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Est: Uhh...

Valtome, why so EWWW? And Fiona... will you wish to be shot by an icy beam tonight? *readies an Ice Beam aimed at Fiona*

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Valtome: Shut up!

Fiona: W-wait, what did I do!?

Manfloy, why does it have to be Tinny that you have to sacrifice to resurrect Loputousu, why can't it be someone else?

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Fiona, you have no idea?? Watch this... My little spy camera caught you doing it so! *Is also readying a nice Dark Pulse*


(It's somewhere here... I can't recall where.... Beware of the cursed song!)

Oh, wait... Makalov, I forgot to mention, are you ready to die tonight? *Readies a steady combination of Imhullu, Apocalypse, Loputousu, Gleipnir and Gespenst*

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Fiona: Oh.. I'm sorry, please!

Makalov: But I have curly hair! Uh oh! runs. Oh crap, I forgot the asterisks! *gets pwnd*

So Skasaher, I heard about what you did...

You won! How does it feel knowing you took the entire game on mostly on your own and came out on top?

Also, sorry about you and Julia.

(When you pair Julia x Skasaher, or any other guy, they don't stay together in the ending. It's really kinda sad.)

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Skasaher: Cool! Oh... Julia.... *goes silent*

So, Kieran... do you like nukes? By means nukes, mages that hit stuff left and right and leaves lotsa explosions?

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Azel: No... I can only toast bread...

Alvis: I can! Major Fala WTFTW!!!

So Aless, if I were to saw Tinny in two and offer to give you half, which one would you pick, top or bottom? I don't actually plan on doing it, I just want to know what I'm dealing with.

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Mist: *tales off mask* I'm 72. Don't tell Ike though.

Lester, how does it feel to be reclassed to priest?

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Lester: Uh.....I think it sucks. I miss my bow and my horse.

Tinny, now that your hubby is thinking about sawing you in half and giving the bottom half to Aless, are you going to leave him now?

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Tinny: But he said he wasn't going to do it, he just was curious about Aless... Zakie'd never do that something like that to me.

Sety, how is it knowing that I didn't need you or Holsety to beat FE4?

I needed Aless's help though.

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Kieran: You bet your ass I do! Do I get to shove people off a balcony?

Geoffrey: Not likely.

Kieran: sadface :(

Hawk, do you have any beer left? Can I have some?

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Hawk: Yeah, sure!

Kieran, there is a parody that I might take use of your balcony-shoving skills...

Brighton, Hicks and Johan... I'll introduce you three to Kieran... Kieran say hi to these three... Any thoughts on each other?

P.S Johan do not do anything ugly or you will get an ice beam in your face!

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Brighton: Nice. Hey.

Kieran: Sweet! Hi.


Kieran: Hello.

Johan: *actually behaves* Yo.

Kieran: Hi.

Aless, how come you're actually cool towards me, unlike Sety, despite you having the join-before-chapter-8-Grl-Stealr bonus and guaranteed holy weapon, making you twice the GS he is?

Sety: :angry:

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Kieran: It is not my axe, but my shiny red armor that makes me badass! Look upon me and TRE--

Titania: Geez, Kieran, do you ever shut up? We're in the middle of a battle here!

To any of the Green Cavaliers, is it easy being green? (Also, would any of you care to shut Kieran up?)

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Alec: Yeah, I get TWO predestined pairings!

Noish: So do I.

Alec: ...

Abel: I'm one of the best characters! Of course it's easy!

Aless, we don't fight as much as Sety, and you are way more awesome. What would it take to have you join my side (other then any portion of my wife)?

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"Honestly? I'm only doing this because Sety stole Mistolten's sheath with the Thief Ring that was mine in the first place but Leen told me to sell it. This is the path of least resistance to getting it back (fighting him would be obnoxious because of stupid stupid Holsety and throne and Speed and Luck Ring). Maybe if you could help out with that, I would be... more partial to ideas? Of course, you could choose to not help, but... it might be, ah, beneficial to do so?"

So Patty! Minor Odo and Hero Sword, or Minor Fala for Pursuit and awesome magic swords?

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Patty: Minor Odo. I get pursuit after I promote anyway! If anyone needs magic swords it's Leen.

Aideen, why do you have four predestined pairings?

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Aideen: Because I-. I...

Levin: I put this on her back as a joke. *pulls off sign that says "Stl Meh"*

I didn't know people would take this so damn seriously...

Sety, is there anything you wouldn't steal? *takes back Mistoltin's sheath when he wasn't looking*

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