-yeah...? Uh... Mods! He didn't ask a question!

Mod: Shut up! *sleeping*

Sigurd: :(

Tinny, how can you look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't rather be with Sety? You've seen how my mom is, you've seen how I get after I have to deal with her...

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Tinny: It's fine.....At least you won't be off trying to steal the girls, like Sety.

Ike, did you enjoy Caramelldansen with Marth? And don't try to deny it happened, I have the video address directly below:

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Tinny: No. But right now it seems like you're trying to dump me and throw me into his arms! And he's hypbotized by Manfroy! I don't wanna be Manfroy's sacrifice to ressurect Loputousu again! D=

Ranulf, why such a beorc in personailty?

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Ranulf: Because I read too many books.

Tinny, it's not that, I'm just in a pretty bad slump. I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?

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Tinny: Can you make me a cake? :D

Crossbow makers: We figured all that any extra punch would be too much for the user to handle. You know. Just to be on the safe side. What's the matter? Not satisfied with how we do our work?

fuck why is that the best explaination for it I've ever heard.

Hey, guy who made the Double Bow?

... Couldn't you have made more? :(:

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Maker: I had spent 5 years doing the research and calculations to make it... I neglected my family in doing so. Illness took my wife and wolves took my daughter... But I carried on in my research... After tons of failures, I finally succeeded. It was so beautiful, so perfect... But then my house mysteriously caught on fire. I saved the Double Bow, but my notes and research burned. I can't make another one... *starts crying*

Ok Tinny, a cake it is!

What kind of cake?

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Marth: Right, I was lucid. It wasn't all that bad, either. I don't see why people complain so much about it.

Ishtar, can you help me practice the sawing in half trick? I want to do something special for Tinny for her birthday.

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Ishtar: Sorry, my mother is going to try and ruin Tinny's birthday so I need to keep on her.

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Ishtar: ....go ahead! And please, mess up so you actually saw her.

Ishtor, why did you only get Minor Tordo despite being Ishtars older brother?

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Hawk: Sacrifice Tinny is the only obvious way. I'll look into it. I'm heading to the library now.

Manfroy, if you have Aless and Sety now, how many people are you going to hypnotize into your dark cult? And who's next?

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Manfroy: Sure. *gets totally pwned and then just stands up*

I'm invincible, lol

Manfroy, why didn't you answer me?

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Manfloy: Because Zak's next!

*tries to mind control me but fails*


Me: THAT, is a secret.

Manfloy: Aww...

Ishtar, can you take your shoes off? I'm pretty certain Sety's foot fetish is strong enough to shatter Manfloy's mind HaXoR.

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Ishtar: But Sety only likes Minor Tordo feet. You'll need my brother or my cousin's feet. Either of my aunts will do too, but that'd be awkward.

Ethnia, why didn't you help Sigurd?

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Linda: Okay, whatever..... (takes off shoes)

Sety: *gets as hard as a cinderblock*

Hawk: Damn, what is with that guy?

Sety: H-Holy Holsety, look at those feet! I gotta do something.....in private.....

Marth, could this be considered your most embarassing moment?

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Marth: No... Believe it or not, I've had worse...

*notices all her stuff is packed*

Tinny are you... Leaving me?

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