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Sue: Mary.


"Of course not! Cain would never do that. See, here he is right now, being nice as usual... hey, what's the lance for OH MY GOD WATCH WHE--"

Louise, where'd you learn archery?

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Abel: Why would he do something like that? We're brothers after all.

Tauroneo, do you really think you could take on King Ashnard with those stats?

Ninja'd once again

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Louise, where'd you learn archery?

Louise: Why would you want to know?

Tauroneo, do you really think you could take on King Ashnard with those stats?

No... He has a freaking dragon and that Gurgurant!

(ANTI-NINJA Software activated)

Now... Kieran.... Kyle? How about some hot axe and sword swinging action now? *Points at a mob of bandits nearby*

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Wolf and Zagaro: Well, between Monshou no Nazo and Shadow Dragon, we traveled around and met a man named Karel. We asked him to teach us the sword, but he refused. We bothered him a bit more until he gave us some steroids potions, which apparently really boosts our growth rates. 8D

Mia, I think I found your rival. *points to Karla*

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"White robes... sword... from a country of nomads, who ride horses! That's my rival!"

Wolt, why didn't you inherit Rebecca's growths?

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"Well... hard to say. I like my country but I died. Oh wait that reminds me. *dead*"

Briggid, how did all your memories get stored in the Ichival?

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Lilina: Last time I tried, stuff were destroyed when they shouldn't be :<. I don't have great aim with that thing. *looks at her 20% SKL growth*

Forde, how many times have you fallen off your horse because you fell asleep?

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Marisa:...No way that will happen.

Ike, who is more capable of winning a duel: a guy like you that uses a double handed sword with one hand or a guy that wields two swords?

This is the challenger, Lloyd Irving.


Lloyd would kick Ike's ass with Falcon's Crest.

Roy: Ehh... Honestly, I don't know.

Marisa, what happened to your social skills?

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