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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Alferis nodded and went to find a mountain goat. Climbing up the rocks, he looked all over the mountain and for a 20 minutes, he saw nothing.

Then, he saw a mountain goat roaming around nearby. He silently crept downward, hiding behind a rock and waiting for the creature to come near. He knew he was out of Reika's sight and hoped she didn't mind.

After a few minutes wait, the goat wandered near him. Alferis pounced and struck the goat in the back of the head with his axe, killing it instantly. Lifting it on his back, he walked back to the fire, where Reika was waiting. She was clearly very annoyed about the time it took. Wasting no time, he skinned the goat and went to work with the organs.

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Reika frowned as the man returned with a mountain goat, not because the man left her sight, but because the sight of a man with a goat on his back was a peculiar one at the least. The man had probably gone for 30 minutes all up, and she hadn't expected him to return with anything. Infact she was rather impressed at how easily the man seemed to have found the goat, he most likely knew where they grazed, and the goat meat alone would have cost a fair price.

"Guess the wyverns aren't as hungry around here as I thought" she said as Alf dropped the goat infront of her, she reached for her dagger.

"Think you're the best investment I've made in years" she stated before lopping the head off, she'd heard of some nomad tribes treating the brains and eyeballs as delicacy's but she couldn't work up the stomach to try. "She grabbed the skin and started separating the skin from the meat, she hadn't done this for with anything this big before, but apparently it wasn't much different from skinning any other animal. Not really caring about the blood she crudely cut out the areas of meat she thought was edible.

She stared at the remains and frowned, "How close are we to the closest wyvern nesting grounds? She asked uncertain, a wind had picked up and she was reluctant to cook meat to draw the wyverns out, they'd most likely be sleeping but she didn't want to risk it if they were too close.

"If we can afford to cook it, best we make it quick, I'm not willing to camp anywhere near here tonight now" Reika said wiping her hands on the animals fur. "Probably wake up in a wyverns stomach" she joked as she contemplated bagging the meat or cooking it.

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"Well we're not exactly far from a wyvern's nest, but there's still a decent chance of making it through without attracting a wyvern," replied Alferis.

"For tonight though, it'll be best if we keep an extra eye out, so we'll have to guard the camp. Now do you want to take first watch or should I," he asked, continuing to cut the meat out.

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OOC: To anyone reading this: I highly recommend reading the entire wyvern article before taking control of, or initiating any contact with wyverns.

Isotov and Irina

Rather than starting a fire that would have caused a lot of smoke, Isotov lit a fire using Proxima, the red flames didn't require nearly as much wood to burn, and the amount of smoke produced was a lot less. Iso just laid back reading through one of Katie's tomes while the fire burned.

Kiev kept a close eye out. If any wyverns sneaked up on them, Kiev would warn the others before they could strike. Irina sat nearby him with her head propped up against her knees, and her arms wrapped underneath her legs. She wasn't comfortable sleeping in that kind of situation. After all, there was a good chance she wouldn't wake up.

Eventually Iso did fall asleep, and Proxima's fire suddenly went out.

Irina: Iso?

Iso: ... ... ....

Irina: ... he even sleeps quietly ... "On the run from assassins"'ll do that I guess ^_^

Ilyphina Army Headquarters

The carrier pigeon sent out from Hamburg reached the command center and was picked up by a single soldier on night patrol. He brought the message into the command center. Several officers approached the soldier with the bird.

Officer: What word have you received?

Soldier: It appears as though a garrison at Hamburg was defeated by ... bandits? The same bandits we were searching for.

Officer: Dammit to hell! They've made a laughing stock out out of our entire battalion and now they've struck again! Get Viveka out of her cozy little bed immediately! I don't give a damn if Jackson is too lazy to deal with these people! I won't let our reputation be stained by these criminals! This ends now!!

Soldier: Y-yes, sir!

After a few minutes Viveka stormed into the room wearing her nightgown and a robe to cover as much of her figure as she could, even going so far as to keep her arms crossed over her chest.

Viveka: What do you want? Can't this wait til morning?

Officer: Listen, Captain! Those bandits you failed to capture just hit Hamburg!

Viveka: You're right, I failed, so why the hell are you telling me about this?

Officer: You should make up for that don't you think? I think you should track them down, and bring them to justice.

Viveka: ... uh huh ... as I thought ... you're all idiots. I couldn't catch them before, what makes you think I could catch them now?

Officer: If you don't go, and some other officer catches them, you'll be dishonored indeed.

Viveka: ... I hate you. Those people claim they're innocent. Every time I talk to them, that's the response I get, and then they blast their way out and run. I'm tired of dealing with them. Damian Kleine is a liar, the fire mage is a slow poke, Chase is Chase, and the shamaness is a bit too confident. All the others are kids or nomads. Hunt them down yourself.

Officer: Did you say ... Damian ... Kleine ...?

Viveka: Yes.

Officer: So Halton is involved. Listen, Captain. You don't have to go in person, but don't lose track of where these people are going. Send someone to Hamburg to find out where they went from there. If we plan this right, there is still a chance to regain our honor, and we may get even more out of this than just that.

Viveka: ... *sigh* fine. I need to let General Jackson know what's going on, and then I'll send someone.

OOC: Any soldiers mentioned in my posts are entirely under my and admin control until further notice.

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Everyone, save the night watches, seemed to be dozing off. Kiev kept staring at the sky, looking around in circles. The fire had gone out, probably due to the mountain air getting thinner up here. Cess had taken his horse from earlier, and it was resting along the cliffside. He was getting a bit sleepy as well.

"Does anyone have anything to eat?"

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"Here." said Morgan, handing him some wild mushrooms. "Don't worry, they are not of the poisonous variety. I know the difference. You should be headed to bed soon though, it has been a long day."

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OOC: In the useful notes topic, which is in the chat subforum. GOGOGO.

I wonder how she knows the difference? "Not bad time, either. A small company, from the capital to mountains, including a few hours spent in the swamp and the village," Eric said. "You'd all might as well turn in. We can handle things."

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As he was preparing the meat, he remembered that a pack of wyverns settled near here recently. Infringement on their territory would result in death.

"Reika. Regardless of who watches, I want you ready to go at a second's notice. While I was being careful not to hunt to close to wyvern territory, I think I might have made a mistake. Even then, they may still attack. I'm sorry, but this is for your safety," he informed her.

He finished sorting the meat and began to divide it up between the two of them.

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Reika laughed "As I said, I'm not sleeping here, I've rested enough, and I'd rather risk the cliffs then wait here for a wyvern to turn up if we're done here best to leave right now" she said quickly digging into her pouch, and using some flint to get a fire going, quickly tossing the remains on the fire, she turned to man "Off we go then, definitely not safe to stay here any longer"

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-Hours later-

The fire was now non-existent, and Eric was beginning to feel tired, though he didn't show it. Nothing had occurred so far, and it was beginning to feel a bit chilly. He was about to go loot a cloak from the spoils of the soldiers' saddlebags, but, out of the corner of his eye, the traveler saw movement. Turning, Eric could make out two yellow orbs from where he was sitting. Drawing his sword, he

slowly rose, staring at the orbs. They orbs flickered, for a moment, and then it hit him.

Those weren't orbs.

Those were eyes.

"We have company," he whispered to Kelas, before beginning to wake everyone else up, sword still in his hand.

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OOC: Irina: If you ever see a mountain wyvern all by itself just staring at you for some reason, consider yourself flanked.

Isotov and Irina

Iso woke from his dreams to the sound of Eric's voice!

Iso: What's going on?!

Irina quickly woke up from the noise of her nearby brother!

Irina: *yawn* not so louuud ... the wyverns might hear you ...

Iso quickly came over and shook her until she was coherent!

Irina: Ack! What is it?!

Iso: We ... have ... company ....

Irina: Dammit -_-

She quickly grabbed her lance, and Kiev started pacing in circles around the group. Ulfhrahn did as well. The two wyverns were their best chance at surviving.

Irina: Okay, listen up ... there's at least five of them, and that's more than enough. Just stay close to each other, and don't give them an opening! We're in their territory so they won't go easy on us.

Iso: Not everyone is awake yet!

Irina: I know! Just stand firm! Don't let them intimidate you or we're all dead!

Elyisima Army

By morning, a group of soldier riding on horseback reached Hamburg. After questioning the entire town, they concluded that the mountain pass was the route the fire bandits had taken. Rather than riding straight up into the mountains and getting torn apart by mountain wyverns, they decided to try something a little different ....

Back at the command center, Viveka had finished her breakfast, freshened up, and grabbed her pegasus! Conrad had been informed of the situation, and she was assigned to bringing them in personally yet again, an assignment she wasn't looking forward to. At least this time, she would be prepared, although now she had her own agenda as well.

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They quickly ate their meal, and immediately put out the fire. Throughout the meal, Alferis worried. The wyverns could catch up to them soon, assuming they moved out. He had only one plan to get rid of them and that was to deliberately lure them into another wyvern's territory. This was assuming they were being followed and he didn't want to risk that. He was more worried for Reika than for himself. He had some decent weapons and was fairly strong, but he wasn't sure how Reika would fare against a wyvern.

"Reika? Could you show me your weapons? I need to see how well they could do against a wyvern if we met one."

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Helios was a little annoyed. "Hey what are you all so hyped up about" he said not noticing the wyvern behind him. They looked at him with a bit of fear in their eyes. "There is something behind me isnt there"?

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”Pretty useless" she said pulling out a single dagger, "I'm more suited to killing people, then animals, more experience in the former too" she said carelessly. "If I can get a clear head shot off, then I might be able to handle one, but that's assuming I get lucky, though Lady luck's tab has been getting larger this week" she was willing to hand over one dagger, but kept the other one just in case, and in the worst case scenario she could always just summon Calamity, though her guide didn't need to know that. She'd already experienced hassles with people being interested in the supposed Crimson weapon before.

She frowned as Alferis put out the flames, she had been hoping to use it as a decoy, but figured he knew better then she did about these wyverns and let it go. Instead, she kicked the carcass off watching it roll down the side of the mountain and watched for as far as she could before turning to leave.

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Cess stood. His horse was still sleeping, as was that cleric. He took his tome out, ready to use it. Chase seemed to still be asleep. He went over to wake him up. They'd need all the arrows they could have.

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"Nice Wyvern" he said slightly turning around. He reached out to pet it but it clamped its jaw. He barely managed to move his arm away. "Feisty fella arent we" Helios said backing away. He turned towards the wyvern rider and her brother. "Help"?

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Mountain wyverns had appeared,and the group seemed to be surrounded.

Ulfhrahn quickly covered one flank,and let out a warning growl towards the mountain wyverns.The group could only see one,but Ulfhrahn saw five of them that had surrounded the group.he moved to cover more group members,while also ensuring the Mountain wyverns knew he was a bull,and it seemed to work,as two of the wyverns moved back slightly when confronted.

"Everyone get ready.Chase and Kelas especially.Ulfhrahn shouldn't have any troubles with these wyverns if he isn't surrounded alone,so he can cover a side pretty solidly." Aiya said,standing up quickly and readying her hand on her steel blade.

"Just remember,these things will kill you if they get the chance.If you get an opportunity to end one,take it.You aren't likely to get a second."

"And whatever you do,don't do that." Damian said annoyed,moving Helios away from the Wyvern,ready to strike.

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OOC: Reika's partially right about the fire. It would distract them for a few minutes. After that, they'd track you by scent.

Isotov and Irina

The wyvern began moving toward Helios, waiting for a chance to grab him and fly away with its prize, and the others were using the opportunity to move in on everyone!

Irina: Helios ... get over here ... quick ... we need to stay close ....

She looked around to see the other four that were moving in on them. Kiev and Ulfhrahn could only intimidate one or two at a time with their snarling, everyone else had to keep them away with the threat of ranged attacks!

Irina: More are going to show up at this rate ... Okay, it's time to go! Stay close to each other, let Kiev and Ulfy do the talking, and for goodness' sake, don't run off on your own! If anyone isn't awake yet, just throw them over your shoulder cause we've gotta go!

OOC: For the record, plain dweller types like Kiev and Ulfy are far stronger than mountain types, but the mountain types are faster and have better flesh rending ability. If a fight breaks out, Kiev and Ulfy will likely win, but sustain horrible injuries due to their numbers. Five is the number that you can see right at the momement. Others are still nearby, and sneaking around on foot.

EDIT: For better fit.

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"With pleasure" Helios said. He took out Elwind. The one that was behind him snorted at him. Helios flinched for a second. How did he get into this mess.

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"If we aim for their wings, they can't attack us from the sky." Cess prepared a spell to fling at the wyvern near Helios. A dark mist surrounded it's head. It cried out in pain, and as the mist dissapated, you could see hundreds of cuts all over it's face. It seemed to no longer be able to see, but Cess knew it's scent would fix that.

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"Uh, um, okay?" Chase replied to Damian. He had followed along silently, personally a bit depressed at Helios's re-arrival, but he stayed quiet. He drew his Iron Bow, not yet sure whether or not he could handle the Zephyrtwine's energy draining power, and nocked an arrow, ready for a difficult battle.

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They walked down the pass, Alferis hurrying as they walked. He knew wyverns wouldn't stray too far from their territories. He kept a safe distance away from another nest of wyverns where he knew where they were. He was ready to lure any chasing wyverns to that nest, hoping that they would not notice he and Reika when they ran. Either way, he fingered his Tomahawk nervously.

He turned west and began to walk towards up a plateau. He gazed out and looked all around. There appeared to be wyverns surrounding something. A closer look revealed them to be travelers.

"Look Reika! Wyverns! Do you think we should help them?" he asked?

OOC: Yeah I wish I thought of that Reika's idea.

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