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Tinny: I don't know.....Too much chocolate isn't good for you. You need to keep in shape if you want to stay ahead of Sety. But if you need money, you can try to sell my bunny girl outfit.

Eyrios, why do I have to kill off Olwen in order to recruit you? Are you jealous of her or something?

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Eyrios: Because I've been bored lately, and my services are in high demand. So I randomly picked her from Leaf's army and say "Kill her, THEN I'll join." Olwen is just the unlucky one.

Eyerios, you DO realize that that's Fred's GF, and that in having her killed, you're leaving him single, depressed, and desperate, meaning that he'll make any attempt to get a new gf, even if he has to, oh, say, steal her.


What do you have to say for yourself!?

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Eyrios: Well, uh.....That girl in the picture looks like she's enjoying it. So, I don't need to say anything for myself.

Jake and Beck, why aren't you Ballisticians in New Mystery?

BTW, are we allowed to ask questions to the RNG Goddess? She's not an official Fire Emblem character, but we all revere her as such....

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Jake: Because I ended up in Jugdral. It was so weird... (He really is in there. It's the secret sub events for Linda and Amid.)

Beck: I got a gambling addiction.

The RNG Godess is Anna, the girl who runs the secret shops and saves your data in most games, and does the tutorial in FE10, so to answer your question, yes, she's a legitimate character.

This is to every guy in Jugdral, except for Hawk, Shannan, Oifey, Roddlevan, and Finn...

Are there any of you that aren't trying to steal Tinny from me?

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Delmud: Just her cookies.

Levin: Me.

Hannibal: Me, because I'n forever alone :(:

Corple: Lol I'm too young for love.

Arthur: That would be incest. Eew, just because we're in the land of incest doesn't make it OK with me.

Amid: I wouldn't steal Tinny. We're cousins.

Leaf: I'm not.

Othin: I have Tania.

Dagdar: Nope.

Lifis: Hehehe.. no.

Eyrios, why should I recruit you over Olwen? She has Dime Thunder.

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Eyrios: Hey, why is everyone asking me so many questions all the sudden? Think you can push me around because I'm a commoner? Keep Olwen and see if I care! I'll just strike you down with Bolting!

Beck, how does a gambling addiction not make you a Ballistician anymore? Did you gamble away your Ballista or something?

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Selphina: Because. We want to fight for you.

Eyrios, why did you get so upset because you were asked 3 questions within a 2-hour period? I ask Sety and Tinny stuff all the time, and they never react like you did.

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"What is this, an interview?! I don't have time for interviews! I need to earn my title. This is a waste of time! Go bother someone less busy!"

Sety, do you really think you could take Haruhi?

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Sety: Of course. Like I said, I can handle anything.

Zak: ZOMG Tinny's sunbathing outside NAKED!

Sety: Holy fuck! *runs outside*

Me: *shuts and locks door* heh. idiot.

So Johalva, can you be fooled that easily?

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Johalva: I wouldn't think so.

Johan: Hey, brother, Lakche is going skinny dipping.

Johalva: Oh, sweet! *Johalva runs off*

Johan: See? He CAN be fooled that easily. I know my brother better than anyone else.

Lachesis, do you like having a weapon named after you in Golden Sun? It's called Lachesis' Rule.

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Lachesis: Yes, and it shows off my RULE OVER AGUSTRIA WITH AN IRON FIST!!! *psycho face*

Aless: *ahem*

Lachesis: Damn you major holy blood automatically ruling....

Johan, have you given up Grl Stealing?

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Johan: No. I just set my eyes on another girl. Tinny may be hot, but no one is as beautiful as Lakche! Shannan, you're going DOWN!!! *charges at Shannan*

Shannan: *dodges and OHKOs Johan*

So Julius, how is pwning Grl Stealrz doing for you?

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Julius: It's great.....But know that I am a Girl Stealer myself. My agents have taken Tinny when you were not looking.

Tinny: Zak! Help me!

It looks like ordinary weapons can't stop Julius.....So, I have another open challenge for Fire Emblem characters. Do any of you think you could handle artifact weapons from Golden Sun?

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Hawk: Sure, I can handle anything. Have you seen who I'm dating?

Sety: Whatever. Wait, if I save Tinny, maybe she'll leave Zak and come to me! Gimmegimmegimme!!!

Roddlevan: I guess I'll try.

Celice, can I borrow your half-sister for about 5 minutes? I need her to pwn Julius.

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Celice: Hey, wait a minute, I'm the Girl Stealer here! Men, let's use our new weapons from Weyard to put an end to Julius!

Julius: You'll never beat me, Celice!

Celice: Oh yeah? *Golden Sun battle music starts playing*

Roddlevan's Levatine lets out a howl! Radiant Fire!

Julius takes 230 damage!

Hawk: Hey, wait.....There aren't any weapons that I can use from Golden Sun! There are no tomes!

Sety: I have the Tisiphone Edge! Hey, it unleashed Vengeance! But, it only hit with one arrow.....

Celice: I'll try with the Sol Blade! *Celice attacks, but it's just a normal attack*

Julius: Fools! I have something from Golden Sun as well!

Julius summons Charon!

Celice: OH SHI--

*All four characters have their spirits drained by the Charon summon.*

Mia, did you finish sparring with Isaac and Garet yet?

EDIT: I remembered that Radiant Fire doesn't drop Agility, Crucible Fire does.

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Mia: Yeah. They're tough. I thought I was gonna win, but then... They are tough!

Looks like it's up to me. *runs Julius through with my Vorpal Sword*

Julius: GWAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa... *collapses*

So Tinny, baby, looks like I just saved you.

...What should we do now?

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Tinny: Party at Thany's place? I heard the place got some nice security systems so no Grl Stealrz can come in it.

Sety: Why the Tesla Bracer!?!?

Me: So I can keep you in check often!

Conomore, Eyrios and Miranda!?! Why the fuck are you peeking at me during my Science and Technology class?

It also appears you three are waiting for my classes to finish for the day!

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Miranda: Because. I think I'm in love with you...

Conomore: He's married.

Miranda: Aww... :(:

Conomore: Sorry. I kinda have to stay with her, and she insisted on coming here...

Eyrios: ...If you kill the person who sits to your left, I'll join you.

So Corple, could you bring Celice, Sety, Hawk, and Roddlevan back for me please? Here's 120,000 of Sety's gold to pay for the staff repairs.

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Corple: Okay! *does the Valkyrie!*

Speaking of.... Fergus! Why are tracking my school schedule? Pestering me again to my ticket to Jugdral, I suppose?

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Celice: Sorry.....I guess I let the Sol Blade's power go to my head. But, be warned, Zak. Tinny isn't.....the innocent girl you think she is. Some of the Djinn that Julius needed to summon Charon.....came from Tinny. She was planning to kill all the Girl Stealers with the Charon summon, and elope with Julius. So beware!

Sothe, why do you wear a belly shirt?

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