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Ogma: A drunk one tried to once. I cut an X into his stomach, though, and he started digging into that instead. Sadly, he did not make it past that day...

Hey Aless, have you met my friend? His name is Painis Cupcake.

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Mist: Aw honey, you know Zak's just kidding!

Ishtar: No, there's other people making jokes like that who are far more serious about it. Like me! *rushes to kiss Crash but trips and splits her lip on a rock*

So Tinny, could we at least cuddle tonight, please?

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Levin: Well, my parents thought that I'd be proficient in Thunder magic, and that I failed to receive Crusader Sety's blood. Boy were they surprised when I first used wind!

Hey Sety, how many yous does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

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Ilyana: I think you're sweet. *kisses your forehead*

Tinny, dear, I love you. I really do, and I always will. I don't particularly see my life going anywhere, and I can only see my disposition getting worse, and I think you'd be both better off and happier with Sety. It'll hurt for a while, but it'll pass, and I'm certain you' be much happier. I'm sorry it's like this. Please don't be mad at me...

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Obviously I'd go for Merric instead, and who cares what Ellis thinks?

Ike...Ike Ike Ike...why does your name have to rime so perfectly with kike?Why won't you return the head-over-heels affections of Soren, Lethe, or Elincia?

...Because that is all behind me now, I have to live life alone.

Rutger, what did you do after the war?

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Rutger: Why do you care?

Haar, did you lose your eye in a sleeping incident?

Haar: Yeah. When I was sleeping, I fell over and hit my eye on the corner of my nightstand...

Tinny, sweetie, you'd really be willing to stay with me even though my life's probably gonna be a dead-end...?

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