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*they both point at themselves then stare angrily at the other*

Shanam: I'll show you the strength of Shanan's preten- I mean, of Prince Shanan!

Samto: Oh yeah?! I'll show you that of the great Navarre!

*epic duel starts until Shanan and Navarre appear, both Samto and Shanam disappear in a cloud of dust*

So Sephiran, how could you ignore the fact Micaiah was alive when Zelgius (aka The Black Knight) knew she was alive?

Never mind, a mistake of mine

Edited by Light Lord
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Lucia: It's because of these.. *points to her breasts*

Heather, is it true that after the events of RD that you became a lesbian prostitute?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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"Of course not! I'm a good little farm-girl." *is sweating nervously*

Take 2!

Hey Eveyl! After you got your memories back, which name did you pick- Briggid or Eveyl?

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That would be Nephenee, Rein.

No, it's Heather pretending that she's a farm girl, so that she hides the fact that she is a lesbian prostitute.

Othin, are you stronger than Halvan?
Well, I did beat him in an arm wrestle last week...

Sanaki, why are you such a little brat in PoR?

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No, it's Heather pretending that she's a farm girl, so that she hides the fact that she is a lesbian prostitute.

She obviously isn't. *Sigh*

IS didn't want me to break earlygame.

IS, what were you thinking when buffing Generals?

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Lyre: of coarse *starts playing poorly* stupid thing must be broken

heather are you going out with Lucius or something because it kinda sounds like u went somewhat strait on us from your previous answer

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"Funny story, actually... Dannan was pretty angry at me for 'borrowing' his manual and that's why he hates me."

Briggid, why do you have to join so late?

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Tibarn: Those animators of IS made a mistake when editing my transformed form. Or maybew my transformed form takes my coat's color.

I'll have to test it.

Tauroneo, which are the requirements for a Daein general to wear the white armor?

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