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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"Sweet! A big one! I wonder how many hits it'll take before it'll go down?," the mage wondered to herself, seeing a giant wyvern take a shot for one of the other wyverns. After she fired her next bolting cast, she cringed. "Oops, the angle's off. Uh-oh..." Firing off another two quick bolts at the giant wyvern, she began to dash towards the group.

Another stream of light flew past Eric, this time, hitting Helios dead on. As the lightning bolt came down, Eric realized that he recognized the magic.

"Watch out, we have a Bolting user about!," he said, as another two bolts smote the giant wyvern, weakening it even more, just before Ulfrahn broke its' neck.

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The rest of the wyverns were still engaging in combat with the othes, but seemed to be slowly retreating. The two bulls seemed to be the pack's leaders. Three more had flown over a peak and were starting to prepare an attack.

Cess flung another spell from on top his horse at the wyvern Chase was engaging. He picked Chase up, put him on top his horse, and prepared to dash through the trees.

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Alferis nodded. He needed to get themselves to safety before the wyverns came. The travelers served as a nice distraction. He drew his Tomahawk and continued on, keeping to the shadows. He moved quickly keeping his eye out in case any wyverns came on the scene.

"You know I hope those travelers are still alive. It would be better for us that way. Although... there's something very familiar about them." He wished he got a closer look at them. Maybe they were the travelers he offered his services to?

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OOC: RETCON: There are no bulls attacking the group. You've only encountered and almost bull, and a bunch of siblings PERIOD.

Isotov and Irina

Iso: How far until we get out of their territory?

Irina: Their territory could go on for another ten miles! Look how many of them there are! Forget about reaching the edge and just keep running! If they're still attacking us after losing this many, that means they still have a severe numbers advantage!

OOC: Everybody's gun ho today. I'm gonna kill me a bull and be the party hero :facepalm:

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One of the wyvern that hit by the lightning fell. It wasnt that far from Helios. He swiped is claw at Helios. Helios wasnt ready to dodge and it cut his shoulder. "FUCK" He yelled out. He shoulder was bleeding. Enraged he summouned Hellsety and blasted the Wyvern into oblivion. He felt himself grow weak. He ran after the group hoping that he wont pass out.

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OOC: Chase isn't that small (well okay, he's like the smallest male out of all of them but still) ... :mellow:

And uh, he already killed it. Moved on to a second one then I guess...

"Wha-" Chase said as he was flung onto the horse. "Ugh... I don't like horses, but I guess I don't have a chooiicee" he said, trailing off as Cess rode the horse away.

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Reika shrugged "I don't really care, it's probably the group I'm after, unless people passing through here is common."

"Though I suppose I'd prefer at least one of them to survive, my contract'll probably be voided otherwise."

After traveling a bit further away, she sighed, wondering if this trip would ever end. Though on the bright side, they hadn't faced off with any wyverns yet.

She looked around, but figuring it was safe, decided to keep herself entertained with a bit of chit-chat. "So.... err haven't even asked you your name yet" she stated realizing that Alf hadn't even named himself, satisfied with his response, she nodded her head, "You're a former pickpocket, rebel member and here you are guiding strangers through mountain passes in Elysimma, any reason why you suddenly decided to change jobs?" she asked curiously.

"And I suppose people sneaking through this pass is common if you've managed to set up a business doing this"

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That's the man Sir Eric was looking for...I don't think he'll get away at this rate. thought Charlotte. She went back and gave his shoulder a tap with her healing staff, making it better.

Going back however, attracted the attention of the wyverns. One of them got up near Charlotte and roared at her! She stood transfixed in fear...

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"My name is Alferis," he said. "And if you're wondering about why I changed jobs, well, I don't want to be a criminal anymore. Its brought me nothing but bad luck." he said.

"Sneaking people through passes is the only way I can do this. Otherwise, I'd be arrested by the soldiers because of what I did," he inforemd her.

"I'm curious about you though. What made you go into bounty hunting? Why do you want to be sneaked through the pass?"

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"Thank you" he said to the healer. Then a Wyvern appeared out of no where. Helios fired Hellsety by mistake thinking it was Elwind. It drained him again. Do all spells drain us of our energy. The Blast hit th Wyvern in the jaw and sent it flying. "We need to escape....... now".

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Cess hurried and flung a spell at the wyvern in front of Charlotte. Chase shot an arrow from the back of the horse, and grabbed her too. The horse was trying it's best to carry all three, but it wasn't as fast as before. Just three more wyverns were flying above head. The group had either killed the rest, or frighted them off. Morgan and Istov were flinging spells, when one's tail hit her square in the stomach. Helios was on the ground as well.

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"Nothing" Reika replied honestly, "I just owe someone a violence debt that I felt like repaying, and going after a certain group of people seemed like the best way to get to them".

"As I told you earlier, I'm still in the pickpocketing business so the official route isn't exactly a good idea, plus I raided the capitol a few days ago" she laughed making it unclear whether she was joking or not.

"As for bad luck, well it happens to all of us, as long as you're alive you'll be battered with bad luck, and if you're dead, well you're dead, probably due to bad luck, don't see how a job change would rectify that, I know I couldn't live any other way even if I tried" she admitted.

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Cess fired a spell at the weakened wyvern weakening it even more. "That wasnt necessary but okay". We need to leave now". Helios said following after the horse.

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Due to either having been unusually fast runners or the wyverns chasing the others in the group, both Esphyr and Katie had already made it to a well safe distance, both from the wyverns and from the rest of the group.

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"Well, I'm still hopeful my luck will change," he said. "This job doesn't seem to be working out so well anyway. I don't want to sneak around like a dog just to stay alive,"

"I'm still wondering if that group we saw was really the one we were looking for,"

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Morgan got up after being hit by a wyvern tail. It hurt, but at least it hit her towards the end of the mountain pass and away from the wyverns. She managed to start running away from the remaining wyverns and make it to the end of the pass with the mounted riders.

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Chase looked back to see if anyone was still there, and he noticed Helios was fending off the wyverns pretty well for himself. He also saw Morgan limping away. "Stop for a sec! Let me off. She needs some help," Chase shouted. Cess stopped the horse, and Chase jumped off, and ran up to Morgan. "You're bleeding a lot! Are you okay?"

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Reika raised an eyebrow "We?" she said suspiciously, "I just explained to you why I was after them, but I wasn't aware you had your own agenda against them, what did they do? Set fire to your inn? Kill your friends? Tell you that you were some almighty chosen one and that you had to come with them?"

Reika could smell blood in the air, and while she wasn't sure if it was wyvern blood, or the blood of wyvern prey, she couldn't help but ask. "Are wyverns cannibalistic? And have you ever tried wyvern meat?"

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One of the wyvern's tail hit Helios. It also hit Morgan. Helios tossed a vulenery to Chase. "Heal her" he said. Another wyvern swiped at Helios but missed. He cast Elwind on his hand forming two boomerangs. He was ready to attack if Chase and Morgan were.

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OOC: Wyverns aren't naturally cannibalistic, but in this case I'd say yes because Mountain wyverns are numerous and hardly ever fed.

Isotov and Irina

Seeing that Morgan and Chase had arrived, and relatively unharmed, Irina sighed in relief! The cries of the other wyverns had grown quite sad.

Irina: ... dammit ... dammit :sob:

She kept her head down while waiting for the others to catch up.

Iso: Irina, what's wrong?

Irina: You idiots ... we might have gotten through without having to kill any of them you'd been more careful.

Iso: You actually care about those things?

Irina: Just leave me alone. The sooner we're out of here the better.

Iso reached over to wipe her eyes, but she pushed his hand away before using her other to wipe the tears herself.

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"I'll live." said Morgan. "Your concern is appreciated Chase."

"Crying for one's enemies is a sign of weakness Irina. We were following the laws of nature, kill or be killed. there is no shame in that." she said to the tearful mercenary.

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"... You do realize she's a wyvern rider, right? Of course she'll cry for the wyverns. She feels pity for them," Eric said. "It's not weakness, it's emotion. Something you seem to lack, Miss."

Edit: Grammar fail.

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