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Guy: *Critkills you*

Now... Kyle... looky at this... Forde edited your photo and placed a stupid moustache on your face! *Points at his portrait with a badly placed moustache*

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Kyle: That doesn't look like Forde's handiwork. Who's to say that you didn't to it yourself? *thrusts lance into Frostbite*

Hey Beck, what made you decide to become a Horseman?

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Beck: Well Id like to battle from close and from a distance, and Im tired of never being able to catch up to the army, lugging this ballista around.

Frey, I thought you died when being the decoy, why are you still alive?

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"What gave you that idea? The army of Gra is dull enough to be foiled by a stuffed dummy with a crown of hay."

Briggid, why did you give your belongings to Faval?

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Joshua, have you ever tried playing a game of chance with Makalov?

Joshua:"many times now. for example, he is a knight of Jehanna and I own Astrid for my Harem by now"

Lekain, how much for one of those rewarp staves?

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Lekain: "Ten thousand gold!"

Volke: "Bitch, that's my trademarked price." *Lethality* "Ten thousand gold."

Volke, how old are you? XD

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@BLS: Marisa: Pretty dangerous. Nothing to my sword.

@ERL: Gatrie: Who are they?

Hey Arena guy, where do all the NPC challengers come from?

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Ilyana, are you a cannibal?

Ilyana:"why? Do you have a snack(y) for me?"

Rafiel, why return to Hatari? stay there to long and you'll lose your place on the serenes throne.

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Leanne:"Bastian...wrote book for me...too hard. I learn...new Tongue...from nealuchi."

and Volug, Ike won't be around a lot and Nailah is 'busy' with Rafiel, who will you learn the new tongue from?

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Volug: *goes to an emo corner and howls and cries*

Now... Clarine and Serra.... How does it feel to be alongside with some awesome people?? *Points at Kieran, L'Arachel and Shinon*

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Navarre: The fool, he can't compare to my skill. Still, he picked a good person to imitate.

Etzel, how does it feel that some people pair you up with Hector?

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Etzel: Who is this Hector guy? I don't know any Hectors in the army... and even if I did, I don't go for men.

Seth, how does it feel to be able to WTFRAEP two games now? I put you in Shin Monshou and awesome things happened.

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Roy: She's too busy talking and training and flirting with Noah to even notice me. As a guy and not the commander anyway.

Navarre, I gave you a horse in Shin Monshou. How does it feel like fighting on horseback?

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Hector: Why Lyndis of course. Let's just say that I've got a thing for strong women. :wub:(And not to mention, I understand her far better than the other two you mentioned.)

Hey Soren, how come some people like to see you wind up with Ilyana?

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