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Let's Ask FE Characters!


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Naesala: Wha? Aww come on! My nose isn't that big! (Is it?)

Lyn: I know Sacaeans are always very honest. But what would happen if any Sacaean (like you) were to play a game of "Liar's Dice?"

Edited by LittleAl
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What I'm not that old am I you young whippersnappers

Ike: why can't u wield ragnal and alondite at the same time that one lady did and she's a girl so don't give me the they're too heavy

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Jeorge "Umm. That'd be weird."

Gordin "I don't get it."


So Beowulf, how do you feel about me letting you get KO'd so I could revive you next chapter because I was tired of restarting?

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Lucia: Considering, it's summer, yeah, I'd have to say I'm hot.

TIBARN! Look at the photo! Elincia's clearly not enjoying it. Do I have to call Ike to get over here and kick your ass? :angry:

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Jill: Nah. Not do I only fly on wyvernback, I'm also very used to this armor. I don't see much difference between wearing and not wearing armor, besides the obvious weight difference.

Volug, can I pet your tail? :3

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Arena guy: I guess not; after all, I can earn a profit for those who fight quite a lot. Whether they win or not. Of course, when they take 200 turns abusing it stops being funny.

Lucia, now that the Crimean and Laguz movement wars ended will you date Bastian?

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Uh well...what do you think? ;)

Heather, would you roflstomp both of them in said contest?

I think that I win no matter the outcome. :wub:

Heather: I think that I win no matter the outcome. :wub:

Ilyana: On a scale of 1 to 10, how cute do people tell you that you are?

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