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Karel: What's this Odo blood you speak of? Tell me about it, I want to know everything about it! Does it taste good?

Marth and Roy, why do people keep asking you guys if you're in that game?

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Marth: Because we were put in SSB, which broke Fire Emblem!

Roy: Well it didn't really break it, it just made idiots who think all the Fire Emblems feature us.

Palla, how does it feel that NMs hurting you?

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Roy: I'm not, as was mentioned earlier, a man-whore! I already have 6 crushes! Er... uh........ 6 close friends.

Est, why did you start a failure archetype, when youre actually pretty good?

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Est: Just because I can only be recruited by the end of the game people don't want to spend time training me, when they already have other tough fighters as their options. I could match most of them easily if I am trained properly, except Abel of course.

Jake, why did you suddenly decided to become a warrior between FE 11 and 12? I believe Anna maybe involved in this.

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Karel: I trained, and met some who are worthy of my blade, though they were quickly defeated.

Ike, if you could be a laguz which tribe would you be?

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Shinon: No, I'm just like most humans hating those beasts.

When I lose a girlfriend to a sub-human, Gatrie will date a girl.

Gordin, how does it feel that Norne bests you on every stat and sense in every playthrough I make?

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Gordin: *bursts into tears* You people are so insesitive! This is the second time I was asked this!

Hey, Marth, you're in the Sausage Fest HnH, and it's being started today. Have any comments?

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Est: Its so annoying! But I'll show them! I'm every bit a Whitewing as my sisters!

Rickard, why are you the worst theif ever? No offense, I like you... just.... your growths. And non-promotion..

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Maria: I'm not rude, no protesting! My brother will teach you some manners, or maybe my sister!

Zelgius or Micaiah, did you had feelings for each other at any moment during Daein's liberation? There are a couple of people I know that say you two make a cute couple.

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Micaiah: Not really... I have Sothe already....

Now... Alan, does the presence of Kieran started to be a nuisance?? *Points at Kieran talking to Lance* I mean... you both look alike... *snickers*

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Alan: Seeing it from my life, it gets pretty annoying, since he is taking my place in most things.

But I also took a few of his life: Geoffrey gave me a Silver Axe that was for him hahaha.

Now, Septimus, what's the matter with you? How in the name of Begnion could you become a high ranked General in the Central Army of Zelgius and be a coward at all times?

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Wolf: Exercises of course!


Wolf: *facepalm*

Hey Geoffrey! Do you find it confusing to handle both Kieran and Alan? I mean... they're like mirror copies of each other! *points at Kieran and Alan who are both glaring evily at each other*

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"No. In fact, I find it helpful to have two knights as dependable as them."

Hey Briggid! Now you can use both swords and bows in one game because you can go to Akaneia! Awesome or awesome?

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