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Tinny: I left that task to Frost and Thany. The latter one has Malte, and the other one shoots out evil death glares and makes high-density neutron explosions and massive icestorms, so Aless is likely to get out without doing any shenanigans of his. Errr... Can we go to the movies, now, dear? Please? *eyes sparkle*

So... Lethe n' Lyre, are you aware that I'm placing you in a Nyan Cat video with a Skitty and a Purrloin?

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Lyre: Sounds great!

Lethe: Oh God...

Hey Tinny, this is just an idle thought, but if Aless was tied up in the bathtub, why did you say that you would like to put on a straitjacket and go sleep in the bathtub where he was?

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Ardan: Hey, Tinny's name should be in there too!

Lachesis: And Shanan.

Hey Tinny, if you wanted to be restrained, I could tie you to the bed... At least then the tub would would be free...

...What say you to that...?

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"Say it again and have a 100% discount of a Gradivus to the face."

My Unit, how do you feel about there being no plans for FE12 coming to the US, Europe, etc?

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Aless: *facepalms* How did you find out?!

Thany: *angry glare* Hmmm!??!

Me: *death glare* I see what you did there!

Aless: OH SHIT! *runs*

Hey, Leaf! I'm gonna charge into Jugdral via a Hoverbike. My airship got into a state of repairs, any thoughts?

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Leaf: Yeah, be careful of all the weird-shaped hills around here. It could get gnarly if you crash into one...

Hey Aless, do you honestly think that Tinny's gonna leave me for you when you do stuff like this?


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Jeigan: *sigh* You kids and your hormones...

Florina, why do I keep imagining that you would initiate a kiss with your lover like Karin did in vol. 12 or 13 in Chibi Vampire/Karin. >___>

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Ashera: Now somebody is trying to steal my name? There can only be one Ashera and that's me!

Yune: But that one has an "h" at the...

Ashera: Shut up Yune!

Kyle, what would happen if you met a Jewish kid who had the same name as you?

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Kyle: What? *glares*

Uhm... Any of the Red Knights, any thoughts on me adding these spells to my moveset?

[ Psychic, Full-Cure, Full-Life, Curse, Gigavolt, Teravolt, Yotsumungand, Scourge, Bio, Graviga, Replenish MP, Regeneration, Paralyze, Rasp, Tempest, Saber, Quick, Weaken, Confuse ]

Edited by Frosty the Blizzardkitty
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Kieran: Looks good!

Alan: Actually, I would recommend dropping Psychic and picking up Psyshock instead. Otherwise, you'll get walled by something with high Sp. Def.

Hey Faval, I'm gonna need you to kick as much ass as possible. Think you can do that for me?

Edited by crashman_alpha
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