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Homer: Well, why do you think I joined Leaf's little army in the first place? have you seen Mareeta, Linoan, Nanna, and the other girls? Wuhuuu! Nothing better to raise my spirit!

Fin, have you noticed the main character of a new cartoon show, Adventure Time, has the same name ass yours? Your thoughts?

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L'Arachel, do you think I overwork myself in casting magic, either healing or attack ones? How can I be better? *Looks at his LOL-30% SKL growth but WTF 70% MAG growth*


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Fin: Yes. I've noticed. I'm changing my name because of it. Is Fred good?

L'Arachel: You're doing fine. Are you using higher level magic? It will help.

So Marth, why does everybody still think you're gay, even though you married a girl?

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Marth: It's the tiara that Elice gave me....

*Inside HnH arena* Merlinus, do you have Physic or any healing staves? If not, I'll be readying this Transfuse spell... for knowing it could be lesser of the two evils...

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Merlinus: Well, I have a Physic Staff, but I don't know if it will serve you right for this arena. By the way kid, who are those two evils you speak of?

Kieran, Jill, HnH Axeman is definitely a war between you two. Who should I support?

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Merlinus: Sorry, but the Staff Stealr took them all.

Sety: Heh heh heh!

Jill: Support me! I'll kiss you if you do!

Kieran: D-damn...

So Sety, how's the kleptomania?

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Merlinus... it's either that Axe Knight getting killed or me is the one nearly getting killed just because I casted my Transfuse spell... It's a war out there...

Sety: It's fun... sucks for the kid though...

So... Kieran, now you can reconsider of my healing performance? *Has a ready Transfuse scroll and a Physic stave*

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Kieran: That's the spirit boy! Keep training until your body can't take it anymore like me, Kieran the Great Knight!

Oscar:...Frostbite, you'll need to get a personal healer after this.

I'll try my best Jill, hope you can make it to the final round as I originally predicted.

Mia, have you noticed that Queen Elincia has white robes too?

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But Oscar... L'Arachel is over there! *Points at L'Arachel buying staves from Merlinus*

L'Arachel: By the heavens! You're all here?

Mia: Wait? She does? A fight at dawn it is then!

Oscar, you're implying I overwork too much? And Merlinus any thoughts on the two evils I mentioned?

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Oscar: I'm just warning you. You know Kieran trains until he's sweating his own blood right?

Merlinus: Mmmm, I'll try to see what I can get for you then. But I don't promise they will suffice to help you in your quest sir Frostbite.

Mia, my bad, I didn't meant Elincia but Lucia. Who of you two would win a duel at dawn?

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Mia: It is me then!

*Inside HnH arena with L'Arachel* I fear this is the moment to go desperate... Right I guess? *Casts Transfuse, creating a large orb made out of blood*

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L'Arachel: Ummm, Frostbite? I have uncovered something about that mysterious scroll you got. How many times have you used it already?

Pent, what happened to you and Louise? The only thing we know of you guys is that your children met Roy in the war against Bern.

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Pent and Louise: We were at Castle Reglay, we are being neutral to those stuffy Etrurian nobles...

What is it, L'Arachel? I just used it once... *Small beads of bloods are still coming of my body to form the blood orb*

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L'Arachel: Then this scroll Merlinus sold me is a lie! It said you would die the instant you used that scroll for the fourth time!

Legault, did the Black Fangs got reorganized when Nergal's doing ended?

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Legault: No. Sadly, with the Four Fangs gone, leaving no heir, the group just drifted apart.

*Yells into an abysmal pit*

Hey Hilda, what's Hell like?

Tinny: Heehee! :)

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L'Arachel... I know it's risky, but my client here said that I am a bad sage for healing utility and one more thing... he said to leave him alone if I sucked... He said it when he got bashed simultaneously... I'm proving not a sucky sage!

Hilda: It sucks to be with that bitch, Sonia!

Ehh.... Oscar... I think I'm feeling a bit dizzy.... *Frostie has about 1/2 HP left*

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Oscar: I told you, Rhys, can you help him a bit?

Rhys: Well, I can do something for him *fortifies Frostbite to mas HP* Just stop using that scroll way too much. Use a staff instead or tag the scroll with Nosferatu.

Oliver, have you tried activating Flare at any moment like Soren does?

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Oliver: I tried, but I bonked on my head.... It's not fitting for someone of great beauty!

Merlinus! Do you have Nosferatu on hand?? *Has gold in hand*

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Oiffey:...I must say I'll remain neutral in this dispute, younglings.

Fee: Oiffey dear, are you ready? We must go to meet with Skasaher, Julia, Celice and Lakche.

Sety*evil stare*

CA*laughing endlessly*

Nino, did you ever see Jaffar again?

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Merlinus!!!?! I CAN'T CRIT-BLICK ANYONE! IT'S NOT IN THE RULES! *faceplant*

Nino: Sometimes....

Damn! I don't have a Nosferatu! Aimee! Do you have one?

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Good! I'll need it! *Buys*

Shop Keeper: C4 charges... YES!

Kieran, kindly.... don't call me a sucky sage if I fail healing you or I fail doing my healer job!!?? *Transfuse scrolls glows evily again*

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