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Paola: I'm here to make sure you don't break my sister's heart or try anything funny.

Katua: Sorry about that, we can leave if you want.

Mia, how do you take training to the level you actually don't care how wounded you end up?

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Sara: Sure, but...are you sure you want to bet your life in that battle?

Aless, if Manfroy is killed will that mean you will be back to your old self? That means you won't try to steal any other girl again.

Edited by Light Lord
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Aless: What do you mean my old self!?

*goes to Floor 3 in the Tower*

Boyd: You forgot the jet boots.

Me: T_T. Hey Shanan, you're fast, want to come into the Tower of Druaga with us?

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Shanan: I suppose I could, with Balmung with me nothing and no one will stop me! However, do you want me to simply clean the floor and seize it while you guys return?

Hey Jill dear, could you help me master lance techniques and such?

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Jill: Well of course I can! Though I can only reach S rank in them. Are you sure you don't want a lancers help with that?

Shanan, if you could clean the floor while we find the key that would be fine. Here's 50000 G for Balmung repairs. /gives

Tinny, why did you suicide on Shanan? :<

I don't think that made Zak happy.

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Astrid: Not you too, I already explained General Geoffrey and Calill that Makalov is quite the clam knight and a skilled paladin.

Makalov: Look girl, you would do much better with Rolf than with me. And that's way too much to say, since Rolf is still a kid.

Sure Jill, I just want to master a few techniques, not be a complete master. I like swords the most for that to help you XD

So Shinon, what will it take someone for you to teach him or her masksmanship?

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Celice: Ummm.... Uhh..... It felt so... So wrong...

*pulls Corple aside* You know what to do. *points to Tinny's dead body and hands Corple 30,000 gold*

Corple: Right. *Revives Tinny*

Tinny, why did you try to kill Shanan? He's not a GS! In fact, he's helping us fight them!

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Marth: To be honest, I hate it. But at least it's better then a hoard of 13 year old girls trying to kill Shiida and hoping I'll make out with Roy if they succeed...

Roy, what do you think of 13 year old girls trying to kill Lilina and hoping you'll make out with Marth if they succeed?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Aless: "I dunno where you're getting these misconceptions, but leave me alone! I'm not after Tinny! It's part of something I just have to work with. =/"

Sety: "Nobody can use wind magic better than me!" /missing the point


why didn't you kill Manfroy after he helped make you emperor

you /knew/ he was bad

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Alvis: Because if I did, then there would be no real second Gen, and the player would be left with the depressing BoB as an ending. Think about it, the ONLY reason there was a fight in the second gen was because Manfloy gave Julius that damned Loputousu book, turning him evil. If not for that, everything would've been happyface, and, like I said, there'd be no second gen.

Tinny, really, why is almost everyone trying to steal you? It's like you're the only girl that exists!

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Priscilla: *runs off crying*

*hugs Tinny tightly*

Aless: "I dunno where you're getting these misconceptions, but leave me alone! I'm not after Tinny! It's part of something I just have to work with. =/"

So Aless, why such a lier?

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Priscilla: *sniff* Because. Excalibur is better.

Merric: Hey, that's mine! *Takes it back*

Priscilla: Elfire it is!

*Picks Tinny up in my arms* So baby, you ready for tonight?

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