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How the hell is that an answer to my question? Did you even read/understand what I wrote? :facepalm:

How does that answer my question at all please.

isn't it more about reacting the way the character would react more than answering the question?

anyways, just wanted to say this, can't answer next question thanks to not knowing characters though.

proceed please~

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Dark Lords: Well... we are DARK right? So we can't have major Holy blood or else we'll die....

Now.... Marcia, what is your reaction if you saw L'Arachel hitting on your precious Kieran... XDD

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Now.... Marcia, what is your reaction if you saw L'Arachel hitting on your precious Kieran... XDD

Marcia: "I'd take my useless brother and hit her on the head with him, that'll teach her!"

Reyson, I forgot what exactly you said, but it sounded like you said you have children. is it true? and did they get burned down with the forest?

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Reyson: I don't recall having kids.... *evil stare*

Hey L'Arachel! Marcia has caught you hitting on Kieran! So does this mean a fight between a divine maiden and a winged lady? *Place an angry Marcia here*

(OHOHOHO! This is gonna be a CAT FIGHT! XDD )

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Hey L'Arachel! Marcia has caught you hitting on Kieran! So does this mean a fight between a divine maiden and a winged lady? *Place an angry Marcia here*

(OHOHOHO! This is gonna be a CAT FIGHT! XDD )

L'Arachel & Marcia:*catfight*

(too easy)

Marcia: *takes Kieran of his horse and flies up into the sky where L'Arachel can't come*

Nadved, can I have your autograph?

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Calill: The bar is good business. You're just imagining things about me. By the way, Largo is looking for you and he has a Killer Axe.

Zelgius, why were you always trying to save Micaiah? Don't say she was needed to save Daein, there must be another reason to do it even after that.

Edited by Light Lord
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Serra, in my latest FE7 pt you are at level 12, with 3 Mag. EXPLAIN!

Serra:"You should know like I do, that my awesomeness doesn't need high stats"

Nephenee, I love how long your hair is, but doesn't it get in your way while you impale your enemies?

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Nephenee: It can't get in the way if it's behind me.

Ike, why are spicy meat foods your favorite?

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Ike, why are spicy meat foods your favorite?

Ike:"because I have no sympathy for other food"

Nephenee, how come your hair stays behind you with all that spinning you do?

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Nephenee: I use a special shampoo that are traditionally used by the Swordmasters to keep their hair out of their way when they do that 5 million x slash critical. Mia suggested it to me. It works wonders.

Seth, do you find it disturbing to find almost as many fanfics pairing you up with Cormag as the ones with Eirika?

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Sephiran, how could you have predicted every single action that people would take on your path to destroy the world?

Sephiran: "After living hundreds of years, you come to know Beorc and Laguz are all completely predictable. though sometimes, humans surprise me."

Ashunera, what will you do now you are complete again, while 'this world does not need gods'?

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Ashunera: I guess I'll stay in the Tower of Guidance, watching over humanity for some time and helping when needed. Lehran, could you sing a song for me like in the old times?

Lehran: Of course. After all, it can get boring around here.

Ike, if you were to duel Zelgius once again, would you still hate him for killing your father?

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Ike: As strange as this might sound, no. I might just look forward to another duel. And besides, I doubt my father would want me to linger in the past.

Hey Jake, what made you decide to become a Warrior?

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Seth, why do you and Joshua have identical hair colors?

Seth: Where I come from, this hair colour is quite common. As for Joshua, I can't really say.

Haar, how come you can still hit targets at range, despite your lack of depth perception?

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Rafiel: I'm sorry,. I'm afraid you have to brush up on the ancient language.

Hey Wendy, how do you feel with me thinking that you're just as useful as an antisocial shocktrooper who shares your first name?

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