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Seth: I'm afraid you may have the wrong person. We have different hair colors, to start. Now if you will allow me... Sir Camus may be the one you're thinking of.

Ephraim, Tana or L'Arachel?

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Augury man: Well, "augury man" is just another way of saying "fortune teller." I just happen to have my intuitions one way or another.

Hey Lyn, Ayra, Lakche, has anyone ever told you that you three look sorta like boys?

Edited by LittleAl
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Lyn: *looks at her chest* No, never.

Ayra: *looks at her chest* Not that I remember.

Lakche: *blushes* Umm.....

Sylvia, why does your dance in chapter 4 (the one where you get the defence sword) sometimes freeze the game?

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Briggid: I'll have to silence you then... *Shoots you with a critical*

Now... L'Arachel and Kieran again... would the two of you make an excellent KING and QUEEN of Rausten respectively since you have fitting personalities??

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Maybe. I thought you were into Lucia, though.

Oh, I am. Just thought I'd ask.

L'Arachel: Um... *Blushes*

Kieran: Sorry, but my loyalty is to Geoffrey.

Lucia: Are you in love with Count Bastian?

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Briggid: I'll have to silence you then... *Shoots you with a critical*

How does that answer my question at all please.

"Of course not! That court jester has too much time on his hands, trying to woo me."

Let's try that again.

So Briggid... why doesn't the Ichival give you a massive durability boost? It barely helps your avo at all...

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Marth: ehehehe... *looks at Shiida and is reminded that it took Nyna badgering him to get it out*

Roy: What are you talking about, I'm a pimp. B)

*Ephraim gets smacked by Tana*

Innes, who do you prefer, Eirika, Vanessa, or L'Arachel?

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It's from arm-wrestling Muarim.

Lehran, why didn't you think to take your magic tome before you arrived for the final showdown with Ashera?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Briggid, do you like the 100kill Ichival you have (at least in my PT)?

Briggid: Killing 100 people? They're generic NPC enemy units, but they're still humans... :/

Elincia: Were you disappointed when Ike left you for 'parts unknown'?

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Wallace: Well, I did get tips from a fellow by the name of Lawrence. I'd say he knows more about it than I do. Why don't you ask him?

Hey Brian, if you really felt you were fighting on the wrong side, why didn't you join your brother?

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Brian: -from the dead- By the time I realized, the girl he's been in love with has already shredded me like string cheese for attacking them. I hope he doesn't get on her bad side.

Tinny, how's having Wrath, Ambush, and Thoron doing for you (like I gave you that one playthrough)?

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