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Dieck: Not really. I just enjoy life as a mercenary.

Gerik, in yours and Marisa's A support ending, it said you were disappointed that she was awkward in everything but fighting. Does that mean Marisa is awkward in...?

Edited by El Rey León
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*Que three way battle between the three men in question which Ogma ends up winning*

Ogma: Well I'm clearly the ma-

*Barst enters and interrupts by punching Ogma right in the face which ends up knocking him out*

Barst: Sorry, Captain Ogma but if I can easily knock you out like that I am clearly the manliest one of all and if these other two have fallen to you then that clearly means they are less manly than me anyways.

Sirius, are you really a cybercop from the future posing as Camus with an identity crisis just to cause unnecessary drama with characters who have been associated with Camus for the lulz?

Edited by Joey
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Sirius: ... what? And no, I'm clearly not Camus. I don't know where you'd see the resemblance despite that I have the same hair and clothes and lance and I am actually him.

Dieck, are you too manly for your shirt? 8D

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Skasaher: IT'S BECAUSE I'M NOT A FRIGGIN' SWORDMASTER AND DON'T HAVE CONTINUE. ;^; but it's okay. LB's planning for me to kill things next. There's a bit of last minute calculations but that's it.

Skasaher: Seeing that I almost always do HolynAyra, you almost always have the highest HP on the team. Thoughts?

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Colm: Well, I've somehow managed to steal Neimi's panties from some enemy general...

Matthew: Big deal, I stole Ursula's panties from Ursula. ...Leila, what are you doing with that knife?

Roro, would you, perhaps, come from a planet city of Roros?

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FE6: We feel gypped. Especially Klein and Tate and Fir and Noah.

Ashnard: Only if they proved worthy of my strength. If so, we'd go out for tea.

FE7, (yeah, I'm asking THE GAME*) Why did you break the rules? Dracoknigts are supposed to be better than Pegasus Knights, but you're the only game where Pegasus Knights outclass your Dracoknights. Explain.

*=BTW, you just lost The Game.

Edited by El Rey León
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FE7 Pegs: What, us pretty girls flying on Pegasi can't be badass for once?

Damn. ;^;

Seth, Eirika, people have leaked pictures of your private life on to the internet. I was merely doing a search for some Seth pics on GOOGLE (with SafeSearch, too!) when those pics came up. =_=||| What are you going to do about it?

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Eirika: I am not going to do anything about it. But Ephraim and Seth,on the other hand.....I think it's Forde being naughty in his paintings, and inspiring other people to be naughty.

Forde, how do you respond to Eirika's accusation?

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Aless: Dude, Generation Xerox. Seriously, Altenna is the only one I can think of who doesn't look exactly like her parents, and that's just because she got her dad's brown hair instead of her mom's pink hair.

Sirius, are you aware that you are a CHAR?

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Sirius: What?! Are you serious?!

Ephraim, what's the lesser of two evils: Being married to L'Arachel or marrying Tana and having Innes as your brother in law?

Edited by Charpig
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Ephraim: I'd say marrying Tana and having Innes as an in-law. Besides, I'm sure he'll give in to the idea. (And I've had it planned for a while.)

Lilina, rephrasing a question I had asked you, given the choice between these classes, which would you choose? Scout, Shocktrooper, Lancer, Engineer, Armored Soldier, or Sniper?

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