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Nanna: My horse keeps tripping over! *glares at Delmud* You... you're a banana craver now!?! I thought you are a cookie craver!

Delmud: Yeah, why? *eats while scattering peels* Actually... BOTH!

Nanna: *facepalms*

*ahem* Fred, why so PWNAGE?

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Nanna: My horse keeps tripping over! *glares at Delmud* You... you're a banana craver now!?! I thought you are a cookie craver!

Delmud: Yeah, why? *eats while scattering peels* Actually... BOTH!

Nanna: *facepalms*

*ahem* Fred, why so PWNAGE?

Fred: ?

Question: Chris (Female MU), would rather tie Wolf's bangs up or you would rather steal shave Jeorge's looong hair?

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"No... I mean, there's obviously something else to it, right?"

"... Right?"

Manfroy, why are you such a big sponsor of Hijacked by Ganon? Seriously?

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Manfloy: Because. That's why.

Yeah, Tinny, there's more to it...

You see... There's this...




*total subject change*...Hey Sety, how the fuck did you end up dying against someone who isn't me or Julius? How does that even happen!?

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Manfloy: Why should she be? Children take after their parents, not their grandparents. Remember that I didn't want her parents being together, so I killed them. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Jake, do you approve of Anna being a Falcoknight?

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Gatrie: Whoa, she has purple hair, like Mia! But if I get too close, she might start swinging that sword.....

Sain: Hello, fair maiden!

Marisa: Do you want to fight me?

Sain: No, no! I merely wish to exchange words with this vision of loveliness!

Marisa: I.....I don't do words. If you have no wish to fight me, then begone.

Sain: Very well, beautiful Marisa. But, your knight Sain shall return! (Sain leaves.)

Marisa: What a weirdo.

Hey, BK, can you breathe really heavy like Darth Vader? Because I always imagine you doing that.

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Black Knight: Yes... You do realize my helm has designed parts for it?

Stefan, meet Sophia... Sophie meet Stefan... Any thoughts on each other?

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Sophia: Hi...

Stefan: Oh, hey. You're kinda cute.

Sophia: ...

Tinny, baby, I want you to meet my other favorite mage, Hugh. Hugh, this is Tinny. Your thoughts on each other?

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Hugh: I bet you're not paid as much as me. Roy paid me 10000 gold to join his army!

Tinny: I'm married to the commander of my army, so I get a lot more.

Hugh: Humph. I guess you CAN move up in the world by sleeping with the right people.

Tinny: Hey! Do I need to show you the power of my Elthunder?

Hugh: Stupid girl! I'll show you the power of my Elfire!

To any mage, have you ever thought of learning some spells from Final Fantasy? They might be a lot more useful than the stuff you have now.

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Levin: I tried using Ultima once.

It didn't end well. Ask my 3rd grade teacher...

Here lies Rick Assley

So Tinny...

I'm married to the commander of my army, so I get a lot more.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!?!?

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Tinny: You idiot, I was referring to YOU! Because you're holding the controller, that makes you the commander of the army!

To any pirate character, are you gonna go see that new Pirates of the Caribbean movie?

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Geese: Yeah! It'll be awesome!

*halfway through the movie*


Darros: Poor guy, doesn't know what he's missing!

Echidna: Yeah.

Dart: Wait, she's a Hero, not a Pirate!

Geese: *wakes up* Get her!

Echidna: Uh-oh.

Sorry Tinny, I thought... You know, Celice, and... Yeah.

Forgive me please?

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"Oh. Well, I guess that's not too hard of a mistake to make seeing as how he's been recently. Okay :D"

So, My Unit! Why can't your hair be blonde?! You have a bunch of crazy, unrealistic hair colors, but no blonde? What?

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Ike: Staves, because I fight for my friends.

Fala: Hey Zak, how would you feel if I hacked FE4 and replaced Sigurd and Diadora with you and Tinny and if I replaced Cuan and Ethlin with myself and Mana?

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Okay, this is to all the hams! I have a trophy known as the Golden Ham. If you want to win it, you must defeat every other contestant in ham-to-ham combat! Who is a bad enough dude to rescue the president from Ninjas? (And to bash your own dick with a hammer)

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Gheb: Once again, I instantly win!

Bramsel: Not so fast, son, that trophy's mine!

both: *glare*

Fala: Hey Zak, how would you feel if I hacked FE4 and replaced Sigurd and Diadora with you and Tinny and if I replaced Cuan and Ethlin with myself and Mana?

That sounds sweet! You'd have to replace Tiltyu's kids, or else things would get weird.

And then there's ch.5.

Tinny, baby, what do you think of him doing that?

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Tinny: :blink.gif:wtf:

Kieran, are you aware you'll need your axe in the commercial spoof?

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Kieran: The mighty Kieran always has his axe, and is speaking in third person for some reason. But don't worry, I know.

Est, are you still up to Boi Stealin?

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Est: What? *tries to Boi Stealin Kieran*

Marcia: GTFO! *slaps Est* He's mine, you have no right to take him from me you copycat of a Pineapple!

Hicks, why so PWNAGE?

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