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Reinhardt: Start killing people.

..What, it'll work.

Julius: DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE!!! *Casts Loputousu Reinhardt* Stay the FUCK away from my Ishtar!!!

Everyone: ...

So Tinny, why have you been gone all day every day this week?

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Tinny: Arthur is sick and didn't want to bother you with a quest. He sent me to go get my restore staff, but it was stolen. Oddly, it wasn't Sety who took it, but Yuria. I was looking for her for a week but cpuldn't find her. She was hiding at Edda.

Claude, is the Holy Holepunch passed down through your family too?

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Claude: Yes. Corple (or Sety. Nobody pairs me with anyone else, really) have it. Sadly, there's no papers that they need to punch holes through.

Sety, why don't you have any papers that you need to hole-punch? Surely, as a prince king, you must deal with a lot of papers.

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Claude!Sety: The only papers I get are money when I revive someone.

Aideen, Jamka, why are your kids hair colors different than yours?

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Jamuka: Um, I don't really know. Good question though, right sis?

Aideen: Come to think of it dear brother-in-law of mine that is a good question.

Jamuka: Yeah. I could understand Faval and Patty getting their blonde hair from Bridget, but the blue eyes? Last time I checked, neither you or your sister have blue eyes, right Aideen?

Aideen: Yes. That is peculiar, Jamuka. But I have no clue where Lana's orange hair or red eyes came from, nor Lester's blue hair and eyes. They sure don't look like anything Midayle has.

Jamuka: Speaking of whom, you want to ask Claude to revive him? Gotta think of the interests of my niece and nephew as well as my children.

Aideen: Might as well. Wouldn't want Lester and Lana to go fatherless after all.

Hey Ike, you know how Yune lends you her power, and you get an aura of blue flames around you. How would you feel if you met an individual who, despite not meeting Yune, does have a blue flame aura?

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Hawk: It's fine, but I'm worried about what will happen when she reaches an S in Tomes.....She might become too strong for me to handle.

Minerva, if you were in a fierce battle and could only save one of Palla, Catria, or Est, which one would you save?

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Barst: Yes! I love those!!!

I didn't draw that pic, BTW.

Se Sety, what's it like not getting a cute lil' chocolate Tinny? *bites off one of the pigtails*

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Moulder: "Staves are made to speed up the natural healing process of a person, done through manipulating the energy around them, with special assurance not to use the person's own energy beyond what is necessary. However, were we to use them on ourselves, the staff would basically consume itself as it has a very high innate amount of energy."

Eveyl, just out of curiosity, why did you choose to use swords rather than bows?

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Eyvel: Well, when I first picked up a sword, it just felt so natural to me.....So I stuck with swords.

To any Grl Stealer or womanizing character, do you think you could handle Haruhi Suzumiya?

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Sety: Yeah, of course. There's nothing I can't do!

Me: *Whispers*Except for beating Zak.

Sety: Except for beating Zak! Wait, what?

Tinny, honey, can I have another chocolate Tinny? Those're gooooooood. And also, things have been kinda rough on me...

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Tinny: I don't have any more chocolate, but what I can do is dress up in a bunny girl outfit.

Sety, hate to break it to you, but if you're fooled that easily by Zak you don't stand a chance with Haruhi.

Now, I can accept the explanation of staves imploding into themselves or whatever, but here's my next question (any FE char can answer). Why can't you use Vulneraries on other people? Why can you only use them on yourselves? They're medicinal solutions, so you should be able to apply them to people other then yourselves....

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Hugh: Because. This is my Vulnerary that I bought with my money. There's no way I'm wasting it on someone else!

Eirika: It's kinda hard to apply it to someone else in the middle of a battle.

So Tinny, baby, why do you love me so much? I do some outright insane things at times...

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Meg: What do you mean? I'm the best!

Voice: No. I am.

*Oswin walks forward*

Meg: Oh. Then I'm second best.

*an hour later*

Meg: Next to last!? Awwww...

Wendy: Hey, why am I behind her? I'm not actually that bad, if you take the time to train me.

Sety, can I please have 5 bucks so I can buy some chocolate?

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Sety: Uh....We don't have "bucks" in Jugdral.....Hey,wait a minute! No way are you gonna beat me to the next chocolate Tinny!

Hardin, has any of your subordinates accidentally called you "Hardon"?

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Hardin: Yup. A lot of them did. I killed them. That's why I only had 4 people with me when we met up with Marth.

Marty, do you like to party?

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Marty: Uh, no.....Well,if Othin,Halvan,and Tania would like to party,then I guess I would join them.

Vyland and Roshea, would you like to borrow some of Wolf and Sedgar's growth rates?

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Roshea: Yes. Then people will start taking me seriously.

Vyland: Heck yes. Man, if I got their growths, I would never give! Them! up! They would never let! Me! Down!

Tinny, dear, can I have some money to go buy some chocolate?

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